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1-1 詢價 I’d like to inquire about...
字彙導覽解說 Track 01
1. 說產品:要詢問產品,應一併列出型號(Catalog no.)、品名(Product name / Product description)、大小(Size)、規格(Specifications),以及網頁連結(Link)等資訊,將產品本體交待清楚!
2. 詢價格:既然是詢價,當然一定要問問產品的價格(Price),問有無折扣(Discount)好康,除此之外,也要好好瞭解一下與出貨相關的所有成本,像是預估的運費(Estimated freight)、手續費(Handling fee)或文件費(Documentation fee)等。
3. 詢供貨時間:價格之外的一大詢問要點就是現貨狀況(Availability status)了,也要問問從接單到出貨的出貨準備時間(Lead time)有多長!
1. I’d like to inquire about your PA0925 Extendable Selfie Stick which I’ve seen its information on your website. I’m highly interested in learning more about it. Please let me know its price and availability status.

2. We’re interested in your CPY1202 product and would like to know its price, availability status and also the estimated freight cost to Taiwan. Please inform. If there are any additional fees, e.g. handling fee, please tell us as well. Thanks.

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