

Commercial Law Cases

Commercial Law Cases

This comprehensive guide to commercial law cases is an invaluable resource for lawyers and law students alike. It covers......more

A Treatise on the law of Bailments and Carriers

A Treatise on the law of Bailments and Carriers

This comprehensive legal text explores the intricacies of the law of bailments and carriers. Elliot provides a thorough ......more

The law Relating to Mercantile Agencies, Being the Johnson Prize Essay of the Union College of Law F

The law Relating to Mercantile Agencies, Being the Johnson Prize Essay of the Union College of Law F

A detailed examination of the legal framework surrounding mercantile agencies, with a focus on their ethical and operati......more

Commercial Laws of Switzerland

Commercial Laws of Switzerland

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

Commercial Laws of Switzerland is a comprehensive guide to the legal framework governing business activities in Switzerl......more

The Law of Bankruptcy, and Debtor and Creditor: Containing the Text of the Federal Bankruptcy Law

The Law of Bankruptcy, and Debtor and Creditor: Containing the Text of the Federal Bankruptcy Law

A comprehensive guide to bankruptcy law in the United States, featuring the full text of the federal bankruptcy law. An ......more

A Treatise on the law of Partnership; Volume 2

A Treatise on the law of Partnership; Volume 2

This comprehensive treatise on partnership law provides an in-depth analysis of the legal principles governing partnersh......more

Elements of the law Relating to Insurances

Elements of the law Relating to Insurances

Insurance law can be a complex and intimidating subject, but Millar provides a clear and accessible overview of the key ......more

Illustrative Cases on the law of Sales

Illustrative Cases on the law of Sales

This legal text provides a series of illustrative cases that explore the complexities of the law of sales. Covering both......more

Railway Regulation

Railway Regulation

This book provides a comprehensive overview of railway regulation in the United States and the ways in which it has evol......more

Rules and Regulations Adopted by the Committee for General Purposes of the Stock-Exchange;

Rules and Regulations Adopted by the Committee for General Purposes of the Stock-Exchange;

This book collects the rules, regulations, and by-laws adopted by the Committee for General Purposes of the Stock-Exchan......more

Illustrative Cases on the law of Sales

Illustrative Cases on the law of Sales

This legal text provides a series of illustrative cases that explore the complexities of the law of sales. Covering both......more

The Canadian Railway Act 1903 (annotated)

The Canadian Railway Act 1903 (annotated)

Written by Angus MacMurchy, ’The Canadian Railway Act 1903 Annotated’ provides a detailed overview of the legislation go......more

The law of Voluntary Societies, Mutual Benefit Insurance and Accident Insurance

The law of Voluntary Societies, Mutual Benefit Insurance and Accident Insurance

The Law of Voluntary Societies is a comprehensive and informative guide to the legal principles that govern voluntary an......more

A Treatise on the Law Relating to Composition With Creditors

A Treatise on the Law Relating to Composition With Creditors

Legal treatise on the use of composition as a means of securing debts, written by British barrister and author William F......more

Corporation Law of Maryland

Corporation Law of Maryland

As the title suggests, this book is a comprehensive guide to corporation law in the state of Maryland. With detailed inf......more

Laws of Missouri Relating to Private Corporations: Other Than Railroad and Insurance

Laws of Missouri Relating to Private Corporations: Other Than Railroad and Insurance

This book is a comprehensive guide to the laws and regulations governing private corporations in the state of Missouri. ......more

Index-Digest of the American and English Railroad Cases, Volume I-X

Index-Digest of the American and English Railroad Cases, Volume I-X

A comprehensive index and digest of American and English railroad cases, covering volumes I-X. Lawrence Lewis has provid......more

Report of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of New Hampshire

Report of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of New Hampshire

This is a government report about the state of the railroads in New Hampshire, including their safety, efficiency, and c......more

The Business Man’s Commercial Law and Business Forms Combined

The Business Man’s Commercial Law and Business Forms Combined

In The Business Man’s Commercial Law and Business Forms Combined, George William Clinton and John C. Bryant provide a co......more

The Elements of Business Law: With Illustrative Examples and Problems

The Elements of Business Law: With Illustrative Examples and Problems

This comprehensive textbook covers the major topics of business law, including contracts, property rights, labor law, ba......more

Der Urkunden und Wechselprozess

Der Urkunden und Wechselprozess

Friedrich Stein’s "Der Urkunden und Wechselprozess" is a seminal work on the legal processes related to documents and bi......more

Federal Valuation of Railroad Property

Federal Valuation of Railroad Property

Richard J. McCarty’s book explores the complex process of valuing railroad property for federal taxation purposes. With ......more

The Law of Savings Banks

The Law of Savings Banks

First published in 1877, this volume provides an overview of the laws governing the operation and management of savings ......more

A Manual of the Law of Principal and Agent

A Manual of the Law of Principal and Agent

This comprehensive guide offers a thorough understanding of the law of principal and agent, providing readers with the n......more

The Declaration of London; a Lecture Delivered at University College, Gower Street

The Declaration of London; a Lecture Delivered at University College, Gower Street

In this fascinating work exploring international maritime law, Arthur Cohen delivers an expert lecture shedding light on......more

A Popular Handbook of the Commercial Law of Scotland

A Popular Handbook of the Commercial Law of Scotland

Designed for students and practitioners of commercial law, this handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the Scotti......more

Railway Accident Law

Railway Accident Law

A comprehensive guide to the history of railway accident law, including its evolution and key legal milestones. This wor......more

Frauds on Creditors and Assignments for the Benefit Of Creditors. A Treatise on the Canadian law Of

Frauds on Creditors and Assignments for the Benefit Of Creditors. A Treatise on the Canadian law Of

This comprehensive guide to Canadian bankruptcy law provides practical advice and legal insights for creditors, debtors,......more

The Companies Acts

The Companies Acts

The Companies Acts is a comprehensive guide to the laws and regulations governing companies in the United Kingdom. A. C.......more

A Treatise on the law of Bailments and Carriers

A Treatise on the law of Bailments and Carriers

This comprehensive legal text explores the intricacies of the law of bailments and carriers. Elliot provides a thorough ......more

The law Relating to Mercantile Agencies, Being the Johnson Prize Essay of the Union College of Law F

The law Relating to Mercantile Agencies, Being the Johnson Prize Essay of the Union College of Law F

A detailed examination of the legal framework surrounding mercantile agencies, with a focus on their ethical and operati......more

Railway Regulation

Railway Regulation

This book provides a comprehensive overview of railway regulation in the United States and the ways in which it has evol......more

Lex Mercatoria: Or, The Merchants’ Companion, Containing All The Laws And Statutes Relating To Merchandize

Lex Mercatoria: Or, The Merchants’ Companion, Containing All The Laws And Statutes Relating To Merchandize

In this comprehensive legal text, Giles Jacob lays out all the laws and statutes relevant to commerce. This book serves ......more

The American Business Encyclopedia And Legal Adviser; Volume 2

The American Business Encyclopedia And Legal Adviser; Volume 2

This comprehensive guide to American business and law is an essential resource for anyone involved in commerce or legal ......more

Before The Board Of U. S. General Appraisers

Before The Board Of U. S. General Appraisers

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

A legal case study detailing the proceedings before the U.S. General Appraisers for the Farbenfabriken of Elberfeld Comp......more

... Annual Report Of The Board Of Railroad Commissioners Of The State Of New York ...; Volume 1

... Annual Report Of The Board Of Railroad Commissioners Of The State Of New York ...; Volume 1

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

Official report detailing the activities and findings of the New York State Board of Railroad Commissioners over the cou......more

Annotated Cases On The Law Of Suretyship

Annotated Cases On The Law Of Suretyship

This 1896 legal reference work provides detailed analysis of dozens of court cases relevant to the law of suretyship, th......more

An Outline Of The Law Of Joint-stock Companies For The Use Of Students With A Supplementary Chapter On The Companies Act, 1907

An Outline Of The Law Of Joint-stock Companies For The Use Of Students With A Supplementary Chapter On The Companies Act, 1907

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

Baron Hugh Pattison Macmillan Macmillan’s An Outline of the Law of Joint-Stock Companies is an essential resource for st......more

Cases On The Law Of Bankruptcy: Including The Law Of Fraudulent Conveyances

Cases On The Law Of Bankruptcy: Including The Law Of Fraudulent Conveyances

This collection of legal cases focuses on bankruptcy law, including fraudulent conveyances. The book examines a wide ran......more

An Act To Establish A Uniform System Of Bankruptcy Throughout The United States

An Act To Establish A Uniform System Of Bankruptcy Throughout The United States

This book provides an analysis of the Bankruptcy Act of 1898, which established a uniform system of bankruptcy throughou......more

Droit Romain: - De la Représentation en Matière Commerciale Maritime: Droit Français

Droit Romain: - De la Représentation en Matière Commerciale Maritime: Droit Français

This book is an in-depth study of the legal principles that govern commercial maritime law, both in ancient Rome and in ......more

Charter And Laws Relating To The New York And Erie Railroad Co., General Railroad Law, &c

Charter And Laws Relating To The New York And Erie Railroad Co., General Railroad Law, &c

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This comprehensive legal text outlines the charter and by-laws of the New York and Erie Railroad Company, a key player i......more

Fallacy of Insolvency Laws and Their Baneful Effects

Fallacy of Insolvency Laws and Their Baneful Effects

This groundbreaking study of insolvency laws in the United States exposes the flaws and failures of current bankruptcy s......more

A Treatise on the Construction or Interpretation of Commercial and Trade Contracts

A Treatise on the Construction or Interpretation of Commercial and Trade Contracts

In this authoritative legal treatise, Jones offers detailed guidance on the construction and interpretation of commercia......more

A Treatise On the Law of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange; Volume 2

A Treatise On the Law of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange; Volume 2

This classic legal treatise is essential reading for anyone working in the field of commercial law. Parsons provides a c......more

The Interstate Commerce Act and Federal Anti-trust Laws, Including the Sherman Act, the Act Creating

The Interstate Commerce Act and Federal Anti-trust Laws, Including the Sherman Act, the Act Creating

A comprehensive guide to federal anti-trust laws, including the interstate commerce act, sherman act, and other legislat......more

The Bills of Exchange act 1890. Fully and Copiously Indexed so as to be of Quick and Ready Reference

The Bills of Exchange act 1890. Fully and Copiously Indexed so as to be of Quick and Ready Reference

The Bills of Exchange Act of 1890 was a landmark piece of legislation that standardized the use of bills of exchange in ......more

An Essay on the Law of Bailments

An Essay on the Law of Bailments

William Jones and William Theobald provide a comprehensive guide to the law of bailments in this insightful essay. Explo......more

The Nature of the Corporation As a Legal Entity, With Especial Reference to the Law of Maryland

The Nature of the Corporation As a Legal Entity, With Especial Reference to the Law of Maryland

Published in 1904, this book explores the complex legal status of corporations in the United States, with a particular f......more

The Law of Insurance As Applied to Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee and Other Non-Maritime Risks; Volume 1

The Law of Insurance As Applied to Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee and Other Non-Maritime Risks; Volume 1

This comprehensive guide to insurance law covers fire, life, accident, guarantee, and other non-maritime risks. It is an......more

The Indian Railways Act IX of 1890: (As Amended by Act IX of 1896)

The Indian Railways Act IX of 1890: (As Amended by Act IX of 1896)

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

The Indian Railways Act IX of 1890 was a landmark piece of legislation that regulated the construction and operation of ......more

Encyclopedia of Business Law and Forms ... for All the States and Canada, With Notes and Authorities

Encyclopedia of Business Law and Forms ... for All the States and Canada, With Notes and Authorities

This encyclopedia is an indispensable resource for business owners and legal professionals in the United States and Cana......more

The Impolicy Of The Partnership Law

The Impolicy Of The Partnership Law

In this thought-provoking treatise, author Edward Warner explores the flaws in the partnership laws of his time and make......more

Bankruptcy And Insolvency Reports: Cases Determined Before The Court Of Appeal In Bankruptcy, &c. E.t 1853 To M.t. 1854

Bankruptcy And Insolvency Reports: Cases Determined Before The Court Of Appeal In Bankruptcy, &c. E.t 1853 To M.t. 1854

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This collection contains reports of court cases related to bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings, as determined by the C......more

Rechtliches Bedencken In Contributions Sachen

Rechtliches Bedencken In Contributions Sachen

This book provides a legal analysis of contributions to civil and commercial law cases. Written by David Mevius, a noted......more

The Law Relating to Goodwill

The Law Relating to Goodwill

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

A comprehensive study of the legal issues surrounding the concept of goodwill in business, including its valuation, infr......more

The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Act Xxvi Of 1881: With The Case-law Thereon

The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Act Xxvi Of 1881: With The Case-law Thereon

This book provides exhaustive information on the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, along with relevant case-law. It is a......more

The Investigation And Adjustment Of Liability Insurance Claims And Workmen’s Compensation Losses

The Investigation And Adjustment Of Liability Insurance Claims And Workmen’s Compensation Losses

This book provides a comprehensive guide to investigating and adjusting liability insurance claims and workmen’s compens......more

Delaware Corporations: A Digest Of The Decisions And The Law

Delaware Corporations: A Digest Of The Decisions And The Law

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This concise and comprehensive guide to the legal landscape of Delaware’s corporate law offers insights and analysis for......more

An Encyclopaedia Of Forms And Precedents Other Than Court Forms; Volume 16

An Encyclopaedia Of Forms And Precedents Other Than Court Forms; Volume 16

This book is an encyclopaedia of legal forms and precedents for use in non-court settings. It covers a wide range of top......more

A Treatise on the Law of Pledges: Including Collateral Securities

A Treatise on the Law of Pledges: Including Collateral Securities

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This authoritative treatise on the law of pledges covers the legal relationships that arise between parties when propert......more

Traffic Cases: Reports Of Cases Decided Under The Railway And Canal Traffic Acts, Railways Act And The Road And Rail Traffic Act; Vol

Traffic Cases: Reports Of Cases Decided Under The Railway And Canal Traffic Acts, Railways Act And The Road And Rail Traffic Act; Vol

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This authoritative reference work provides a comprehensive overview of the legal issues surrounding transportation in th......more

A Treatise on the Law of Corporations Having a Capital Stock; Volume 3

A Treatise on the Law of Corporations Having a Capital Stock; Volume 3

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

This comprehensive legal guide explores the intricate details of corporate law, specifically focusing on those corporati......more

A Treatise on the Law of Banks and Banking; Volume 3

A Treatise on the Law of Banks and Banking; Volume 3

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-07-18

With detailed and comprehensive explanations of all aspects of banking law, this treatise is an invaluable resource for ......more

A Practical Treatise on the Law of Corporations in General, as Well as Aggregate as Sole ..

A Practical Treatise on the Law of Corporations in General, as Well as Aggregate as Sole ..

Grant’s treatise is a thorough examination of corporate law, covering both general and specific aspects of the law of co......more

The Law of Joint Stock Companies’ Accounts: And the Legal Regulations

The Law of Joint Stock Companies’ Accounts: And the Legal Regulations

This comprehensive guide to the legal and financial aspects of joint stock companies is an essential resource for anyone......more

Synopsis of the Decisions of the Treasury Department on the Construction of the Tariff

Synopsis of the Decisions of the Treasury Department on the Construction of the Tariff

This compilation of decisions made by the United States Treasury Department on the construction of the Tariff Navigation......more

Reports of Cases Determined by the High Court of Admiralty and Upon Appeal Therefrom

Reports of Cases Determined by the High Court of Admiralty and Upon Appeal Therefrom

Explore the legal and historical significance of the High Court of Admiralty with this informative collection of case re......more

Insurance Laws of the State of Indiana

Insurance Laws of the State of Indiana

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the insurance laws of the state of Indiana. From regulations to legal req......more

A Students’ Text on the Law of Principal and Agent

A Students’ Text on the Law of Principal and Agent

This book is an essential guide for law students and aspiring lawyers on the law of principal and agent. It provides an ......more

The Law of Sales of Personal Property

The Law of Sales of Personal Property

Discover the legal principles and rules governing the sale and transfer of personal property in the United States. From ......more

Law of Corporations

Law of Corporations

This comprehensive legal textbook provides an in-depth analysis of the law of corporations, covering topics such as form......more

A Treatise on Secret Liens and Reputed Ownership

A Treatise on Secret Liens and Reputed Ownership

Elkus and Glenn’s treatise is a thorough examination of the legal issues surrounding secret liens and ownership claims. ......more

The Elements of Commercial Law

The Elements of Commercial Law

An introduction to commercial law, covering topics such as contracts, sales, commercial paper, and bailments. This work ......more

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