
我只買上漲股:韓國第一股票Youtuber用100張線圖教你看穿主力動向,搭順風車買進下一支300%飆股 (電子書)

我只買上漲股:韓國第一股票Youtuber用100張線圖教你看穿主力動向,搭順風車買進下一支300%飆股 (電子書)

  • 會員評鑑等級 類型:電子書
  • 評鑑日期:2021/02/05

I believe I have been cheated by the term e-book. I guess it were an e-book that were similar to normal books except it is not physical paper. However IT IS NOT!

I can not highlight texts. I can not copy text ( I agree not to allow copying the whole book or large portions forcopy-right protection).

That means I have to type notes myself.

I do not know how other e-book stores handle e-books.

I do not think I like to come back for additional purchase unless absolute no other choices.

I am very Disappointed and dis-satsifactory.

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