This classic work, first published in 1889, provides a clear and concise introduction to the principles of analytic geom......more
A rigorous and accessible treatment of intermediate-level geometry, covering topics such as proportionality, similarity,......more
This book offers a fascinating exploration of the geometric concepts used by the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato. It di......more
This classic geometry textbook, first published in 1921, provides an accessible introduction to the principles of Euclid......more
This book is a classic treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry, with a focus on practical applications in surveying......more
This is a French-language journal of elementary mathematics, containing articles on arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and o......more
This book offers an in-depth understanding of plane and solid geometry. It covers basic concepts such as lines, angles, ......more
Percival Frost was a renowned mathematician who specialized in solid geometry. In this book, he presents a comprehensive......more
This classic mathematical text contains the fifth and sixth books of Euclid’s Elements, along with a note on irrational ......more
A detailed mathematical treatise on the properties and applications of conic curves, written by mathematician George Whi......more
In this classic work, mathematician Alfred Basset explores the geometry of surfaces in depth. He covers topics such as t......more
Discover the beauty of Euclidean geometry with this classic textbook. Perfect for students and scholars alike, this edit......more
This textbook, published by the International Correspondence Schools, is a comprehensive guide to the principles of geom......more
Booth’s groundbreaking treatise introduces new geometrical methods that offer unparalleled advantages over existing appr......more
This book serves as a beginner’s guide to understanding the conic sections, including circles, ellipses, parabolas, and ......more
This book provides a rigorous treatment of the principles of projective geometry, with an emphasis on applications to ma......more
Alexander Macfarlane’s seminal work on space analysis, originally published in 1891, remains an important reference for ......more
Originally published in 1897, this volume is an essential introduction to the study of geometry, covering the foundation......more
This classic text explores the properties of the quartic curve and its inscribed configurations, providing a comprehensi......more
This seminal work by Lipman Bers is a must-read for anyone interested in the fascinating and complex field of complex an......more
Projective Geometry is a rigorous study of the properties of geometric figures and transformations that preserve their u......more
A comprehensive introduction to the theory of cusped geometries, covering the general survey and applications to various......more
This authoritative volume offers a comprehensive overview of the field of algebraic geometry and topology, and pays trib......more
This textbook offers a comprehensive guide to the complex field of spherical trigonometry. From the basic principles to ......more
In this concise and informative book, William Emerson provides notes on some of the more challenging aspects of Isaac Ne......more
This book provides readers with a foundational understanding of the principles of Euclidean geometry. It includes the fi......more
This comprehensive textbook covers the theory of conic sections and their applications to analytical geometry. Coffin’s ......more
This mathematical treatise explores the properties of conformal representation of plane curves and provides a detailed a......more
The Elements of Plane Geometry, Part I is a seminal work of geometry education, aimed at high school and college student......more
This comprehensive textbook covers the fundamental principles of plane geometry in a clear and accessible way. With an e......more
This classic mathematics text offers a comprehensive exploration of conic sections, including their properties, equation......more
This classic textbook on geometry and measurement is a must-have for students and educators alike. With clear explanatio......more
This book is a mathematical treatise on the properties and applications of cissoids and conchoids. It includes definitio......more
A classic text on solid geometry, this book covers topics such as planes, spheres, cylinders, cones, and polyhedra. With......more
This classic work by Euclid is a foundational text for the study of geometry. It provides a clear and concise introducti......more
In this classic work on circle geometry, McClelland outlines the principles and techniques necessary to understand the p......more
Allen’s groundbreaking work on trilinear coordinates is essential reading for anyone interested in the subject of geomet......more
In this key to Euclid’s Elements, William Desborough Cooley provides demonstrations of the geometric propositions in the......more
This book presents the first three books of Euclid’s Elements, along with helpful commentary and exercises. It is intend......more
This book is a demonstration of the first six and eleventh and twelfth books of Euclid’s Elements, featuring an innovati......more
A classic text in the field of descriptive geometry, Albert Ensign Church’s book offers a masterful introduction to the ......more
A comprehensive guide to the mathematical principles behind descriptive geometry, this treatise also includes a collecti......more
This book provides a thorough explanation of geometrical conics with examples. It covers anharmonic ratio and projection......more
This comprehensive guide to railway masonry explores the intricacies of the oblique arch in four parts along with an app......more
This practical guide offers comprehensive instruction on the creation and use of working drawings in multiple technical ......more
This practical guide to trigonometry and spherical projection offers clear explanations and practical examples that make......more
This book offers a detailed and insightful examination of two important topics in geometry: the general properties of co......more
First published in 1821, this book is a classic work of mathematics that has stood the test of time. John Leslie, a Scot......more
This book is an excellent resource for students of geometry and trigonometry. With clear and concise explanations of key......more
This classic mathematical treatise presents a collection of important theorems and mathematical concepts that have stood......more
This book is a treasure trove of mathematical problems and their solutions, as tackled by the brightest minds at Cambrid......more
In this book, Frederick Wood presents an analytic approach to projective geometry, a topic in pure mathematics that stud......more
This classic text provides a comprehensive introduction to descriptive geometry, a branch of geometry that deals with th......more
This classic textbook on descriptive geometry has been a staple of engineering and architecture classrooms for generatio......more
A comprehensive textbook on descriptive geometry, a branch of geometry used in engineering and architecture. This book c......more
In this book, Comstock explores the use of quaternions, a mathematical tool, in the analysis of internal stress. He offe......more
Master the principles of measurement and geometry with this classic textbook. The Commissioners of National Education in......more
This textbook offers a thorough introduction to the principles and applications of descriptive geometry, a branch of mat......more
Apollonii Pergaei De Sectione Rationis Libri Duo Ex Arabico Msto Latine VERSI Accedunt Ejusdem De Sectione Spatii Libri ......more
This classic textbook on geometry includes Euclid’s original text as well as additional propositions and explanatory not......more
Euclid’s ’Elements of Geometry’ has been the standard textbook in its field for over two thousand years. In this edition......more
This classic textbook is an ideal introduction to Euclidean geometry for beginners, offering clear and concise explanati......more
In this classic textbook, Riggs provides a comprehensive overview of analytic geometry, covering topics such as the stra......more
A practical guide to geometry for use in educational settings. Angel’s clear instructions and numerous diagrams make thi......more
This work is an important example of early Hebrew mathematical literature, focusing on the study of geometrical principl......more
Henry Frederick Baker’s Principles of Geometry is a masterful exposition of the fundamental concepts and theorems of geo......more
A groundbreaking mathematical treatise on the properties and behavior of plane curves. Smith’s innovative approach to th......more
This book presents the eleventh book of Euclid’s Elements which is dedicated to solid geometry and contains 21 propositi......more
This classic work of mathematics provides an introduction to the principles of geometry and is considered one of the fou......more
This mathematical text explores the different ways planes can be transformed in space using projective transformations. ......more
A classic work on the geometry of conic sections by the British mathematician Henry George Day. The book provides a deta......more
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles of geometry and trigonometry, with a focus on adap......more
Originally published in 1788, this work offers a rich collection of moveable illustrations that lovers of geometry will ......more
The study of analytic geometry has long been a foundational component of mathematical education, and this classic text b......more
This book is an edition of Euclid’s Elements, a foundational work in the field of mathematics. The edition includes addi......more
A classic textbook on geometry, containing the foundational principles and theorems of the subject. Ideal for students a......more
This book on mechanical engineering contains a detailed analysis of gear teeth, including the best shapes for particular......more
This book is an introduction to the basics of geometry for beginners. It covers the basic concepts of lines, angles, and......more
This classic work of geometry was written in the 18th century by Charles Taylor. It explores the geometry of conic secti......more
This book examines the practical applications of plane and spherical trigonometry in mathematics and physics. It include......more
This book offers a fascinating exploration of concrete geometry and its many applications. Through a series of exercises......more
This comprehensive textbook covers plane geometry, including various shapes, lines, angles, and measurements. Aimed at a......more
Miles Bland’s comprehensive guide to geometrical problems is an essential resource for students of mathematics. With cle......more
This concise and accessible textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and applications of conic secti......more
A concise and well-organized textbook covering the fundamentals of plane geometry, designed for students at the high sch......more
One of the most fundamental and fascinating branches of mathematics, geometry comes to life in this classic text by the ......more
Euclid’s classic treatise on geometry has been a foundational text in mathematics for over two thousand years. This eleg......more
This book, published in 1897, presents an overview of elementary geometry and its famous problems, such as the angle tri......more
This concise guide to geometry offers a simple and accessible approach to the subject, drawing on the works of the great......more
Euclid’s Elements is one of the most important works in the history of mathematics, and has had a profound influence on ......more
This classic text provides a comprehensive introduction to algebraic geometry, with a focus on its application to proble......more
Septimus Tebay’s Elementary Mensuration is an essential resource for students and teachers of mathematics. The book prov......more
This introductory textbook covers the fundamentals of plane geometry, including Euclidean geometry and non-Euclidean geo......more
This textbook provides a detailed introduction to the principles of Euclidean geometry, with a focus on the needs of the......more
This classic textbook, first published in 1795, is a comprehensive introduction to Euclidean geometry. Written by three ......more
The study of analytic geometry has long been a foundational component of mathematical education, and this classic text b......more
This book is an introduction to the basics of geometry for beginners. It covers the basic concepts of lines, angles, and......more
This classic work of geometry was written in the 18th century by Charles Taylor. It explores the geometry of conic secti......more
This book examines the practical applications of plane and spherical trigonometry in mathematics and physics. It include......more
Miles Bland’s comprehensive guide to geometrical problems is an essential resource for students of mathematics. With cle......more