

Forgotten but Not Gone

Forgotten but Not Gone

All of us are shaped in many ways by unseen markers in our DNA. Unknown ancestral traits contribute to determination of ......more

The Bible Reading of Young Evangelicals: An Exploration of the Ordinary Hermeneutics and Faith of Generation Y

The Bible Reading of Young Evangelicals: An Exploration of the Ordinary Hermeneutics and Faith of Generation Y

Young evangelicals in Britain often find themselves at odds with an increasingly secular society, and yet the tradition ......more

Religious Identity and Cultural Negotiation: Toward a Theology of Christian Identity in Migration

Religious Identity and Cultural Negotiation: Toward a Theology of Christian Identity in Migration

Given increasing global migration and the importance of positive cross-cultural relations across national borders, this ......more

Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God’’s Spirit

Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God’’s Spirit

What difference does the Spirit make in the life of Jesus and in our lives? Answering that question without doing away w......more

Joseph Smale: God’s ’Moses’ for Pentecostalism

Joseph Smale: God’s ’Moses’ for Pentecostalism

Joseph Smale (1867-1926) was one of the central figures involved in the chain of events leading to the 1906 Azusa Street......more

The Petals of a Kansas Sunflower: A Mennonite Diaspora

The Petals of a Kansas Sunflower: A Mennonite Diaspora

Rather than pledging allegiance to the military effort as dictated by Prussian law in 1867, many devout Anabaptists deem......more

God the Worker

God the Worker

Here is an invitation to embark on a journey of discovery that marshals our imagination and emotions, our intellect and ......more

Evangelical Identity and Contemporary Culture: A Congregational Study in Innovation

Evangelical Identity and Contemporary Culture: A Congregational Study in Innovation

Building on an ethnographic study of St. Michael-le-Belfrey Church in York, a recognized leader in charismatic renewal, ......more

The Death and Life of Bishop Pike: An Utterly Candid Biography of America’s Most Controversial Clergyman

The Death and Life of Bishop Pike: An Utterly Candid Biography of America’s Most Controversial Clergyman

Introducing two Stringfellow/Towne reprints about Bishop Pike: The Bishop Pike Affair The Death and Life of Bishop Pike ......more

The Christian Faith

The Christian Faith

from the Preface: The subject of this book is not ’apologetics’ but ’dogmatics’: that is, it is intended primarily, not ......more

You Have Stept Out of Your Place

You Have Stept Out of Your Place

Women throughout American history have repeatedly been accused of "stepping out of their places" as many have fought for......more

Augustine: From Rhetor to Theologian

Augustine: From Rhetor to Theologian

  • Ingram,出版日期:1992-04-01

Augustine: From Rhetor to Theologianconsists of fifteen chapters from international scholars written to celebrate the 16......more

Conservative in Theology, Liberal in Spirit: Modernism and the American Presbyterian Mission in Thailand, 1891-1941

Conservative in Theology, Liberal in Spirit: Modernism and the American Presbyterian Mission in Thailand, 1891-1941

In the early twentieth century, theological modernism was gaining ground in the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Conser......more

The Impact of Short-Term Missions on Long-Term Missional Development

The Impact of Short-Term Missions on Long-Term Missional Development

Lead short-term mission trips (STMs) that catalyze trip participants into mission-oriented disciple-makers when they ret......more

Evangelical and African Pentecostal Unity: Balancing Principles and Practicalities in Britain Around the Millennium

Evangelical and African Pentecostal Unity: Balancing Principles and Practicalities in Britain Around the Millennium

"As the millennium approached, the number of independent African Pentecostal churches in Britain increased rapidly. Havi......more

Seventh-day Adventist Health Reform: A Crucible of Identity Tensions

Seventh-day Adventist Health Reform: A Crucible of Identity Tensions

The Seventh-day Adventist church, formally organized in America in 1863, is today one of the fastest-growing Protestant ......more

With What Zeal: Curated Essays on the Western Rite in the Antiochian Orthodox Church

With What Zeal: Curated Essays on the Western Rite in the Antiochian Orthodox Church

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-01

This volume is a compilation of documents and essays which are intended to describe the mission, history, and practice o......more

Shepherds of the Steppes: The Experience of Male Evangelical Mongolian Church Leaders, an Ethnographic Approach

Shepherds of the Steppes: The Experience of Male Evangelical Mongolian Church Leaders, an Ethnographic Approach

"The evangelical Mongolian church has experienced significant growth since the country opened to the world in 1990. Desp......more

St. Piran’s Services

St. Piran’s Services

  • Ingram,出版日期:2022-07-14

St. Piran’s Church Services is a publication of the main services used at this church. Each service is self-contained an......more

Global Christianity

Global Christianity

"First publication: Global kristendom. En samtidshistorie: Scandinavian University Press, Oslo 2018. Translated by Brian......more

A Hebraic Inkling

A Hebraic Inkling

An apologist, philosophical theologian, and Oxford academic, C. S. Lewis valued the Jewish religious tradition. Underpin......more

Leadership - The Church & Your Leadership Lecture Notes

Leadership - The Church & Your Leadership Lecture Notes

Ministry School Four-part course designed to help participants learn more about their faith and how to apply it to every......more

Suffering and Glory: The Church from the Apostles to Constantine

Suffering and Glory: The Church from the Apostles to Constantine

The story of the growth of the early Christian community. A rapid, detailed and accurate narrative, full of picturesque ......more

Papal Teaching in the Age of Infallibility, 1870 to the Present: A Critical Evaluation With Historical Illustrations

Papal Teaching in the Age of Infallibility, 1870 to the Present: A Critical Evaluation With Historical Illustrations

Kevin Keating examines the major writings of the Roman Pontiffs from Pius IX in the last half of the nineteenth century ......more

Retrieving Nicaea: The Development and Meaning of Trinitarian Doctrine

Retrieving Nicaea: The Development and Meaning of Trinitarian Doctrine

Khaled Anatolios, a noted expert on the development of Nicene theology, offers a historically informed theological study......more

Constantinople to Chalcedon: Shaping the World to Come

Constantinople to Chalcedon: Shaping the World to Come

An exploration of the theological turmoil of the fifth-century church, and the impact it had on the future of Western Eu......more

Three Wise Men from the East: The Cappadocian Fathers and the Struggle for Orthodoxy

Three Wise Men from the East: The Cappadocian Fathers and the Struggle for Orthodoxy

In this work, Patrick Whitworth explores the writings of Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, and Gregory Nazianzen and ......more

The Evil That Men Do: Faith, Injustice and the Church

The Evil That Men Do: Faith, Injustice and the Church

This book considers the Church’s past failings and fills a gap in our understanding of what it means to be a Christian i......more

Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God’s Spirit: Jesus’ Life in the Spirit as a Lens for Theology and Life

Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God’s Spirit: Jesus’ Life in the Spirit as a Lens for Theology and Life

What difference does the Spirit make in the life of Jesus and in our lives? Answering that question without doing away w......more

Election, Atonement, and the Holy Spirit: Through and Beyond Barth’s Theological Interpretation of Scripture

Election, Atonement, and the Holy Spirit: Through and Beyond Barth’s Theological Interpretation of Scripture

This book examines the doctrines of election and atonement in Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics, taking up Barth’s own chall......more

Like a Mighty Army?: The Salvation Army, the Church, and the Churches

Like a Mighty Army?: The Salvation Army, the Church, and the Churches

In 1937, prior to the 1948 inauguration of the World Council of Churches, Karl Barth challenged the churches to engage i......more

Culture in a Post-Secular Context: Theological Possibilities in Milbank, Barth, and Bediako

Culture in a Post-Secular Context: Theological Possibilities in Milbank, Barth, and Bediako

Is culture a theologically neutral concept? The contemporary experts on culture--anthropologists and sociologists--argue......more

Canadian Churches and the First World War

Canadian Churches and the First World War

Most accounts of Canada and the First World War either ignore or merely mention in passing the churches’ experience. Suc......more

Being Religious: Cognitive and Evolutionary Theories in Historical Perspective

Being Religious: Cognitive and Evolutionary Theories in Historical Perspective

What makes us religious? What is religion? This book presents relevant research and theoretical proposals for evolutiona......more

Pentecostalism and Christian Unity

Pentecostalism and Christian Unity

This book is the follow-up volume to Pentecostalism and Christian Unity: Ecumenical Documents and Critical Assessments. ......more

The Great Ejectment of 1662: Its Antecedents, Aftermath, and Ecumenical Significance

The Great Ejectment of 1662: Its Antecedents, Aftermath, and Ecumenical Significance

By Bartholomew’s Day, 24 August, 1662, all ministers and schoolmasters in England and Wales were required by the Act of ......more

From Nicaea to Chalcedon

From Nicaea to Chalcedon

In this volume, a world-renowned scholar of early Christianity updates and expands her classic survey of the writers and......more

God Hides

God Hides

GOD HIDES is a critique of contemporary christian faith. It argues that faith should not be understood as the result of ......more

Saving the Heartland: Catholic Missionaries in Rural America, 1920-1960

Saving the Heartland: Catholic Missionaries in Rural America, 1920-1960

The Catholic Rural Life Movement of the mid-twentieth century worked to safeguard the future of both farming and faith a......more

The Virtual Liturgy and Ritual Artifacts in Medieval and Early Modern Studies

The Virtual Liturgy and Ritual Artifacts in Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Examining the history of altar decorations, this study of the visual liturgy grapples with many of the previous theoreti......more

The Life of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII

The Life of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII

Pope Leo XIII (r. 1878-1903) was undoubtedly one of the most important Roman pontiffs of the 19th century, indeed one of......more

End Times: According to Scripture

End Times: According to Scripture

This book explores how patterns and symbolism in scripture reveal God’s intricate plan for humanity, TIMES specifically ......more

Anglican-Methodist Ecumenism: The Search for Church Unity, 1920-2020

Anglican-Methodist Ecumenism: The Search for Church Unity, 1920-2020

This book offers a detailed analysis of one of the key episodes of twentieth-century ecumenism, focusing on the efforts ......more

Asian Christianity and Theology: Inculturation, Interreligious Dialogue, Integral Liberation

Asian Christianity and Theology: Inculturation, Interreligious Dialogue, Integral Liberation

This book offers a comprehensive synthesis of current thinking on Asian Christianity and discusses how the churches in A......more

A Practical Christology for Pastoral Supervision

A Practical Christology for Pastoral Supervision

This book sets out a Christological framework for developing and delivering pastoral supervision. Pastoral supervision i......more

Studying Congregational Music: Key Issues, Methods, and Theoretical Perspectives

Studying Congregational Music: Key Issues, Methods, and Theoretical Perspectives

Studying the role of music within religious congregations has become an increasingly complex exercise. The significant v......more

The Jews of Denmark in the Holocaust: Life and Death in Theresienstadt Ghetto

The Jews of Denmark in the Holocaust: Life and Death in Theresienstadt Ghetto

Based on never previously explored personal accounts and archival documentation, this book examines life and death in th......more

The Albanian Orthodox Church: A Political History, 1878-1945

The Albanian Orthodox Church: A Political History, 1878-1945

Religion in Albania has had a complicated history, with Orthodoxy, Bektashi and Sunni Islam, Catholicism coexisting thro......more

Orthodox Christian Identity in Western Europe: Contesting Religious Authority

Orthodox Christian Identity in Western Europe: Contesting Religious Authority

This book analyses the discourses of Orthodox Christianity in Western Europe to demonstrate the emerging discrepancies b......more

Church Laws and Ecumenism: A New Path for Christian Unity

Church Laws and Ecumenism: A New Path for Christian Unity

Written by experts from within their communities, this book compares the legal regimes of Christian churches as systems ......more

A Sacristan’s Guide to the Traditional Roman Rite

A Sacristan’s Guide to the Traditional Roman Rite

"The worldwide rediscovery of the riches of the traditional Latin liturgy, especially in its older (pre-1955) form, has ......more

Wesley, Whitefield and the ’’Free Grace’’ Controversy: The Crucible of Methodism

Wesley, Whitefield and the ’’Free Grace’’ Controversy: The Crucible of Methodism

When approaching the most public disagreement over predestination in the eighteenth century, the ’Free Grace’ controvers......more

History, Hagiography and Biblical Exegesis: Essays on Bede, Adomnán and Thomas Becket

History, Hagiography and Biblical Exegesis: Essays on Bede, Adomnán and Thomas Becket

When she died in 2016, Dr Jennifer O’Reilly left behind a body of published and unpublished work in three areas of medie......more

Ecclesial Leadership as Friendship

Ecclesial Leadership as Friendship

When it comes to talking about the activity of directing the church, the language of leadership and leaders is increasin......more

@ Worship: Liturgical Practices in Digital Worlds

@ Worship: Liturgical Practices in Digital Worlds

A host of both very old and entirely new liturgical practices have arisen in digital mediation, from the live-streaming ......more

Scripting Pentecost: A Study of Pentecostals, Worship and Liturgy

Scripting Pentecost: A Study of Pentecostals, Worship and Liturgy

Scripting Pentecost explores and develops an analysis of worship and liturgy in Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions a......more

Christian Churches in European Integration

Christian Churches in European Integration

All too often religion is largely ignored as a driver of identity formation in the European context, whereas in reality ......more

Christian Citizens and the Moral Regeneration of the African State

Christian Citizens and the Moral Regeneration of the African State

In recent years the rapid growth of Christian charismatic movements throughout sub-Saharan Africa has drastically reconf......more

Shame, the Church and the Regulation of Female Sexuality

Shame, the Church and the Regulation of Female Sexuality

Shame strikes at the heart of human individuals rupturing relationships, extinguishing joy and, at times, provoking conf......more

Mirrors and Microscopes: Historical Perceptions of Baptists

Mirrors and Microscopes: Historical Perceptions of Baptists

The book is a collection of essays from the International Conference of Baptist Studies VI that was held at Southeastern......more

Analogous Uses of Language, Eucharistic Identity, and the ’Baptist’ Vision

Analogous Uses of Language, Eucharistic Identity, and the ’Baptist’ Vision

The author argues that Baptist theologian James William McClendon Jr’s articulation of the ’baptist’ vision entails an a......more

Spirituality in Adversity: English Nonconformity in a Period of Repression, 1660�1689

Spirituality in Adversity: English Nonconformity in a Period of Repression, 1660�1689

The unique feature of this scholarly and very readable work is that it examines the way those persecuted responded to ha......more

My Worship Services Journal

My Worship Services Journal

Words from the Author This worship services journal is written to help you remember your experiences in each service. Jo......more

Ultramontanism and Tradition: The Role of Papal Authority in the Catholic Faith

Ultramontanism and Tradition: The Role of Papal Authority in the Catholic Faith

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-01-22

With contributions by Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke - Bishop Athanasius Schneider - Phillip Campbell - Stuart Chessman - Ch......more

Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East..., Volumes 28-29

Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East..., Volumes 28-29

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-19

The Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East offer a fascinating glimpse into the history of......more

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