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The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society

The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society

A major reappraisal, by the Nobel-prizewinning economist, of the relationship between capitalism and freedom Despite i......more

好餓的毛毛蟲第一套 寶寶認知書(附書盒)The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s First Learning Box

好餓的毛毛蟲第一套 寶寶認知書(附書盒)The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s First Learning Box

★ 經典好餓的毛毛蟲系列全新4冊認知套書! ★ 可抽拉小書盒,收納4本可愛的迷你硬頁書 ★ 繪本大師艾瑞卡爾為0-3歲寶寶創作 這四本硬頁書,向寶寶介紹最基礎的概念:顏色、相反詞、數字,以及簡易的...more

彼得兔硬頁故事套書(10冊附書盒)Peter Rabbit Board Book Tower Collection

彼得兔硬頁故事套書(10冊附書盒)Peter Rabbit Board Book Tower Collection

The adventures of Peter Rabbit and his friends, inspired by Beatrix Potter’s love of nature, continue to delight g......more

Spot全新貼紙著色活動套書(5冊,附造形書盒)Spot’s Box of Fun

Spot全新貼紙著色活動套書(5冊,附造形書盒)Spot’s Box of Fun

全新超值套書內附 5 本貼紙、著色遊戲書! ★經典腳色SPOT首次推出 貼紙活動套書 ★ 暢銷逾40年、全球銷量破6500萬冊超人氣小狗最新作 ★ 五本不同主題遊戲本,穿插簡易英文單字及句型,讓學齡前孩童玩...more

翻翻遊戲硬頁套書:好餓的毛毛蟲躲貓貓(4冊附書盒)The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Hide and Seek Collection

翻翻遊戲硬頁套書:好餓的毛毛蟲躲貓貓(4冊附書盒)The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Hide and Seek Collection

★ 讀者五星好評好餓的毛毛蟲 硬頁互動書系,首次集結4冊成套上市! ★ 結合手指滑滑軌道 X 翻翻機關,讓寶貝邊玩邊學 本套書包括:海洋、叢林、野生動物、毛毛蟲躲貓貓四大主題,帶孩子前往各種繽紛場...more

How AI Thinks: How we built it, how it can help us, and how we can control it

How AI Thinks: How we built it, how it can help us, and how we can control it

Artificial intelligence is going to have a massive impact on everyone’s lives... an accessible and sensible read that he......more