

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus

A handsome, affordable edition of the legendary modern classic. Enduring power. --The New York Times Frankenstein, or ......more

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man

Dive into the gripping world of The Invisible Man. H.G. Wells’ timeless classic takes readers on a thrilling journey int......more

The Horrors Book Two: Terrifying Tales

The Horrors Book Two: Terrifying Tales

Canadian Children s Book Centre Our Choice, 2007 Fourteen new spine-tingling treats for teens. In this second volume of ......more

Trials of Death

Trials of Death

死亡審判:向達倫大冒險(5) 【英國亞馬遜網路書店】:『在本集中,向達倫將經歷一連串嚴酷的考驗,以證明自己對吸血鬼家族的價值,而失敗便意味著死亡!他是否能通過考驗,將敵人驅出魔山?令人期待!』 【熱...more

Vampire Mountain

Vampire Mountain

魔山印石:向達倫大冒險(4) 睽違十二年的吸血鬼將軍會議終於要召開了,鬼不理先生即將面對違犯吸血鬼規定──將未成年的孩子變成半吸血鬼──而被處刑的命運。因此,向達倫和師父鬼不理先生踏上了通往吸血鬼...more

Tunnels of Blood: Cirque Du Freak

Tunnels of Blood: Cirque Du Freak

地下血道:向達倫大冒險(3) 向達倫和師父鬼不理以及好友伊萊離開了怪奇馬戲團,來到一個陌生的城市。在這兒,達倫和伊萊遇上了一樁血案。命案屍體的血全都被搾乾了! 鬼不理每晚都鬼鬼祟祟的外出,達倫...more

Circle of Three: In the Dreaming

Circle of Three: In the Dreaming

Enter the world of wicca: mysterious, dramatic and empowering, Wicca is the practice of modern-day witchcraft. Midsummer......more

The Ghost of Avalanche Mountain

The Ghost of Avalanche Mountain

I got the goldstone at a time when I needed something special. I wore it for years, never thinking it was more than a be......more

The First Horror

The First Horror

Twin sisters, Cally and Kody Frasier aren t thrilled to have moved to Fear Street. They ve heard the strange stories a......more



