

Joie De Vivre: French Music for Trumpet & Piano / Paul Archibald

Joie De Vivre: French Music for Trumpet & Piano / Paul Archibald

曲目: 1. 奧乃格Arthur Honegger:序奏Intrada 2-4. 法朗賽Jean Francaix:小奏鳴曲 5-7. Pierre Gabaye:小奏鳴曲 8-10. Jean Hubeau:奏鳴曲 11. 拉威爾:哈巴奈......more

English Brass Ensemble: A Night in Vienna, Music by Mozart & the Strauss Family / English Brass Ensemble

English Brass Ensemble: A Night in Vienna, Music by Mozart & the Strauss Family / English Brass Ensemble

曲目: 1. 莫札特:歌劇「魔笛」序曲K.620 2. 莫札特:音樂會輪旋曲K.371 3-8. 莫札特:六首德國舞曲K.600 9-12. 莫札特:G大調弦樂小夜曲K.525 13. 莫札特:土耳其風輪旋曲,選自鋼琴奏鳴曲K.331 14......more

Royal Opera House Brass Soloists: On the Town / Royal Opera House Brass Soloists

Royal Opera House Brass Soloists: On the Town / Royal Opera House Brass Soloists

曲目: 1. 巴哈:g小調幻想與賦格BWV542 2. 艾瑞克.克里斯Eric Crees:康納爾王的誕生The Birth of Conchobar 3. 李斯特:依B-A-C-H的前奏與賦格 6-12. 伯恩斯坦:音樂劇「錦城春色On ......more

Divertissement: A Collection of Popular Classics in New Versions for Trumpet & Piano / Paul Archibald

Divertissement: A Collection of Popular Classics in New Versions for Trumpet & Piano / Paul Archibald

曲目: 1. 林姆斯基-高沙可夫:西班牙奇想曲 2. 穆索斯基:哥薩克舞曲Gopak,選自歌劇「索羅欽希市集The Fair at Sorochintsy」 3. 柴可夫斯基:芭蕾組曲 4. 蕭士塔高維契:第18號前奏曲 5. 穆索斯基:奇....more

International Celebrity Trumpet Ensemble: Proclamation / International Celebrity Trumpet Ensemble (2CD)

International Celebrity Trumpet Ensemble: Proclamation / International Celebrity Trumpet Ensemble (2CD)

曲目: CD-1 1. 保羅‧戴維斯:宣言幻想與小喇叭技巧,為八支小喇叭、二支伸縮號、鋼琴、管風琴與打擊樂器 Robert Davies b.1980: Proclamation Fantasy and Trumpet Mechanism ......more

London Mozart Players Brass Ensemble: Hodie Gloriosa / London Mozart Players Brass Ensemble

London Mozart Players Brass Ensemble: Hodie Gloriosa / London Mozart Players Brass Ensemble

曲目: 1-8. 莫札特:C大調嬉遊曲K.187,為兩支長笛、五支小喇叭與定音鼓 9-11. 艾德華‧錢斯Edward Chance: 流浪者、舊貨收買者與地主The Rover, the Ragman and the Landlord,為......more

Nick Etheridge: One Clear Call, New Music with Tuba / Nick Etheridge

Nick Etheridge: One Clear Call, New Music with Tuba / Nick Etheridge

曲目: 1. 大衛‧鮑威爾David Powell:一聲清澈的召喚One Clear Call,為低音號獨奏、管風琴、十二支銅管、鼓與打擊樂器 2-8. 蕭士塔高維契/Jeff Miller改編:前奏曲組曲Prelude Suite,為低音......more

Sounds of Splendour: Music for Trumpet & Organ from Norwich Cathedral / John Coulton

Sounds of Splendour: Music for Trumpet & Organ from Norwich Cathedral / John Coulton

曲目: 1. 夏邦泰M-A Charpentier:讚美歌前奏曲Prelude to Te Deum H146 改編者:John Wallace & Simon Wright 2. 佛瑞:求主垂憐(慈悲耶穌)Pie Jesu,選自安魂曲 改......more

Nick Etheridge: This is Tubagility, Bassline Engineering / Nick Etheridge

Nick Etheridge: This is Tubagility, Bassline Engineering / Nick Etheridge

曲目: 1. Fripp, McDonald, Lake, Giles, Sinfield:二十一世紀精神分裂者21st Century Schizoid Man 改編:John-Paul Gandy 2. Tom Harrold:低音號T......more

Royal Opera House Brass Soloists: The Twelve Days of Christmas / Royal Opera House Brass Soloists

Royal Opera House Brass Soloists: The Twelve Days of Christmas / Royal Opera House Brass Soloists

本輯是英國皇家歌劇院銅管獨奏家於2005年12月11日,在皇家歌劇院柯芬園Covent Garden的音樂會現場實況錄音。除了銅管演奏家之外,皇家歌劇院合唱團的部份歌手也參與演出,第十軌和第十三軌的男低音獨唱,...more





