原本以為會很小本 沒想到超級大本 !! 差不多200多頁左右 整個質感都很讚 唯一有點難過的是他是英文的 當然還是不影響我對他的喜愛😍💋 ...more
這套書收穫許多孩子的芳心,尤其是小男生,兒子能一本接著一本閱讀,時而開心的大笑著,喜歡冒險挑戰情節的讀者請別錯過這最後一集,逗趣又勇敢的精神一定讓小讀者不知不覺翻到最後一 ...more
I like reading this story about the girl who stole the doll with my children. It's about the generation gap between a girl and her mother and the dolls they end up making. The content and illustrations in the book are very warm! It is a book that allows adults to talk to children about their thoughts.
今年的插圖依舊很可愛!每次拿到日曆都會特地翻自己生日那天的插圖是什麼😂雖然還有半年,但已經在期待用新日曆了。之後也會繼續支持Liz Climo 的作品!!
Very high level classic Full of emotion and love for his families and the country of Taiwan!
這本書非常精美,精美的書信設計可以練習到各行各業的生活用語 ,也跟小男孩—起想想怎麼解決生活中的問題 ,幫助孩子學習思考 ...more
包裝完整,十分完美。 暖心的內容,適合小朋友在學業遇到困難的時候讀一讀它,也適合家長看看,我覺得模仿它一下也無防,可以鼓勵自己的小朋友的同時也增進親子關係。 我覺得4 ...more
1.書盒側邊裂了一條大概七公分的裂痕,角落有撞擊痕跡,寄來時沒有任何緩衝材料(氣泡袋之類的) 2.The Deathly Hallows 的封面上緣有嚴重毛邊。 看到書受傷的心情大概跟我在看第七集的內容本身一樣,痛徹心扉、肝腸寸斷,我並不完美,但這並不代表書如其人是理所當然,如果這樣,我大概只配擁有一個廢紙簍。 總而言之,要買的人自行評估運氣跟風險承擔能力。
If you're looking for a comprehensive, well written guide that takes you from beginner to advanced with a simple but far reaching layout, look no further. This is an excellent book that stays relevant by explaining the methods by which tools work instead of simply breezing over the steps.
The book it's easy to read and very instructive. Great tips and examples makes practicing talking to other people easier. I would have liked it to be a longer book, its a great topic that everyone should invest some time in.
This book has some really good recipes, personally I love the ones for Calm, Anxiety & depression. I am really looking forward to trying some of the household recipes. If you are/want (to get into) essential oils this is an easy book to use, the only thing I do not like it that it does not cover Carrier Oils much, it just adds them to the recipe.
Fascinating. If I was young I would have gone into forensics. I enjoy everything about the books & figuring out who the killers are. Each book is GREAT. I'm waiting for more
This book is short and to the point. I was able to read it in one sitting. There's no BS, but there is compassion. It's compelling. It's encouraging. It's persuasive. I'll tell all my smoker friends about this.