

Beethoven : Piano Sonatas No. 4, 9, 10, 19, 20 / Gerhard Oppitz (Piano)

Beethoven : Piano Sonatas No. 4, 9, 10, 19, 20 / Gerhard Oppitz (Piano)

Hanssler Classic is proud to announce the latest volume in a major new Beethoven Sonata cycle, performed by Gerhard Oppi......more

Beethoven : Piano Sonatas No. 16, 17, 18 / Gerhard Oppitz (Piano)

Beethoven : Piano Sonatas No. 16, 17, 18 / Gerhard Oppitz (Piano)

Hanssler Classic 推出貝多芬:鋼琴奏鳴曲全集,由歐皮玆(Gerhard Oppitz)演出。歐皮玆在演出生涯中對於貝多芬的音樂有著深刻體會,更以此為基礎將貝多芬的樂曲演譯獨有風格,值得細細品味! 歐皮玆1953年...more

Beethoven : Piano Sonatas No. 25, 26, 27, 28 / Gerhard Oppitz (Piano)

Beethoven : Piano Sonatas No. 25, 26, 27, 28 / Gerhard Oppitz (Piano)

Hanssler Classic 推出貝多芬:鋼琴奏鳴曲全集,由歐皮玆(Gerhard Oppitz)演出。歐皮玆在演出生涯中對於貝多芬的音樂有著深刻體會,更以此為基礎將貝多芬的樂曲演譯獨有風格,值得細細品味! 歐皮玆1953年...more

Gustav Mahler : Symphony No. 2 & Symphony No. 86 / Carl Schuricht (Conductor) 2CD

Gustav Mahler : Symphony No. 2 & Symphony No. 86 / Carl Schuricht (Conductor) 2CD

Together with Wilhelm Furtwangler, Otto Klemperer, Bruno Walter, Erich Kleiber and Karl Bohm, Carl Schuricht belonged to......more

Anton Bruckner : Symphony No. 5 B flat major / Carl Schuricht (Conductor)

Anton Bruckner : Symphony No. 5 B flat major / Carl Schuricht (Conductor)

The two piano concertos of Shostakovich, though strikingly different from each other, have both become twentieth-century......more

Anton Bruckne : Symphony No. 8 C minor & No. 9 D minor / Carl Schuricht (Conductor) 2CD

Anton Bruckne : Symphony No. 8 C minor & No. 9 D minor / Carl Schuricht (Conductor) 2CD

Historical Recordings 195/1954 - Live演出:舒李希特 • 司圖加特廣播交響樂團 沒有誇大的詮釋與華麗的手勢,舒李希特讓音樂自己說話,將布魯克納的作曲原意表達得淋漓盡致。...more

Joseph Haydn : Symphony Nos. 95 & 100 & Cellokonzert / Carl Schuricht (Conductor)

Joseph Haydn : Symphony Nos. 95 & 100 & Cellokonzert / Carl Schuricht (Conductor)

Historical Recordings 1950/ 55 / 58 It is true that Carl Schuricht was the supreme interpreter of German late Romanticis......more

Anton Bruckner : Symphony No. 9 D minor / Carlo Maria Giulini (Conductor)

Anton Bruckner : Symphony No. 9 D minor / Carlo Maria Giulini (Conductor)

Bruckner had started to compose his Ninth Symphony immediately after finishing his Eight in August 1887. This work took ......more

Joseph Haydn : Complete Symphonies VOL.1 / Thomas Fey (Conductor)

Joseph Haydn : Complete Symphonies VOL.1 / Thomas Fey (Conductor)

Joseph Haydn Symphonies Nos. 94 (“Surprise ), 104 (“London ), Overture ’Acide e Galatea’ Heidelberg Symphony, Thomas Fey......more

Johann Sebastian Bach : Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248) / Helmuth Rilling (Conductor)

Johann Sebastian Bach : Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248) / Helmuth Rilling (Conductor)

〝…high quality…〞Crescendo 〝…worth recommending to any lover of Bach…〞Luxemburger Wort 【得獎榮譽】...more

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Concertos & Arias (2CD)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Concertos & Arias (2CD)

Historical Recordings 1953 - 1960 In celebration of the Mozart Year, SWR music has opened their historic archives to pre......more

Romantic Choral Music-Boxed Set (20CD+1DVD)

Romantic Choral Music-Boxed Set (20CD+1DVD)

hanssler暨巴哈大全集後最重視的套裝發行 世界唯一,全球獨家,只在hanssler 世紀指揮大師卡爾舒李希特東德時期深埋不見天日的珍貴錄音重現樂壇 這不只是一套CD,而是一部珍貴的文化資產 台灣首發,把握珍藏...more

LIVING VOICES VOL.3 Michael Bohnen at the Metropolitan Opera, New York / Michael Bohnen (Baritone)

LIVING VOICES VOL.3 Michael Bohnen at the Metropolitan Opera, New York / Michael Bohnen (Baritone)

Weighing in at 280 pounds and over 6 feet tall, Michael Bohnen was a true giant on the German operatic stage. Following ......more

Richard Wagner : Opera Excerpts / Carl Schuricht (Conductor)

Richard Wagner : Opera Excerpts / Carl Schuricht (Conductor)

It will be no surprise to anyone who knows Schuricht’s Bruckner that these are flowing, beautifully balanced, serious re......more

LIVING VOICES VOL.11 Friedrich Schorr sings Wagner / Friedrich Schorr (Bass)

LIVING VOICES VOL.11 Friedrich Schorr sings Wagner / Friedrich Schorr (Bass)

Friederich Schorr was the leading heroic baritone in Germany during the 1920s. His studio and live recordings reveal him......more

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Mass in C Minor KV 427, new version by Robert D. Levin

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Mass in C Minor KV 427, new version by Robert D. Levin

Zachary Lewis in Time Out Chicago: Thanks to Amadeus, everyone knows Mozart died with pen in hand. But the Requiem isn’......more

Halleluja Vol. 2 / Helmuth Rilling (Conductor)

Halleluja Vol. 2 / Helmuth Rilling (Conductor)

Celebrate the artistry of Helmuth Rilling with this program featuring some of the Maestro’s greatest recorded performanc......more

Mozart Highlights / Ivan Moravec (Piano) 2CD

Mozart Highlights / Ivan Moravec (Piano) 2CD

A specially priced collection featuring over two hours of music from the great musical genius that ever lived! It is imp......more

Gloria / Helmuth Rilling (Conductor)

Gloria / Helmuth Rilling (Conductor)

Helmuth Rilling requires NO introduction! Here is a JOYOUS celebration of the artistry of one of the World’s Greatest li......more

Thomas Fey、Heidelberger Sinfoniker / Felix Mendelssohn:Symphony No. 3 Schottische, String Symphony No. 11

Thomas Fey、Heidelberger Sinfoniker / Felix Mendelssohn:Symphony No. 3 Schottische, String Symphony No. 11

★ClassicsToday、AMG等音樂媒體權威推薦 ★國際知名指揮家湯瑪士.菲與海德堡交響樂團20年絕佳默契展現 1960年出生於德國的國際知名指揮家湯瑪士.菲,師承伯恩斯坦和哈農庫特,自1993年起即擔任海德堡交響...more

Beethoven : Sonatas for Violin and Piano

Beethoven : Sonatas for Violin and Piano

貝多芬:第一、二、三號小提琴奏鳴曲,F大調主題變奏,迴旋曲 ★一張專輯、兩種聆聽樂趣 ★進階樂迷版本比較的終極樂趣,古典與現代的強烈衝擊 ★漢諾瓦、蘇黎世、佛羅倫斯大賽,獲獎無數鋼琴巨匠吉特巴爾特...more

Claudio Arrau Piano Recital

Claudio Arrau Piano Recital

貝多芬:第2號輪旋曲、第3、23《熱情》、28號鋼琴奏鳴曲 布拉姆斯:韓德爾主題變奏曲 ★鋼琴大師史瓦辛格音樂節珍稀現場錄音 ★正統德奧曲目大師的經典演繹 1903年誕生了3位偉大的鋼琴家—阿勞(Claudio Arr...more

Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky & Weinberg : Cello Sonatas / Johannes Moser、Paul Rivinius

Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky & Weinberg : Cello Sonatas / Johannes Moser、Paul Rivinius

★歐洲回聲大獎金獎肯定 ★難得一見的珍貴曲目錄音 ★黃金組合充滿默契與互動的突破之作 蕭斯塔柯維奇、波烈斯柴可夫斯基、韋恩伯格三人可說是20世紀俄羅斯樂壇的中流砥柱。互為朋友的三人不但相知相惜,且...more

Roger Norrington / Symphonies No. 1

Roger Norrington / Symphonies No. 1 "Spring" & No. 3 "Renish"

★純正德國之聲的舒曼演繹,舒曼誕辰200週年樂迷必備名盤 ★演奏會LIVE現場錄音,一氣呵成、痛快淋漓! ★特別收錄指揮大師諾靈頓爵士親自解說導聆,彌足珍貴 1810年6月29日出生於德國薩克森的舒曼,是浪漫樂...more

Haydn : Cello Concertos; Edison Denissov : Tod ist ein langer Schlaf

Haydn : Cello Concertos; Edison Denissov : Tod ist ein langer Schlaf

★大提琴泰斗卡薩爾斯Tononi名琴傳人 ★近年樂壇最受重視的德國一線大提琴獨奏家 海頓一生中譜寫了二百多首的大提琴曲,但絕大多數卻像是給學生拉奏的練習曲,少了些華麗與光彩。其中僅有的兩首大提琴協奏曲...more

Rachmaninov : Piano Concerto Nos 2 & 3 / Henri Sigfridsson、Stefan Solyom / Bluthner records

Rachmaninov : Piano Concerto Nos 2 & 3 / Henri Sigfridsson、Stefan Solyom / Bluthner records

★最深情浪漫的拉赫曼尼諾夫作品演出 ★貝多芬、李斯特、安達鋼琴大賽大獎得主 出身音樂世家的拉赫曼尼諾夫可說是十九世紀俄羅斯音樂文化的結晶, 在這樣的身世背景之下,拉赫曼尼諾夫九歲便進了聖彼得堡音...more

Eichhorn、Berger、Gallardo / Le Grand Tango

Eichhorn、Berger、Gallardo / Le Grand Tango

★探戈之父皮耶佐拉動人鉅作 ★三位歐洲當紅新生代巨星攜手合作,熱力四射 ★難得一見的探戈發燒大碟 來自阿根廷、烏拉圭的探戈舞步,性感撩人、熱力四射。這種源自勞工階級的舞步、早已成為拉丁浪漫熱情的象...more

Roger Norrington / Best of Stuttgart Sound

Roger Norrington / Best of Stuttgart Sound

★世界級指揮大師與歐洲頂級樂團最完美無暇的組合 ★精選現場實況錄音 ★體驗絕配組合演繹多位音樂巨匠的傳奇作品精華 1945年第二次世界大戰即將終了之際,佔領司圖嘉特的美軍召集組織了司圖嘉特電台(Radio S...more

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