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The Comic Imagination in Modern African Literature and Cinema: A Poetics of Laughter

The Comic Imagination in Modern African Literature and Cinema: A Poetics of Laughter

This book is a seminal study that significantly expands the interdisciplinary discourse on African literature and cinema......more

The Big Smallness: Niche Marketing, the American Culture Wars, and the New Children�s Literature

The Big Smallness: Niche Marketing, the American Culture Wars, and the New Children�s Literature

This book is the first full-length critical study to explore the rapidly growing cadre of amateur-authored, independentl......more

Travel Writing in Dutch and German, 1790-1930: Modernity, Regionality, Mobility

Travel Writing in Dutch and German, 1790-1930: Modernity, Regionality, Mobility

This volume focuses on how travel writing contributed to cultural and intellectual exchange in and between the Dutch- an......more

Transnational Narratives from the Caribbean: Diasporic Literature and the Human Experience

Transnational Narratives from the Caribbean: Diasporic Literature and the Human Experience

This book offers a timely intervention in current debates on diaspora and diasporic identity by affirming the importance......more

Auto/Biography Across the Americas: Transnational Themes in Life Writing

Auto/Biography Across the Americas: Transnational Themes in Life Writing

Auto/biographical narratives of the Americas are marked by the underlying themes of movement and belonging. This collect......more

Landscape, Seascape, and the Eco-Spatial Imagination

Landscape, Seascape, and the Eco-Spatial Imagination

Written from within the best traditions of ecocritical thought, this book provides a wide-ranging account of the spatial......more

A Poetics of Trauma After 9/11: Representing Trauma in a Digitized Present

A Poetics of Trauma After 9/11: Representing Trauma in a Digitized Present

The 9/11 attacks brought large-scale violence into the 21st century with force and have come to epitomize the entangleme......more

The Routledge Companion to Imaginary Worlds

The Routledge Companion to Imaginary Worlds

This companion provides a definitive and cutting-edge guide to the study of imaginary and virtual worlds across a range ......more

Silent Film and U.S. Naturalist Literature: Time, Narrative, and Modernity

Silent Film and U.S. Naturalist Literature: Time, Narrative, and Modernity

Typically, studies of early cinema s relation to literature have focused on the interactions between film and modernism......more

Subjectivity Across Media: Interdisciplinary and Transmedial Perspectives

Subjectivity Across Media: Interdisciplinary and Transmedial Perspectives

Media in general and narrative media in particular have the potential to represent not only a variety of both possible a......more

The Idea of Infancy in Nineteenth-Century British Poetry: Romanticism, Subjectivity, Form

The Idea of Infancy in Nineteenth-Century British Poetry: Romanticism, Subjectivity, Form

This book radically refigures the conceptual and formal significance of childhood in nineteenth-century English poetry. ......more

Reconnecting Aestheticism and Modernism: Continuities, Revisions, Speculations

Reconnecting Aestheticism and Modernism: Continuities, Revisions, Speculations

Charting the period that extends from the 1860s to the 1940s, this volume offers fresh perspectives on Aestheticism and ......more

Shakespeare, Italy, and Transnational Exchange: Early Modern to Present

Shakespeare, Italy, and Transnational Exchange: Early Modern to Present

This interdisciplinary, transhistorical collection brings together international scholars from English literature, Itali......more

Hospitality in American Literature and Culture: Spaces, Bodies, Borders

Hospitality in American Literature and Culture: Spaces, Bodies, Borders

This volume examines hospitality in American immigrant literature and culture, situating this ancient virtue at the cros......more

The Cultural Politics of Chick Lit: Popular Fiction, Postfeminism and Representation

The Cultural Politics of Chick Lit: Popular Fiction, Postfeminism and Representation

Chick lit is the marketing label attributed to a surge of books published in the wake of Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’......more

Women and Gift Exchange in Eighteenth-Century Fiction: Richardson, Burney, Austen

Women and Gift Exchange in Eighteenth-Century Fiction: Richardson, Burney, Austen

This book analyzes why the most influential novelists of the long eighteenth century centered their narratives on the th......more

Shakespeare’’s Folly: Philosophy, Humanism, Critical Theory

Shakespeare’’s Folly: Philosophy, Humanism, Critical Theory

This study contends that folly is of fundamental importance to the implicit philosophical vision of Shakespeare s drama......more

Anglo-American Travelers and the Hotel Experience in Nineteenth-Century Literature: Nation, Hospitality, Travel Writing

Anglo-American Travelers and the Hotel Experience in Nineteenth-Century Literature: Nation, Hospitality, Travel Writing

This volume examines the hotel experience of Anglo-American travelers in the nineteenth century from the viewpoint of li......more

Maximalism in Contemporary American Literature: The Uses of Detail

Maximalism in Contemporary American Literature: The Uses of Detail

This book begins a new and foundational discussion of maximalism by investigating how the treatment of detail in contemp......more

Twins in Early Modern English Drama and Shakespeare

Twins in Early Modern English Drama and Shakespeare

This volume investigates the early modern understanding of twinship through new readings of plays, informed by discussio......more

New Perspectives on Delarivier Manley and Eighteenth Century Literature: Power, Sex, and Text

New Perspectives on Delarivier Manley and Eighteenth Century Literature: Power, Sex, and Text

This first critical collection on Delarivier Manley revisits the most heated discussions, adds new perspectives in light......more

The Signifying Power of Pearl: Medieval Literary and Cultural Contexts for the Transformation of Genre

The Signifying Power of Pearl: Medieval Literary and Cultural Contexts for the Transformation of Genre

This book enhances our understanding of the exquisitely beautiful, fourteenth-century, Middle English dream vision poem ......more

The Centrality of Crime Fiction in American Literary Culture

The Centrality of Crime Fiction in American Literary Culture

This collection of essays by leading scholars insists on a larger recognition of the importance and diversity of crime f......more

Gender, Speech, and Audience Reception in Early Modern England

Gender, Speech, and Audience Reception in Early Modern England

This book makes a significant contribution to recent scholarship on the ways in which women responded to the regulation ......more

Literary Agents in the Transatlantic Book Trade: American Fiction, French Rights, and the Hoffman Agency

Literary Agents in the Transatlantic Book Trade: American Fiction, French Rights, and the Hoffman Agency

By way of a case study of one of the oldest French book agencies, Agence Hoffman, this book analyzes the role played by ......more

Postcolonial Urban Outcasts: City Margins in South Asian Literature

Postcolonial Urban Outcasts: City Margins in South Asian Literature

Extending current scholarship on South Asian Urban and Literary Studies, this volume examines the role of the discontent......more

Saving the World: Girlhood and Evangelicalism in Nineteenth-Century Literature

Saving the World: Girlhood and Evangelicalism in Nineteenth-Century Literature

This book makes a significant contribution to the burgeoning field of childhood studies in nineteenth-century literature......more

The Situationist International in Britain: Modernism, Surrealism, and the Avant-Garde

The Situationist International in Britain: Modernism, Surrealism, and the Avant-Garde

This book tells, for the first time, the story of the Situationist International’s influence and afterlives in Britain, ......more

Shakespeare�s Asian Journeys: Critical Encounters, Cultural Geographies, and the Politics of Travel

Shakespeare�s Asian Journeys: Critical Encounters, Cultural Geographies, and the Politics of Travel

This volume gives Asia s Shakespeares the critical, theoretical, and political space they demand, offering rich, altern......more

Ecogothic in Nineteenth-Century American Literature

Ecogothic in Nineteenth-Century American Literature

First Published in 2017. The first of its kind to address the ecogothic in American literature, this collection of fourt......more

Historicising Transmedia Storytelling: Early Twentieth-Century Transmedia Story Worlds

Historicising Transmedia Storytelling: Early Twentieth-Century Transmedia Story Worlds

Tracing the industrial emergence of transmedia storytelling--typically branded a product of the contemporary digital med......more

Forms of Hypocrisy in Early Modern England

Forms of Hypocrisy in Early Modern England

This collection examines the widespread phenomenon of hypocrisy in literary, theological, political, and social circles ......more

Walter Scott’’s Books: Reading the Waverley Novels

Walter Scott’’s Books: Reading the Waverley Novels

Scott’s Books is an approachable introduction to the Waverley Novels. Drawing on substantial research in Scott’s interte......more

Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Childhood in Contemporary Britain: Literature, Media and Society

Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Childhood in Contemporary Britain: Literature, Media and Society

In the light of the complex demographic shifts associated with late modernity and the impetus of neo-liberal politics, c......more

Modernism and Latin America: Transnational Networks of Literary Exchange

Modernism and Latin America: Transnational Networks of Literary Exchange

This book is the first in-depth exploration of the relationship between Latin American and European modernisms during th......more

Singapore Literature and Culture: Current Directions in Local and Global Contexts

Singapore Literature and Culture: Current Directions in Local and Global Contexts

Since the nation-state sprang into being in 1965, Singapore literature in English has blossomed energetically, and yet t......more

The Narratology of Comic Art

The Narratology of Comic Art

By placing comics in a lively dialogue with contemporary narrative theory, The Narratology of Comic Art builds a systema......more

Satire in the Elizabethan Era: An Activistic Art

Satire in the Elizabethan Era: An Activistic Art

This book argues that the satire of the late Elizabethan period goes far beyond generic rhetorical persuasion, but is in......more

Heritage and the Legacy of the Past in Contemporary Britain

Heritage and the Legacy of the Past in Contemporary Britain

Bringing together heritage studies and literary studies, this book examines heritage as a ubiquitous trope in contempora......more

Transatlantic Literature and Transitivity, 1780-1850: Subjects, Texts, and Print Culture

Transatlantic Literature and Transitivity, 1780-1850: Subjects, Texts, and Print Culture

This book makes an important contribution to transatlantic literary studies and an emerging body of work on identity for......more

The Trauma Graphic Novel

The Trauma Graphic Novel

The end of the twentieth century and the turn of the new millennium witnessed an unprecedented flood of traumatic narrat......more

For Better, for Worse: Marriage in Victorian Novels by Women

For Better, for Worse: Marriage in Victorian Novels by Women

This interdisciplinary volume explores the fictional portrayal of marriage by women novelists between 1800 and 1900. It ......more

Shakespeare�s Hamlet in an Era of Textual Exhaustion

Shakespeare�s Hamlet in an Era of Textual Exhaustion

"Post-Hamlet: Shakespeare in an Era of Textual Exhaustion" examines how postmodern audiences continue to reengage with H......more

Nordic Childhoods 1700�1960: From Folk Beliefs to Pippi Longstocking

Nordic Childhoods 1700�1960: From Folk Beliefs to Pippi Longstocking

This volume strengthens interest and research in the fields of both Childhood Studies and Nordic Studies by exploring co......more

Renaissance Ecopolitics from Shakespeare to Bacon: Rethinking Cosmopolis

Renaissance Ecopolitics from Shakespeare to Bacon: Rethinking Cosmopolis

The work of Shakespeare and his contemporaries has often been the testing-ground for innovations in literary studies, bu......more

Jonson, Shakespeare, and Aristotle on Comedy

Jonson, Shakespeare, and Aristotle on Comedy

Jonson, Shakespeare, and Aristotle on Comedy relates new understandings of Aristotle’s dramatic theory to the comedy of ......more

Food and Foodways in African Narratives: Community, Culture, and Heritage

Food and Foodways in African Narratives: Community, Culture, and Heritage

Food is a defining feature in every culture. Despite its very basic purpose of sustaining life, it directly impacts the ......more

Rewriting the American Soul: Trauma, Neuroscience and the Contemporary Literary Imagination

Rewriting the American Soul: Trauma, Neuroscience and the Contemporary Literary Imagination

Rewriting the American Soul focuses on the political implications of psychoanalytic and neurocognitive approaches to tra......more

Women and Mobility on Shakespeare�s Stage: Migrant Mothers and Broken Homes

Women and Mobility on Shakespeare�s Stage: Migrant Mothers and Broken Homes

Long before the economist Amartya Sen proposed that more than 100 million women were missing--lost to disease or neglect......more

The Alice Books and the Contested Ground of the Natural World

The Alice Books and the Contested Ground of the Natural World

Though popular opinion would have us see Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice F......more

The Unknown Relatives: The Catholic as the Other in the Victorian Novel

The Unknown Relatives: The Catholic as the Other in the Victorian Novel

The Unknown Relatives analyses a large body of Victorian literary texts dealing with the topic of Catholicism and Cathol......more

Fashion and Narrative in Victorian Popular Literature: Double Threads

Fashion and Narrative in Victorian Popular Literature: Double Threads

We know that way we dress says a lot about us. It s drilled into us by our parents as children, as adults throughout ou......more

Vision and Character: Physiognomics and the English Realist Novel

Vision and Character: Physiognomics and the English Realist Novel

As readers, we develop an impression of characters and their settings in a novel based on the author’s description of th......more

The Cinematic Eighteenth Century: History, Culture, and Adaptation

The Cinematic Eighteenth Century: History, Culture, and Adaptation

This collection explores how film and television depict the complex and diverse milieu of the eighteenth century as a li......more

Milton and the Early Modern Culture of Devotion: Bodies at Prayer

Milton and the Early Modern Culture of Devotion: Bodies at Prayer

Miton and Early Modern Devotional Culture analyses the representation of public and private prayer in John Milton s poe......more

Sing Aloud Harmonious Spheres: Renaissance Conceptions of Cosmic Harmony

Sing Aloud Harmonious Spheres: Renaissance Conceptions of Cosmic Harmony

This is the first volume to explore the reception of the Pythagorean doctrine of cosmic harmony within a variety of cont......more

Traumatic Tales: British Nationhood and National Trauma in Nineteenth-Century Literature

Traumatic Tales: British Nationhood and National Trauma in Nineteenth-Century Literature

Traumatic Tales: British Nationhood and National Trauma in Nineteenth-Century Literature explores intersections of natio......more

Shakespeare’’s Lost Playhouse: Eleven Days at Newington Butts

Shakespeare’’s Lost Playhouse: Eleven Days at Newington Butts

The playhouse at Newington Butts has long remained on the fringes of histories of Shakespeare s career and of the golde......more

John Bunyan�s Imaginary Writings in Context

John Bunyan�s Imaginary Writings in Context

Within the last half-century, early scholarly approaches and analysis of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress have seen sigi......more

Surreal Beckett: Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, and Surrealism

Surreal Beckett: Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, and Surrealism

Surreal Beckett situates Beckett’s writings within the context of James Joyce and Surrealism, distinguishing ways in whi......more

Writing for the Masses: Dorothy L. Sayers and the Victorian Literary Tradition

Writing for the Masses: Dorothy L. Sayers and the Victorian Literary Tradition

In Writing for the Masses: Dorothy L. Sayers and the Victorian Literary Tradition Dr. Christine A. Col n explores how Sa......more

Branding Oscar Wilde

Branding Oscar Wilde

Branding Oscar Wilde traces the development and perception of Wilde s public persona and examines the impact of interpr......more

Nonlinear Temporality in Joyce and Walcott: History Repeating Itself with a Difference

Nonlinear Temporality in Joyce and Walcott: History Repeating Itself with a Difference

Nonlinear Temporality in Joyce and Walcott is the first dedicated comparative study of James Joyce and Derek Walcott. Th......more

Television and Serial Adaptation

Television and Serial Adaptation

As American television continues to garner considerable esteem, rivalling the seventh art in its "cinematic" aesthetics ......more

The Politics and Aesthetics of Hunger and Disgust: Perspectives on the Dark Grotesque

The Politics and Aesthetics of Hunger and Disgust: Perspectives on the Dark Grotesque

This study examines how hunger narratives and performances contribute to a reconsideration of neglected or prohibited do......more

Jane Austen�s Geographies

Jane Austen�s Geographies

When Jane Austen represented the ideal subject for a novel as "three or four families in a country village", rather than......more

Edwardian Culture: Beyond the Garden Party

Edwardian Culture: Beyond the Garden Party

Edwardian Culture: Beyond the Garden Party is the first truly interdisciplinary collection of essays dealing with cultur......more

Reading London in Wartime: Blitz, the People and Propaganda in 1940s Literature

Reading London in Wartime: Blitz, the People and Propaganda in 1940s Literature

Reading London in Wartime: Blitz, the People and Propaganda in 1940s Literature presents an expansive variety of writers......more

New Perspectives on Community and the Modernist Subject: Finite, Singular, Exposed

New Perspectives on Community and the Modernist Subject: Finite, Singular, Exposed

New Perspectives on Community and the Modernist Subject: Finite, Singular, Exposed offers new approaches to the modernis......more

Shakespeare�s Suicides: Dead Bodies That Matter

Shakespeare�s Suicides: Dead Bodies That Matter

Shakespeare s Suicides: Dead Bodies That Matter is the first study in Shakespeare criticism to examine the entirety of ......more

Questions of Authority: Italian and Australian Travel Narratives of the Long Nineteenth Century

Questions of Authority: Italian and Australian Travel Narratives of the Long Nineteenth Century

Questions of Authority investigates Italian-Australian literary travel exchanges throughout the long nineteenth century.......more

Death-Facing Ecology in Contemporary British and North American Environmental Crisis Fiction

Death-Facing Ecology in Contemporary British and North American Environmental Crisis Fiction

Recent years have seen a burgeoning of novels that respond to the environmental issues we currently face. Among these, L......more

Shakespeare and Girls’ Studies

Shakespeare and Girls’ Studies

A modern-day Taming of the Shrew that concludes at a high school prom. An agoraphobic Olivia from Twelfth Night sending ......more

Baroque Lorca: An Archaist Playwright for the New Stage

Baroque Lorca: An Archaist Playwright for the New Stage

Baroque Lorca: An Archaist Playwright for the New Stage defines Federico García Lorca’s trajectory in the theater as a l......more

Patrick McGrath and his Worlds: Madness and the Transnational Gothic

Patrick McGrath and his Worlds: Madness and the Transnational Gothic

Following the publication of Ghost Town (2005), a complex, globally conscious genealogy of millennial Manhattan, McGrath......more

Masculinity and Patriarchal Villainy in the British Novel: From Hitler to Voldemort

Masculinity and Patriarchal Villainy in the British Novel: From Hitler to Voldemort

Masculinity and Patriarchal Villainy in the British Novel: From Hitler to Voldemort sits at the intersection of literary......more

The Working Class and Twenty-First-Century British Fiction: Deindustrialisation, Demonisation, Resistance

The Working Class and Twenty-First-Century British Fiction: Deindustrialisation, Demonisation, Resistance

The Working Class and Twenty-First-Century British Fiction looks at how the twenty-first-century British novel has explo......more

The Algerian War Retold: Of Camus’’s Revolt and Postwar Reconciliation

The Algerian War Retold: Of Camus’’s Revolt and Postwar Reconciliation

The Algerian War Retold: Of Camus’s Revolt and Postwar Reconciliation focuses on specific aspects of Albert Camus’s ethi......more

Interpersonal Positioning in English as a Lingua Franca Interactions

Interpersonal Positioning in English as a Lingua Franca Interactions

This book offers a critical reflection on interpersonal positioning across both large- and small-scale contexts and high......more

Love’s Labor: Essays on Women, Equality and Dependency

Love’s Labor: Essays on Women, Equality and Dependency

This new edition of Eva Feder Kittay’s feminist classic, Love’s Labor, explores how theories of justice and morality mus......more

Signing the Body: Marks on Skin in Early Modern France

Signing the Body: Marks on Skin in Early Modern France

The first major scholarly investigation into the rich history of the marked body in the early modern period, this interdi......more

On Political Obligation

On Political Obligation

First published in 1990. The individual’s obligation to obey the law, the state and the government is a fundamental part......more

Albert Camus: The Unheroic Hero of Our Time

Albert Camus: The Unheroic Hero of Our Time

This book interprets the ideas, thoughts and concepts that characterize the writings and philosophy of Albert Camus for ......more

Geopoetics in Practice

Geopoetics in Practice

This breakthrough book examines dynamic intersections of poetics and geography. Gathering the essays of an international......more

The Romantic Tradition in British Political Thought

The Romantic Tradition in British Political Thought

First published in 1986. It is often suggested that the great first generation of Romantics, after the first flush of th......more

Routledge Library Editions: Utopias: 6 Volume Set

Routledge Library Editions: Utopias: 6 Volume Set

Routledge Library Editions: Utopias (6 volume set) contains titles, originally published between 1923 and 1982. It inclu......more

The Making of Identities in Athenian Oratory

The Making of Identities in Athenian Oratory

Focusing on extant speeches from the Athenian Assembly, law, and Council in the fifth-fourth centuries BCE, these essays......more

Violence from Slavery to #blacklivesmatter: African American History and Representation

Violence from Slavery to #blacklivesmatter: African American History and Representation

Violence from Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter brings together perspectives on violence and its representation in African Am......more

Reading Contingency: The Accident in Contemporary Fiction

Reading Contingency: The Accident in Contemporary Fiction

In Reading Contingency: The Accident in Contemporary Fiction, David Wylot constructs an innovative study of the relation......more

Transnational Politics in the Post-9/11 Novel

Transnational Politics in the Post-9/11 Novel

Transnational Politics in the Post-9/11 Novel suggests that literature after September 11, 2001 reflects the shift from ......more

A Quest for Remembrance: The Underworld in Classical and Modern Literature

A Quest for Remembrance: The Underworld in Classical and Modern Literature

A Quest for Remembrance: The Underworld in Classical and Modern literature brings together a range of arguments explorin......more

Ecofictions, Ecorealities and Slow Violence in Latin America and the Latinx World

Ecofictions, Ecorealities and Slow Violence in Latin America and the Latinx World

Ecofictions, Ecorealities and Slow Violence in Latin America and the Latinx World brings together critical studies of La......more

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