
禮物卡 相關問題

什麼是禮物卡(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡) What is the gift card (shopping cards and reading cards)? TOP


The gift cards of Books.com.tw can be used as a gift to the company employees or as a gift for the sales promotion, which is ideal for self-use or sent to others as gifts. After the Gift card is redeemed for the deposit amount, you may choose your favorite products on the Books.com.tw website and enjoy the discounts and membership rights provided by Books.com.tw.

禮物卡介紹、可使用在哪些商品?(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡) TOP



禮物卡兌換後的使用說明(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡) Gift Card instruction for use after redemption (including shopping card and reading card) TOP

禮物卡兌換後將成為儲值金,儲存於您的會員專區/儲值金帳戶內。After the gift card is redeemed for the deposit coins , it will be saved into your personal account at the My Account.
抵用方式 Redemption
不同活動所獲得的儲值金可累積抵用。儲值金1元可折抵新台幣1元。Deposit coins acquired from different activities can be used cumulatively with NT$1 deposit convertible to NT$1 in cash.
儲值金可與博客來優惠(例E-Coupon、單書優惠券或單品折價券等)和信用卡紅利折抵併用。Deposit coins  can be used in conjunction with Books.com.tw discount offer (such as E-coupon, single book coupon, or single product coupon) and credit card reward points.
儲值金可全額折抵於訂單商品金額(不包含海外郵資)。Disposit coins can be used to fully discount the order amount (excluding overseas postage).
禮物卡、遊戲點數卡、軟體序號、信用卡分期訂單、售票網和企業採購訂單恕無法使用儲值金。 Deposit coins may not be applicable to gift card, game card, software serial number, credit card payment in installment, ticket service online, and business procurement. 
抵用步驟 Redemption steps
1.挑選商品放入購物車,選擇寄送區域   Choose a product and add it to the shopping card before selecting the region to deliver the product to.

2.選擇付款方式 Select the payment method.

3.選擇是否使用禮物卡 Select whether or not to use a gift card.

4.選擇是否使用E-Coupon電子折價券╱單品折價券或購物金 Select whether or not to use E-coupon/single product coupon or Books Coins.

5.確認收件人資訊和發票資訊 Confirm the recipient's information and the invoice details.

6.若選擇使用E-Coupon電子折價券╱單品折價券,請輸入序號;若選擇使用購物金,系統將會自動計算可折抵金額 If you choose to use an E-coupon/single product coupon, please enter the serial number. If you choose to use Books Coins , the system will automatically calculate the discountable amount for you.


he system will list the product amount and all kinds of discount amounts for you so that you can complete the order after confirmation and checkout. Other than that, a letter about your "Books.com.tw order" will also be mailed to your member mailbox. You may also check for the letter content via Books.com.tw > My Account > Sent Mail Backup > System Mail Backup.

如何查詢儲值金 How do I check my deposit coins? TOP


After the gift card is converted to the deposit amount, it will be directly saved to your personal account at the  My Account. You may visit Books.com.tw My Account , scroll down "discount/account balance", and find the "deposit amount available for use"

儲值金的狀態有哪些 What are some of the status for deposit coins? TOP


Pending: the deposit coins cannot yet been used because it hasn't reached the effective date.

Effective: the deposit  coins is now availablefor use because it has reached the effective date (if part of the deposit  coins has been use, the balance will be listed).

Redeemed: the deposit amount that has been redeemed (please scroll down the menu for details).

待生效的儲值金何時可用 When will the pending deposit amount available for use? TOP


The effective date of each pending deposit amount depends on the settings of each company or activity. You may visit Books.com.tw My account, scroll down "discount/account balance", and find "deposit coins available for use" for the estimated effective date (the actual effective date depends on the corporate announcement).

儲值金是否有使用期限 Is there an expiry date for the deposit coins? TOP


The deposit coins  can be used for an unlimited period of time after coming into effect.

儲值金可否轉讓給其他人使用 Can the deposit coins be transferred to others for use TOP


The deposit coins can only be used by the Books.com.tw member when making purchases and cannot be transferred to the third party, nor can the member ask Books.com.tw to combine the deposit coins of different accounts.

訂單取消後,會退還儲值金嗎 Will the deposit coins be returned after the order is canceled? TOP

訂單取消後三個工作日後,博客來將退還原抵用於該商品之等值儲值金金額。(若為整筆訂單取消,則一併退還處理費或運費)Books.com.tw will refund the equivalent deposit coins for the product within 3 working days after the order is canceled. (If the entire order is canceled, the service fee or shipping fee will be refunded as well).

辦理退貨,會退還儲值金嗎 Will the deposit coins be returned after the product is returned? TOP


Books.com.tw will refund the equivalent deposit coins for the product within 3 working days after you receive the product return notice (excluding service charge and shipping fee).

實體禮物卡(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡)保管說明 Safekeeping of gift card (shopping card, reading card) TOP

  • 實體禮物卡(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡)無兌換期限。There is no expiry date for the gift cards (shopping cards & reading cards).
  • 兌換為儲值金後無使用期限、不可兌換現金。There is no expiry date for gift cards that have been converted to the deposit amount, nor can they be redeemed for cash.
  • 採無記名方式發行,若已拆封、使用、遺失、遭竊、詐取、滅失、遭第三人佔有,另若毀損致密碼無法辨識等情形,恕無法提供賠償、退現、或補發,敬請妥善保管使用。The gift card is issued in an anonymous manner. If it has been unwrapped, used, lost, stolen, defraud, destroyed, or possessed by a third party, and if the password is unrecognizable due to damage, we cannot provide compensation, refund, or re-issuance. Please keep it safe at your possession.
  • 請勿置於高溫、高濕的環境下,以免造成損壞。Do not place it in a high temperature and high humidity environment to avoid damage.
  • 避免與尖銳物品放置一起,避免卡片折到或磨損。Avoid placing it with sharp objects to avoid folding or abrasion of the card.

實體禮物卡(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡)損壞、換卡等相關作業說明 Renew or replace damaged gift card (shopping card, reading card) TOP


For member whose gift card (shopping card, reading card) is damaged or deformed, they may contact our customer service at +886-2-2653-5588 for a replacement as long as the barcode or the password on it is still legible and haven't yet been redeemed.

禮物卡與儲值金施行細則(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡)Enforcement rules of gift card & deposit amount (shopping card, reading card) TOP

  • 禮物卡(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡)已由玉山銀行提供自生效日起一年內足額履約保證(生效日可至博客來會員專區查詢),請安心使用,保證期間屆滿,自動解除全部保證責任。For gift cards (including shopping cards, reading cards), E.SUN Commercial Bank has already provided a full performance guarantee within one year from the effective date (which can be checked in the My Account of the Books.com.tw website). Please feel free to use it. When the guarantee period expires, all performance guarantees will be automatically terminated.
  • 禮物卡(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡)兌換後之儲值金可在博客來指定之範圍及條件下使用,在博客來網站進行購物活動時可使用儲值金。儲值金非當然等同現金,會員不可將其以任何形式轉讓予他人。儲值金不構成交易對價,亦不可轉換成現金或兌換其他贈品。The deposit coins of gift cards (including shopping cards, reading cards) after redemption can be used within the scope and conditions specified by Books.com.tw and used for shopping activities on the Books.com.tw website. The deposit amount is not necessarily equivalent to cash, and members cannot transfer it to others in any form. The deposit amount does not constitute transaction consideration, nor can it be converted into cash or exchanged for other gifts.
  • 為保護您的個資安全,儲值金異動僅會在「會員專區」內進行提醒,不會以其他方式通知。 In order to protect your personal data safety, any changes to the deposit coins will only be mentioned in the "My Account" and will not be notified elsewhere.
  • 儲值金無使用期限、不可兌換現金。The deposit coins won't expire nor can it be redeemed for cash.
  • 依據「博客來服務條款」,任何經由輸入正確帳號與密碼抵用儲值金之行為,均視為該會員之行為。According to the "service terms of Books.com.tw", any entering of the correct account and password for the redemption of deposit amount will be regarded as the member's own act.
  • 因不可歸責於博客來或因不可抗力之因素導致禮物卡(含樂購卡、圖書樂讀卡)和儲值金資料流失或遭竊時,博客來不負賠償或補償之責。Books.com.tw shall not be liable for the compensation if the gift card (including shopping card and reading card) and deposit amount data are lost or stolen due to non-attributable liability or force majeure.
  • 博客來保留隨時變更、修改或終止本活動及約定條款之權利,若有異動,修改後的活動內容及約定條款將公佈在博客來本站上,若您於任何修改或變更後繼續使用本服務時,視為您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受該等修改或變更。Books.com.tw reserves the right to change, modify or terminate this activity and the agreed terms at any time. If there is any change, the revised activity content and agreed terms will be published on the Books.com.tw website. If you continue to use this service after any modification or change, it is deemed that you have read, understood, and agreed to accept such modification or change.
  • 因本活動所生之一切爭議以中華民國法令為準據法,並以台灣台北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。 All disputes arising from this event shall be governed by the law of Taiwan, and the Taiwan Taipei District Court shall be the court of the first instance having jurisdiction.

禮物卡領用方式 Gift card collection TOP

  • 電子禮物卡及實體禮物卡兌換方式,請詳見。For the redemption of a digital gift card or physical gift card, please refer to the details.
  • 若您是使用OPENPOINT點數兌換博客來禮物卡,請參考禮物卡儲值步驟。If you redeem the OPENPOINTs for Books.com.tw gift card, please refer to the gift card deposit steps.
