
NEW GEPT 全新全民英檢中高級聽力&閱讀題庫解析【新制修訂版】: 6 回試題完全掌握最新內容與趨勢!110年起最新改版英檢中高級題型!(附聽力測驗MP3 + 音檔下載連結QR碼)

NEW GEPT 全新全民英檢中高級聽力&閱讀題庫解析【新制修訂版】: 6 回試題完全掌握最新內容與趨勢!110年起最新改版英檢中高級題型!(附聽力測驗MP3 + 音檔下載連結QR碼)

  • 會員評鑑等級
  • 評鑑日期:2023/05/12

I'm studying Chinese with this book. It's very well written and translated in a natural way. I reckon I can understand conversational standard Chinese thanx to this method. I strongly recommend this textbook!

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柏青哥(Apple TV+ 同名影集原著小說)

柏青哥(Apple TV+ 同名影集原著小說)

  • 會員評鑑等級
  • 評鑑日期:2022/03/24


The English to Korean translator is Lee, Min Jeong(or Jung).
The Korean-American novelist is Lee, Min Jin.
Please don't get readers confused.
The traditional Korean Chinese full name that appears on the book cover clearly indicates the Korean translator.

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