


  • 會員評鑑等級
  • 評鑑日期:2015/09/15


拿坡里是義大利的一個地方,它是披薩的起源地。過去這種食物在當地廣受勞動階層與一般人民的喜愛,其原因是它吃起來簡單方便價格上又十分極具優勢。所費不高卻又能填飽肚子。但可想而知的是,它的品質無法於餐館裡的食物作比較。 過去在拿坡里的披薩通常都是有小販,在街上販售。依據客人的預算做披薩大小的切割,因此這食物往往一早就被生產出來,加上過去的保鮮技術不及現代與食品衛生觀念尚未發達,街上所販售的食物通常是便宜但不潔的。

雖然說披薩已經是世界所知名的食物,但在過去它只能算是拿坡里地區的地方菜色,無法遍及義大利整個國家。過去人們想到義大利的食物 往往第一個反應是義大利麵,而為何披薩能成為第二項代表義大利的食物呢?
其中有幾個關鍵的因素, 其一,在20世紀中,至各國旅遊的遊客大量的增加,當時的遊客,傾向品嚐當地的特色美食,而義大利除了義大利麵時之外,披薩也是其中一個品項。當它能順應當地的食材與消費者的口味作變化時 就注定它能大放異彩



Pizza: The History

Pizza is one of the famous foods in the world. The foods’ ingredients can vary anywhere and anybody’s flavor so it is accepted so fast.

Naples, the Pizzas origin is a small city in Italy. The food is very popular with the workers and even with the Naples local citizens in the past because it is easy to eat and cheap, no need to spend a lot of money but can fill people’ stomach. Pizza was sold in slices on the street by many vendors to suit the customers’ budget but the quality always poor because the food was produced very early and laid on the vendor’s table or inside shop whole day until the customers buy it. We could imagine that the flavor of some ingredient was different and the food was spoiled because it was exposed to the air outside.

Before, pizza was a local dish because it was just famous around Naples area, but nowadays, it is already a popular food worldwide. If we ask Italians what dish can represent their country, Italian noodles always first in their mind, so an interesting question is how pizza could become a famous food in the world? It includes some reasons. The first one is the pizza‘s ingredients can vary everywhere. Chefs can use fresh local vegetables and special fruits to create a wonderful eating experience. The second reason is the Italians bring their food culture to other counties when they immigrate. The situation sped up pizza was known to the world. The final but important thing is managing skills be used in chain pizza shops by controlling the quality and adjusting the favors the pizza and this can catch the customers’ eyes and touch their heart. Customers can taste same flavor and feel safe when they eat in chain shops anywhere. At the same time, these kinds of restaurants offer the affordable price to customers by cost down such as contact with suppliers and purchase huge amount.

Although the book’s title is Pizza, it does not only introduce what pizza is and where pizza from but also tell us about how to successfully promote any food to be popular. It must rely on improving manufacture effectively、adjust the taste for the local people and offer an affordable price.

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  • 會員評鑑等級
  • 評鑑日期:2015/09/10



但目前總總的數據也使人們模糊了焦距。如我們透過國民所得GDP的高低來衡量人民的生活水準程度,卻無法保證高GDP的國度,其人民是否過的較為幸福。 另外因為統計數據都是依照可評斷的標的來得到的,因此那些模糊、無法定義的指標就不得不捨棄。

當然現今的社會 因科技的進展 我們可以引進先進的技術來改善過去數據內容的不足。同時去深思那些我們無法用數據來表達的元素,如何影響我們的生活,而非對它們視而不見。

About this book, GDP and other economic indicators, I think the author wants to tell the readers one important issue that the economic index was built for solving or explaining special problem in the past. For solving these special problems such as unemployment rates or inflation, government developed some indexes by statistics. Although these indexes offer a lot of information to the government, we still need to know these data cannot represent the whole real world because there are many factors that cannot be measured.

Government made policies to establish centers for employees’ training or try to balance between inflation and that economic situation after they get these indexes.
Two centuries ago, we didn’t have any indexes could that help government departments or agencies to make decisions. We could imagine that it was like driving a car at night but the lights were not turned on, in the situation, accident could happen easily. Nowadays it is getting better when we get some statistics to help us, just like when we are driving at night and we turn on our headlights that help and guide us drive safely. We can find some problems and adjust our direction if we know that path already deviate the targets. This situation, have indexes that we can review, is better than without any statistical data but we still need to remember that the indexes can’t response one hundred percent fully to our real life. For example, we use GDP index to represent people’s life status but this index can’t guarantee that the people are happy when the GDP is high. Another thing, statistical data must be gotten from measurable factors so we have to ignore some elements if we cannot measure them.

I think the book wants to tell us that we can use new technology to get more useful data and detailed information from people and companies anywhere、anytime by mobile phone、Internet or other portable sensors to improve the data that we need. We also need to consider that there are still some elemental factors that cannot be measured until now. We cannot focus on the statistics alone and ignore invisible factors in this world. Everything is important in our life.

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  • 會員評鑑等級
  • 評鑑日期:2015/09/07



1. 開店的模式:是自架網站、在網站中成立店家,還是單純只是提供商品…
2. 利潤與成本的計算要清楚:利潤來至消費者的購買金額,因此如何提高消費者的點閱率,購買率與採購金額十分重要。 而成本則來至產品本身的成本,網路架設的成本,員工的成本,物流的成本,若有與其它網站合作,則分成的成本也需算下去。
3. 如何行銷: 在眾多競爭者環視下。產品本身的獨特性,差異化,客戶的滿意度與搭配各式的行銷活動如,特定節日特賣,專屬會員商品,滿額好禮與大數據的資料以便提供更適合個別消費者的專屬行銷模式
4. 銷售後的客戶回流,能使網站在持續的經營下去,且吸引回頭客戶的成本遠遠低於一個新客戶的成本, 因此做好顧客關係管理也是十分重要的一環。切記一個企業若要長久經營下去,其不論在於產品的持續改善,客戶的體驗與回饋。都是需要注意的。




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  • 會員評鑑等級
  • 評鑑日期:2015/09/01





另外,我們過去時常認為遊客的拜訪可以帶動該地的就業機會也同時拉動景氣的提升。 但卻忽略了,在全球化的影響下,紀念品的生產已經大幅度的變成由中國或是其他低工資、低成本的國家生產後,販售到該旅遊景點取代了傳統當地自製紀念品銷售的模式,在者現代化的經營式,各大旅遊集團在各景點皆與當地大型公司廠家配合,藉此壓低旅客初期報名的成本,透過抽傭的方式取的回扣來貼補旅費的不足。當這樣的現象持續發生的時候,我們可以預見小型店家因店面租金昂貴且利潤不足的情況下,退出市場。也會看見各國的文化因因應旅客的需求而所做的妥協與調整


Travel business is one of the biggest industries in the world today. It includes transport, culture, exhibition, environment protection, and selling many kind of souvenir and anything you can imagine. Many people rely on this huge industry to live. So how to develop this business between improving the economy and protect the environment balance is a big topic.

Building or exploiting nice spot and offer good schedules for visitors can make all customers enjoy the trip and get wonderful memories. Nowadays, transport efficiency is getting better so people can get lower price to travel, we can buy cheaper air ticket、book hotel by ourselves and search online to get/look for information about famous spots. These factors make travel be easier than before even the long distance trips.

Recently, people can go to almost all places in the world and get visa easily so traveling is not just for the rich privileged anymore. We always see the colorful side of the traveling business but ignore the dark side; this industry has side effects to local people who live in the famous spots.

For example, when we are lying on the deck of the ship、enjoying show or playing in the casino or doing exercise in the gym, we never considered that these companies just pay most employees low salary; it is lower than the governments law. Another thing is that ship’s engine still needs to continue running even if it already arrived at the destination because it must also think of the travelers who opted to stay on the boat. The wastewater equipment is also important in the ship. If it couldn’t run properly or is overloaded, releasing wastewater into the sea will truly affect our world because the ocean can't decompose too much excretion and other pollutants.

We thought that the local economy would be increased at visitors coming; shop and companies need to hire more employees to service these people. It is a good thing because the lives of the local citizens will be improved when travel business enters the area. However, we ignore that it is a global world nowadays, maybe the products sold in the local market are not really produced in the locality, they are just imported as low cost products from other countries such as China、Vietnam or other place. This situation can’t create net income to local place. But instead the visitors ruin the environment than bringing benefits.

Traveling companies use lower price package to attract their potential customers but how can they offer lower price trip? Some reasons are: they have a deal with hotels、airline companies to get a discount. It is good arrangement between travel companies and airlines、hotels because this strategy can make sure hotel rooms can be used efficiently or airplane seats can be sold out.
Another way is the partnership with souvenir shops for example, bring customers to special place for shopping and in this way the travel agency can get commission.
We can get new ideas and make new friends when we are traveling. In my opinion, I think most people like traveling when they have time and money. We also need to think of the environment when we explore the world, not only just to enjoy when we are traveling.

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  • 會員評鑑等級
  • 評鑑日期:2015/06/11





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  • 會員評鑑等級
  • 評鑑日期:2015/06/11






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