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Fly!Student’s Book with DigitalGraded Reader

Fly!Student’s Book with DigitalGraded Reader

Fly!Prepaation for the A1 Movers Cambridge English Qualifications。 Fly!is part of a fun series of volumes to prepare s......more

Move! Student’s Book with Digital Graded

Move! Student’s Book with Digital Graded

Move! Prepaation for the A1 Movers Cambridge English Qualifications. Move! is part of a fun series of volumes to prepa......more

Start! Student’s Book with DigitalGraded Reader

Start! Student’s Book with DigitalGraded Reader

Start! Prepaation for the Pre A1 Starters Cambridge English Qualifications. Start! is part of a fun series of volumes ......more

Voices (1) Workbook

Voices (1) Workbook

Develop your voice in English. With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged......more

Voices (2) Workbook

Voices (2) Workbook

Develop your voice in English. With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged......more

Voices (3) Workbook

Voices (3) Workbook

Develop your voice in English. With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged......more

Voices (4) Workbook

Voices (4) Workbook

Develop your voice in English. With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged......more

Voices (5) Workbook

Voices (5) Workbook

Develop your voice in English. With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged......more

Voices (6) Workbook

Voices (6) Workbook

Develop your voice in English. With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged......more

Voices (7) Workbook

Voices (7) Workbook

Develop your voice in English. With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged......more



作者在 2003 年暑假於台北中央研究院《調和分析Workshop》講授20小時近代調和分析的基本內容。之後,在該內容的基礎上增刪部分教材,又陸陸續續分別在台南成功大學丶北京中國科學院、新竹交通大學、成都四...more



除了告訴讀者統計學是什麼以及有何應用, 本書也注重讓讀者認知到, 為什麼要學這些統計理論的理由與動機。 對於統計理論的介紹, 講求其背後直覺以及應用。 每一章節都專注在回答一個問題, 讓讀者能夠迅...more

Stopwatch (1) Student’s Book &Workbook

Stopwatch (1) Student’s Book &Workbook

Description Stopwatch is a fast-paced, eye-catching course for secondary students, from true beginners to B1. Our uniq......more

Writing Time (1) with Workbook

Writing Time (1) with Workbook

Description Writing Time is a three-level beginner series designed for elementary school students. The series uses a m......more

Writing Time (2) with Workbook

Writing Time (2) with Workbook

Description Writing Time is a three-level beginner series designed for elementary school students. The series uses a m......more

Writing Time (3) with Workbook

Writing Time (3) with Workbook

Description Writing Time is a three-level beginner series designed for elementary school students. The series uses a m......more



• 內容提要 根據自己原來的樣子, 審時度勢,隨機應變, 選擇一種可以安身立命的生活方式。 • 本來面目,不忘初心:在天地穹蒼之中,以本來面目擘劃願景。見自己之心性,見天地之大化,見蒼生之悲...more

越南文檢定 A1 Tieng Viet Vietnamese

越南文檢定 A1 Tieng Viet Vietnamese

The Vietnamese Level A1 is implemented within the cooperation framework of authors who have many years of experience in ......more




會計學 習題解答

會計學 習題解答

本書特色 本書內容適合有志學習會計之學子或非商管學門之跨域發展人才,以簡易概念引領會計專業知識,激發商管創新思維。 透過本書傳達之會計理論進而結合企業流程之不同情境,以有效發揮跨域專業知...more

Take it Easy 1

Take it Easy 1

Introduction Welcome to Take It Easy, your guide to effective English communication in the business world and beyond. ......more

高等會計學 上冊 七版 (IFRS)

高等會計學 上冊 七版 (IFRS)

本書特色 本書是以我國已發布國際財務報導準則中文版為撰寫依據,並參考我國企業併購法等相關之規定。 本書使用之會計科目係引用我國行政院金融監督管理委員會於民國111 年11 月24 日最新發布修正之...more

Take it Easy 2

Take it Easy 2

Introduction Welcome to Take It Easy, your guide to effective English communication in the business world and beyond. ......more

Connectivity (3A) Student’s Book with Workbook and eBook with Online Practice

Connectivity (3A) Student’s Book with Workbook and eBook with Online Practice

Description A new communicative course for adults and young adults that takes students from true beginner to advanced co......more

Connectivity (3B) Student’s Book with Workbook and eBook with Online Practice

Connectivity (3B) Student’s Book with Workbook and eBook with Online Practice

Description A new communicative course for adults and young adults that takes students from true beginner to advanced ......more

經濟學原理 10/e Mankiw (授權經銷版)

經濟學原理 10/e Mankiw (授權經銷版)


微積分 Larson 12/e 附解答本

微積分 Larson 12/e 附解答本

1.章頭照片:每章的開頭都以幾張照片來代表本章能夠解決的實際應用問題,引發學習動機,這些相關的題材不僅引人入勝而且可啟發思考。 2.你怎麼看:本版習題含有「你怎麼看」題目,適合在課堂上進行討論...more

計算機組織與設計:硬體/軟體的介面 6/e

計算機組織與設計:硬體/軟體的介面 6/e

  • 東華,出版日期:2023-07-01

關於這本亞洲版 現代計算機科技要求每一種計算專長的專業人士對硬體及軟體均有所瞭解。各種階層上的硬體、軟體相互關係對計算的基礎知識的瞭解也提供了一個主體架構。《計算機組織與設計》是 Patterson ...more




統計學 12/e Keller

統計學 12/e Keller

本書強調應用多於計算,示範重要的統計方法和工具是如何被現今的管理者所應用。本書囊括超過 1,000 個真實的資料檔案,並衍生超過 2,000 個資料驅動 (data-driven) 的範例、習題及個案、Excel 活頁簿與操...more

機動學 2/e Martin

機動學 2/e Martin


機率與統計推論:R語言的應用 第二版

機率與統計推論:R語言的應用 第二版

這是一本因應電腦世代 (computer age) 所寫成的統計學教科書。書中增加了有關 R 語言的介紹,並盡可能在各個章節中,說明電腦以及 R 語言如何在機率與統計推論上,發揮其功用。其中,我們在第 19 章介紹蒙...more

Talk Like a Pro: Making a Winning Presentation

Talk Like a Pro: Making a Winning Presentation

Talk Like a Pro: Making a Winning Presentation is designed to supplement any textbook on Business Communication. This ma......more

Connectivity (4) Student’s Book and eBook with Online Practice

Connectivity (4) Student’s Book and eBook with Online Practice

Description A new communicative course for adults and young adults that takes students from true beginner to advanced ......more

Connectivity (5) Student’s Book and eBook with Online Practice

Connectivity (5) Student’s Book and eBook with Online Practice

Description A new communicative course for adults and young adults that takes students from true beginner to advanced ......more



編輯大意 本書共有八章,可供大學商管及經濟學系作為教材使用。 本書內容以實用為主,並兼顧理論的部分,編排及論述條理分明,簡潔扼要,易教易學。凡應用方面的例題或習題儘量生活化,並舉出一些與...more



本書特色 • 全書共有十章,易學易懂,先介紹微分,然後積分,內容取材豐富,條理簡潔分明,循序漸進。 • 章節習題和例題相互配合,俾使讀者能夠加強觀念,觸類旁通,提升對於各類題目的應用及思考能...more



此書為《越南語教程A1》,其內容為越南語能力框架A1的程度。書中分成兩個部份: 越南語發音系統及基礎越南語語言。越南語發音基本單位多,相對而言也較難,因為有比較多發音雷同的單位。不過,筆者特別梳...more

Python程式設計與實例應用 Kamthane

Python程式設計與實例應用 Kamthane




本書內容適合有志學習會計之學子或非商管學門之跨域發展人才,以簡易概念引領會計專業知識,激發商管創新思維。 透過本書傳達之會計理論進而結合企業流程之不同情境,以有效發揮跨域專業知識之整合。...more
