This fascinating book provides a detailed introduction to the sector and plain-scale, important tools for navigation and......more
This classic textbook on Euclidean geometry offers clear explanations and numerous practice problems, making it an ideal......more
First published in the early 19th century, Gregory’s classic textbook on trigonometry remains a valuable resource for st......more
This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to geometry and trigonometry, including key formulas and problem-solvi......more
This book is a comprehensive guide to the principles of geometry, drawing on the work of Euclid, Archimedes, and other a......more
A classic mathematics textbook, Elementary Geometry with Applications in Mensuration provides a thorough introduction to......more
This book is an advanced textbook on geometry and mathematical analysis, written in the 19th century for students of nat......more
This practical guide to surveying and engineering provides a wealth of information and insights for professionals and st......more
In this comprehensive guide to descriptive geometry, Crozet offers a detailed overview of the principles and techniques ......more
This classic work on geometry is an invaluable resource for students and scholars of mathematics. It provides a thorough......more
In this book, John William Withers thoroughly explores the parallel postulate of Euclidean geometry and its relationship......more
This classic textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles of arithmetic and geometry. Aimed at the y......more
First published in 1911, this practical guide has been an essential resource for civil engineers for over a century. Cov......more
This comprehensive guide to plane geometry is an essential resource for any student or teacher of mathematics. Covering ......more
A classic textbook on analytic geometry by George Albert Wentworth, including solutions for various exercises. Perfect f......more
First published in 1835, this practical guide to gauging - the measurement of the volume of liquids - offers a concise a......more
The Geometrician is a classic text on mathematics and geometry, written by the esteemed mathematician Benjamin Donne. Th......more
Originally published in 300 BC, this book has stood the test of time and continues to be a valuable resource for anyone ......more
The Elements of Geometry is a classic mathematical work that provides readers with a foundation for the study of geometr......more
Morton’s classic textbook on geometry provides a comprehensive overview of the subject, covering both plane and solid fi......more
Elements of Geometry and Mensuration is a classic textbook on geometry and trigonometry, designed for use in schools and......more
This classic geometry textbook offers a clear and concise introduction to the principles and concepts of the subject, wi......more
This classic textbook has been used by generations of students to learn the principles of geometry. Based on the work of......more
George Peacock’s classic treatise on algebra is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of mathematics and math......more
First published in 1908, this textbook provides a thorough introduction to the principles of plane and solid geometry, w......more
This book offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the principles of Euclidean geometry, following the orde......more
This geometry textbook is the perfect resource for students and teachers alike. The clear and concise explanations of ke......more
This book offers a practical perspective on the uses and applications of geometry in the modern world. Drawing on two le......more
A clear and concise introduction to the study of conic sections, including their properties and uses. This book is ideal......more
This book is a comprehensive guide to the principles of architecture, covering everything from design to construction to......more
This informative textbook covers the principles of mensuration, with a particular emphasis on practical applications in ......more
This book is a groundbreaking work in the field of metric geometry, exploring the properties of axiomatic systems of con......more
This edition of Euclid’s classic geometry textbook includes detailed explanatory notes from Francis Young based on Rober......more
Providing a comprehensive introduction to the upper envelope problem, this book is perfect for anyone interested in comp......more
This book, published in 1897, presents an overview of elementary geometry and its famous problems, such as the angle tri......more
This guide to navigation will make solving problems in plane traverse and Mercator’s sailing a breeze. Adaptable to the ......more
This timeless classic by John Playfair presents the foundational principles of Euclidean geometry in a clear and organiz......more
A comprehensive textbook of classical geometry for secondary school and college students. Covers Euclidean geometry and ......more
Chauvenet’s Treatise on Elementary Geometry is a classic work on the subject, offering a thorough introduction to geomet......more
This work provides a detailed examination of the construction and solution of various geometrical problems using analysi......more
This book offers a fascinating exploration of concrete geometry and its many applications. Through a series of exercises......more
This classic work of mathematics provides an introduction to the principles of geometry and is considered one of the fou......more
A groundbreaking mathematical treatise on the properties and behavior of plane curves. Smith’s innovative approach to th......more
This practical guide to geometry is an essential resource for students and professionals alike. It covers everything fro......more
A comprehensive textbook of classical geometry for secondary school and college students. Covers Euclidean geometry and ......more
This book is a revised edition of Euclid’s Elements, a foundational work of geometry first published in 300 BCE. This ed......more
Michel Chasles presents two groundbreaking geometrical memoirs in this seminal work on cones. With clear and concise des......more
Charles P. Florent Baillairgé’s guide to geometry, mensuration, and stereometry is a clear and concise primer on these f......more
First published in 1859, Practical Geometry is a comprehensive guide to the principles and applications of plane geometr......more
This classic work provides a comprehensive introduction to spherical trigonometry, with a focus on practical application......more
This classic work on analytical geometry provides a comprehensive treatment of conic sections and their properties, as w......more
This book provides a summary of analytical geometry in two and three dimensions, aimed at candidates for the French tech......more
Spriggs’s practical guide to geometrical drawing is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to improve their skills in......more
Siceloff’s clear and concise approach to analytic geometry makes it accessible to learners of all levels, providing read......more
This innovative textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of industrial drawing, covering a wide range......more
Master the art of mechanical drawing with this comprehensive guide from two of the field’s leading experts. Berthe E. Sp......more
Chauvenet’s Treatise on Elementary Geometry is a classic work on the subject, offering a thorough introduction to geomet......more
Designed specifically for engineering students, this textbook covers the essentials of plane and solid geometry. With cl......more
A guide to railway construction techniques, with a focus on the oblique arch, including analyses of various materials an......more
This book provides readers with a foundational understanding of the principles of Euclidean geometry. It includes the fi......more
This comprehensive textbook covers the theory of conic sections and their applications to analytical geometry. Coffin’s ......more
A comprehensive guide to the mathematical principles behind descriptive geometry, this treatise also includes a collecti......more
In this key to Euclid’s Elements, William Desborough Cooley provides demonstrations of the geometric propositions in the......more
The Elements of Plane Geometry, Part I is a seminal work of geometry education, aimed at high school and college student......more
This comprehensive guide to railway masonry explores the intricacies of the oblique arch in four parts along with an app......more
A classic text in the field of descriptive geometry, Albert Ensign Church’s book offers a masterful introduction to the ......more
First published in 1821, this book is a classic work of mathematics that has stood the test of time. John Leslie, a Scot......more
This classic mathematical treatise presents a collection of important theorems and mathematical concepts that have stood......more
This book is a treasure trove of mathematical problems and their solutions, as tackled by the brightest minds at Cambrid......more
This book is an excellent resource for students of geometry and trigonometry. With clear and concise explanations of key......more
Euclid’s ’Elements of Geometry’ has been the standard textbook in its field for over two thousand years. In this edition......more
Learn how to design and draw different types of furniture with geometric and perspective principles. Illustrated with di......more
Galbraith’s book is a comprehensive and practical resource for anyone studying mathematics, astronomy, surveying, engine......more
This book is a comprehensive manual on the principles of mechanics and geometry as they apply to construction trades. Wi......more
Linus Faunce’s classic textbook on descriptive geometry is a must-have for any student or practitioner of engineering or......more
This classic text provides a comprehensive introduction to descriptive geometry, a branch of geometry that deals with th......more
This comprehensive textbook covers the fundamental principles of plane geometry in a clear and accessible way. With an e......more
This classic mathematics text offers a comprehensive exploration of conic sections, including their properties, equation......more
This book is a mathematical treatise on the properties and applications of cissoids and conchoids. It includes definitio......more
A classic text on solid geometry, this book covers topics such as planes, spheres, cylinders, cones, and polyhedra. With......more
This classic work by Euclid is a foundational text for the study of geometry. It provides a clear and concise introducti......more
This classic textbook on geometry and measurement is a must-have for students and educators alike. With clear explanatio......more
In this classic work on circle geometry, McClelland outlines the principles and techniques necessary to understand the p......more
Allen’s groundbreaking work on trilinear coordinates is essential reading for anyone interested in the subject of geomet......more
This book presents the first three books of Euclid’s Elements, along with helpful commentary and exercises. It is intend......more
This textbook covers topics in analytic geometry, specifically plane geometry. It is intended for students studying math......more
This classic treatise on geometry is a must-read for students and practitioners of mathematics alike. Edward Olney’s cle......more
This classic work of mathematics provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles of geometry, from basic definit......more
This book provides advanced techniques and strategies for mechanical drawing, including detailed instruction on dimensio......more
This classic textbook provides a clear and concise introduction to the principles of analytical geometry. Suitable for m......more
Offering a comprehensive introduction to analytic geometry, this textbook is designed for technical schools and colleges......more
A comprehensive introduction to the principles and concepts of geometry, with clear explanations and numerous exercises ......more
This comprehensive textbook offers a clear and concise introduction to the principles of geometry. It covers everything ......more
A classic text on Euclidean geometry, featuring a thorough introduction to plane geometry followed by a comprehensive tr......more
This classic work is an introduction to the principles of elementary co-ordinate geometry for college students and those......more
This work explores the intimate relationship between two of the most fundamental geometric figures, the regular tetrahed......more
This German-language textbook provides an introduction to the principles of analytical geometry in three-dimensional spa......more
A classic text on differential geometry, this book offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject for advanced under......more
This classic math textbook offers a detailed and comprehensive introduction to the principles of geometry and measuremen......more
This practical guide to geometry is designed for learners who don’t have access to the usual tools of the trade. Oliver ......more