

Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most

Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most

本書是從耶魯大學的「Life worth living」課程產生的,由於我自己在大學教的課有些部份也牽涉到這部份,所以我就買來看了。 不得不佩服作者群結合了佛家、儒家以及伊斯蘭、基督、天主等宗教思想,還找了許...more

Down and Out in Paradise: The Life of Anthony Bourdain

Down and Out in Paradise: The Life of Anthony Bourdain


After the Fall: Being American in the World We’ve Made

After the Fall: Being American in the World We’ve Made

  • Ben,RhodesIngram,出版日期:2022-05-24
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

本書心得我有投稿到《關鍵評論網》,有興趣可以去google喔~標題如下: [《After the Fall》:從匈牙利、俄羅斯、中國,再將眼光拉回自身——美國真的沒落了嗎?] 這本書是歐巴馬任內的副國家安...more



因為預訂,所以這本書一上市我就拿到,也速速開始看。但畢竟Angela Merker是出名的重視隱私,所以這本書其實是作者從第三者的角度觀察和透過訪談與Angela Merker接觸過的人所產生之作品。 有時候覺得有些...more

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future

To embrace the future with imagination is clairvoyance. This book is composed of science fiction and modern technology, as a way of exploring the time-space of 2041, it is captivating and fa...more

迷你桌上型告解室Desktop Confessional

迷你桌上型告解室Desktop Confessional

買來送該宗教信仰的朋友,還不錯👌 但可能要多買一顆電池給對方,因爲裡面的電池,沒有絕緣隔片,所以,收到的時候,可能就沒有電了,它電力不足時是說不出話的,還很像壞掉,差點被丟掉,好在我去買了電池...more

Visual Culture

Visual Culture

約翰‧伯格有一本書叫《觀看的方式》,這本書我常在書店看到擺在藝術設計書架周圍,通常是放在最顯眼的位子,這本身就構成一種觀看的方式~ 有很多書籍和影片教人如何欣賞藝術,似乎普羅大眾都沒有品味鑑賞...more

Two Trees Make a Forest: Travels Among Taiwan’’s Mountains and Coasts in Search of My Family’’s Past

Two Trees Make a Forest: Travels Among Taiwan’’s Mountains and Coasts in Search of My Family’’s Past

大眾媒體可以影響一個國家的閱讀品味,本書因為加拿大電視台CBC的閱讀節目Canada Reads而獲得廣泛的關注。本書也獲得幾個加拿大文學獎的提名。這本書《Two Trees Make a Forest: Travels Among Taiwan...more

Ghosting the News: Local Journalism and the Crisis of American Democracy

Ghosting the News: Local Journalism and the Crisis of American Democracy

本書屬於《Columbia Global Report》書系,本書系為哥倫比亞大學新聞學院推動的一項出版計畫,從2015年開始至今,目前已出版超過二十本深度的報導文學,本書為2020年出版的作品。 本書探討地方新聞的式微...more

Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World

Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World




  • Gertz,NolenIngram,出版日期:2019-09-10
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分


Spatial Regression Models for the Social Sciences

Spatial Regression Models for the Social Sciences

博客来书店是否能够考虑订购这本书?我想买,可是你们这里没有任何可以订购的书。 博客来书店是否能够考虑订购这本书?我想买,可是你们这里没有任何可以订购的书。 博客来书店是否能够考虑订购这本书?我...more

Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing

Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing

(1) 最近在重新整理腦中的資料,把一些沒必要和過時的想法進行迭代,難怪這幾年這麼流行斷捨離,要跟青春的天真浪漫吻別真的好難,不過身為男人不能優柔寡斷!! 在職場裡要養成有害的男子氣概,文本裡呼籲...more

Red Star Over the Pacific: China’s Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy

Red Star Over the Pacific: China’s Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy

美國作家在RED STAR OVER PACIFIC.一書中,描述中國與美國的太平洋最後的決戰,1小時內,中國以300枚左右的DF-21d,中程反艦彈道導彈,擊沈所有美國海軍航空母艦戰群,CBG.重創美國太平洋艦隊2/3以上的艦隊,除了...more

Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century

Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century

中文版本 2019年出版 本書英文書名比較簡單 ,遊牧民族:21世紀生存於美國。Nomad 指遊牧民族,他們拒絕被稱之為H族(Homeless)無家可歸的人,頂多是houseless。本書中國譯《無依之地》,香港譯《浪...more

A Life Beyond Boundaries

A Life Beyond Boundaries

這本書是政治學經典”想像的共同體”的作者Benedict Anderson的回憶錄。 “想像的共同體”(imagined communities)這個詞已經成為一種集體語言,政治外交類的嚴肅期刊常常會使用它,...more

First Confession: A Sort of Memoir

First Confession: A Sort of Memoir

彭定康(Chirs Patten)是我很欣賞的一位政治家,這本是他的回憶錄。他的政治經歷很豐富,最知名的就是末代香港總督,香港回歸前的最後幾年他推動了一些政策,加速香港民主的進程,這幾年香港的社會有些動盪...more

Young China: How the Restless Generation Will Change Their Country and the World

Young China: How the Restless Generation Will Change Their Country and the World


Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction

Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction

《Hit Maker》 其實我覺得平時只要我們跟大多數人做的事相反 已經很酷很炫而不是為相反而相反 是有建設性的逆操作 正如在思考問題時用腦袋和不用腦袋的答案選擇在結果上已經截然不同 長期獨立思考後做下...more

Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen

Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen

■ 提要 ◎從馬斯克、霍金到諾貝爾經濟學獎得主布坎南都支持, 基本收入如何能幫助我們獲得實質正義、自由與經濟安全感,邁向真正的良善社會? 當前的社會保障制度,須歷經財力調查與申報,但津貼又往往延...more

A Question of Order: India, Turkey, and the Return of Strongmen

A Question of Order: India, Turkey, and the Return of Strongmen


Wish Lanterns: Young Lives in New China

Wish Lanterns: Young Lives in New China

  • Alec,AshIngram,出版日期:2017-03-07
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

(1) “They wouldn’t miss the uncertainty of the twenties, as they found their path and partner in life. In that respect youth was a time for embracing bad decisions in order to fi...more

Alive, Alive Oh!: And Other Things That Matter

Alive, Alive Oh!: And Other Things That Matter

  • Athill,DianaIngram,出版日期:2017-01-03
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

當你100歲時回望人生,你會想起什麼? 《Alive, Alive Oh!》的作者Diana Athill是一位英國的傳奇女編輯,本書出版於2016年,當時她已經即將100歲! 這位作者是誰呢? 她是一位英國人,出生於1917年,卒於20...more



什麼叫做自我追蹤(self-tracking)?如果你現在戴著小米手環、Apple watch,或者手機上面開著一個運動APP,代表你就也算正在自我追蹤了。這幾年有一個倡議很夯,就是呼籲大家每天至少走一萬步,保持健康。因...more

One Child: The Past and Future of China’s Most Radical Experiment

One Child: The Past and Future of China’s Most Radical Experiment

作者是一名華裔美國人 原為華爾街日報的記者 本書一方面撰寫作者採訪的一胎化政治影響 一方面也有點類似自傳的寫作者自身成長過程、以及治療不孕症的過程穿插在書中 這本書文字優美,流暢易讀 翔實寫了一...more

Recasting India: How Entrepreneurship Is Revolutionizing the World’s Largest Democracy

Recasting India: How Entrepreneurship Is Revolutionizing the World’s Largest Democracy

This book is written by an senior editor of Fortune Magazine in India. The book is very informative. I find author’s devotion to the research impressive as it is detailed. He provides ...more



MOOC(公開課)是Massive online open courses的縮寫,就是知名大學透過網路這個新媒介,免費的提供教育課程給廣大的學習群眾。現在只要你有心,都能上網免費接受世界級的高質量教育,最大的三個MOOC平台是:...more

Ninety Percent of Everything: Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry That Puts Clothes on Your Back, Gas in Your Car, and Food

Ninety Percent of Everything: Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry That Puts Clothes on Your Back, Gas in Your Car, and Food

  • George,RoseIngram,出版日期:2014-09-09
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

Author Rose George hopped on a container ship in England heading to Singapore. The ship was Kendal operated by Maersk. Maersk is one of the largest shipping company in the world. It contrib...more

Memes in Digital Culture

Memes in Digital Culture


The Art of Focused Conversation for Schools, Third Edition: Over 100 Ways to Guide Clear Thinking and Promote Learning

The Art of Focused Conversation for Schools, Third Edition: Over 100 Ways to Guide Clear Thinking and Promote Learning

  • Jo,NelsonIngram,出版日期:2013-08-19
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分




  • Fey,TinaIngram,出版日期:2012-01-03
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

I always admire the unique style and sense of humor of Tina Fey. It is always enjoyable to see wisdom, strength and wit in a woman. A good read....more

Soldiers of the White Sun: The Chinese Army at War, 1931-1949

Soldiers of the White Sun: The Chinese Army at War, 1931-1949

it is a great book with comprehensive information and impressive photos...more



這本書是新南威爾士大學出版社出版的一系列關於澳洲城市的書,總共有九個城市: 雪梨、墨爾本、坎培拉、布里斯本、愛麗絲泉、達爾文、霍伯特、阿德萊德。每個城市由一位當地出生的作家來書寫,這是我讀此系...more

Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter

Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter

  • Bissell,TomIngram,出版日期:2011-06-14
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分


Wanderlust: A Love Affair with Five Continents

Wanderlust: A Love Affair with Five Continents

這本書有中文版,可是找不到頁面...? "一直在路上 : 關於愛、旅行、發現自我的漫遊記事"是中文譯名。 本書作者是一位美國女記者,出生於加拿大,在西雅圖長大, 後來搬到紐約,她生性裡有流浪...more

Envisioning the Nation: The Early American World’s Fairs and the Formation of Culture

Envisioning the Nation: The Early American World’s Fairs and the Formation of Culture

  • Astrid,BogerIngram,出版日期:2011-03-15
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

作者是漢堡大學的教授,是美國文化與文學的研究學者,此書嘗試美國舉辦的博覽會如何構造美國文化。首先,此書主要以回顧美國在十九世紀到二十世紀,由 1853 年紐約、1876 年費城、1893 年芝加哥、1904 年...more

Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder

Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder

250 Greek and Latin roots aid in the learning of 1,000 words along with over 2,000 closely related terms Features helpful usage examples and quizzes to test your memory Organized by Greek an...more

After the Car

After the Car

作者 John Urry 和 Kingsley Dennis 是社會學家,此書以英語出版於 2009 年。全書主張汽車時代看來如此穩定和不容改變,卻在正在倒數之中,全球變暖、石油供應減少和能源轉型、數碼化和智慧出行革命、人口...more

Banish Boring Words!, Grades 4-8: Dozens of Reproducible Word Lists for Helping Students Choose Just-Right Words to Strengthen Their Writing

Banish Boring Words!, Grades 4-8: Dozens of Reproducible Word Lists for Helping Students Choose Just-Right Words to Strengthen Their Writing

這本書以價錢來說算是較貴的(可能外文書的緣故) 因為內頁不到50頁 內容算是偏向工具書.裡面把一些單字(主要是形容詞與副詞)去做相關分類 基本上個人覺得同義字辭典可能會比較實用...more

Asian Firms: History, Institutions and Management

Asian Firms: History, Institutions and Management

This book is a very good introduction to the history, institutional environment, and management practice in Asia enterprises. The book was published ten years ago, but I think most of the el...more

Human Rights: A Very Short Introduction

Human Rights: A Very Short Introduction


Feminism: A Very Short Introduction

Feminism: A Very Short Introduction

何謂女性主義呢? 這本書是一本簡短的入門書,因為篇幅有限,所以只專注在英國本土女性主義的發展。不過英國以大英國協領主的身分,它的女性主義發展在一定程度上反映了西方女權的進程。除了英國,美國與英...more

States of Knowledge: The Co-Production of Science and Social Order

States of Knowledge: The Co-Production of Science and Social Order

編者 Sheila Jasanoff 是來自美國哈佛大學的教授,專長於科技與社會研究。此書出版於 2004 年,其主旨在提出共造 (co-production) 作為回應社會科學理論分歧之處。書中分為 14 章,分別不同學者合著分析四...more

The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism: 20th Anniversary Edition

The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism: 20th Anniversary Edition

  • Bell,DanielIngram,出版日期:1996-10-18
  • 會員評鑑等級: ,共1位評分

作者貝爾 (Daniel Bell) 是當代美國社會學家及哈佛大學教授,此書英語初版於 1976 年,其後再版於 1996 年加了一篇十分詳細的後記,十分值得關注。全書主旨為,分為主要六章,書中分別探討:現代主義、六...more

Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum

Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum

If you have the book, please notify me. Thank you so much!...more



