

樂高攝影教學超值組 (附2人偶+30個道具+6背景) Lego Minifigure Photography

樂高攝影教學超值組 (附2人偶+30個道具+6背景) Lego Minifigure Photography

Learn how to take great photos with LEGO minifigures! Two included minifigures are ready to strike a pose, with 30 LEGO ......more

樂高10款賽車+雙軌道創意組(附124塊積木與說明書)Lego Race Cars STEM Activity Kit

樂高10款賽車+雙軌道創意組(附124塊積木與說明書)Lego Race Cars STEM Activity Kit

The ultimate kit for LEGO fans and car enthusiasts alike! Assemble a high-quality chipboard track to set the scene for y......more

《怪獸與牠們的產地》劇本書 1-3 集+玻璃獸公仔珍藏組

《怪獸與牠們的產地》劇本書 1-3 集+玻璃獸公仔珍藏組

《怪獸與牠們的產地》劇本書 1-3 集+玻璃獸公仔珍藏組 ★ 完整收藏 J.K. 羅琳電影原著劇本&魔法界最萌奇獸 ★ 1. 怪獸與牠們的產地:玻璃獸公仔組(附音效) 魔法界最萌奇獸出沒注意!最喜歡亮晶晶東西的玻璃...more

The Battle of Hogwarts and the Magic Used to Defend It

The Battle of Hogwarts and the Magic Used to Defend It

Rediscover the Battle of Hogwarts as seen in the Harry Potter films in this beautiful book, complete with an invisible i......more

樂高齒輪小怪獸(8款會動的創意模型)Lego Gear Bots: Create 8 Machines

樂高齒輪小怪獸(8款會動的創意模型)Lego Gear Bots: Create 8 Machines

The next LEGO STEM kit from Klutz, hot on the heels of LEGO Gadgets. •Build 8 physics-driven kinetic creatures using ......more



本套書包含飢餓遊戲前傳(精裝)+飢餓遊戲三部曲套書(平裝) 1. 飢餓遊戲前傳《鳴唱鳥與蛇之歌謠》The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (a Hunger Games Novel) 《飢餓遊戲》前......more

《怪獸與牠們的產地》1+2 集電影原著劇本

《怪獸與牠們的產地》1+2 集電影原著劇本

套書內容包含:《怪獸與牠們的產地》1+2 集電影原著劇本 ★ 正宗電影原著劇本,由J.K.羅琳親自編寫,全球哈迷萬眾矚目 ★ 電影集結艾迪瑞德曼、裘德洛等豪華卡司 ★ 封面由《哈利波特》及《怪獸》系列電...more

The Hunger Games #2: Catching Fire (Special Edition)

The Hunger Games #2: Catching Fire (Special Edition)

飢餓遊戲 2:星火燎原(10週年紀念版) 餘燼悶燒,騷亂滋生,都城要報復。 燃燒的女孩飛矢點燃, 星火即將騰空…… 在不可能獲勝的情勢中,凱妮絲從飢餓遊戲生還,與比德攜手返回家鄉。依照遊戲規則,...more

The Hunger Games #3: Mockingjay (Special Edition)

The Hunger Games #3: Mockingjay (Special Edition)

飢餓遊戲 3:自由幻夢(10週年紀念版) 真的還是假的,我在燃燒? 猶如太陽,無法撲滅。 火的變種只知道一種感覺:煎熬。 飢餓遊戲成為夢魘,不能逃脫。第十三區確實存在,從被遺忘的荒野浮現。不只...more

The Wand Chooses the Wizard

The Wand Chooses the Wizard

Wands at the ready! Whether you’re a Hufflepuff or a Slytherin, from an old wizarding family or new to the wizarding wor......more

Hidden Creatures: Scratch Magic (J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World)

Hidden Creatures: Scratch Magic (J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World)

Available just in time for the theatrical release of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Reveal what beasts Newt......more

Lego Gadgets

Lego Gadgets

動手動腦,玩生活中的科學! 本書內含58個樂高零件,及6張全彩紙版, 結合樂高與科學原理,變化出11款「可動的」小機器! 如何向6歲的孩子示範支點與槓桿原理?什麼是視覺暫留?如何解說電影影像製作和風力...more

The Marauder’s Map Guide to Hogwarts

The Marauder’s Map Guide to Hogwarts

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. For years, Harry Potter film fans have marveled over the Marauder’s Map, t......more

Honeydukes: A Scratch & Sniff Adventure

Honeydukes: A Scratch & Sniff Adventure

From Fizzing Whizbees to Cockroach Clusters, Bertie Bott s Every Flavor Beans to Chocolate Frogs, the Harry Potter films......more

Good Boy, Fergus!

Good Boy, Fergus!

狗狗完美的一天是如何過的呢? Fergus 迫不及待地想要出門散步,但一出了門就失控暴衝! 喔,原來是因為有隻貓吸了牠的注意。回到家裡,Fergus 就跟一般家中的「乖」狗一樣愛吃,為了食物趴下、坐下、翻滾...more

Duck on a Tractor

Duck on a Tractor


There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Phonics Box Set (10本讀本+2本活動練習本〕

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Phonics Box Set (10本讀本+2本活動練習本〕

活到老、學到老,勇於接納新事物的態度,無論任何的年紀都可以學習,也來看看老太太如何在這樣的年紀學習拼音讀法,整套盒書10本讀本另外搭配2本Workbooks。 ?...more

In the Water

In the Water

本商品為硬頁書 0歲寶寶的世界是黑白的,在這段期間、寶寶最適合觀看對比明確的圖案。 透過注視對比強烈的黑白圖形,能夠給予寶寶最適度的感官刺激,提升寶寶探索周圍世界的好奇心,舒緩寶寶在煩躁情...more

In the City

In the City

本商品為硬頁書 0歲寶寶的世界是黑白的,在這段期間、寶寶最適合觀看對比明確的圖案。 透過注視對比強烈的黑白圖形,能夠給予寶寶最適度的感官刺激,提升寶寶探索周圍世界的好奇心,舒緩寶寶在煩躁情...more

In the Garden

In the Garden

本商品為硬頁書 0歲寶寶的世界是黑白的,在這段期間、寶寶最適合觀看對比明確的圖案。 透過注視對比強烈的黑白圖形,能夠給予寶寶最適度的感官刺激,提升寶寶探索周圍世界的好奇心,舒緩寶寶在煩躁情...more

玩樂高拍電影:利用68個元件製作專屬自己的影片Lego Make Your Own Movie Activity Kit

玩樂高拍電影:利用68個元件製作專屬自己的影片Lego Make Your Own Movie Activity Kit

In this beginner guide to stop-motion animation, you’ll learn how to use your phone, tablet, or computer to make short, ......more

David’s Wonderful Times (5 Books + 1 audio CD)

David’s Wonderful Times (5 Books + 1 audio CD)

《大衛的歡樂時光》(5冊合售 + 1片CD) David’s Wonderful Times (5 Books + 1 audio CD) 曾獲凱迪克大獎榮譽獎的知名繪本創作者大衛‧夏農,從自身的童年經歷出發,以幽默有力的文字,精準掌握......more

David’s Colorful World (5 Books + 1 audio CD)

David’s Colorful World (5 Books + 1 audio CD)

《大衛的彩色世界》(5冊合售 + 1片CD) David’s Colorful World (5 Books + 1 audio CD) 曾獲凱迪克大獎榮譽獎的知名繪本創作者大衛‧夏農,以精湛的油畫筆觸,和無邊無際的想像力,描繪出孩子的......more

More Monsters, More Problems

More Monsters, More Problems

The fourth chapter book based on the newest LEGO(R) toy theme!...more

At Home

At Home

本商品為硬頁書 0歲寶寶的世界是黑白的,在這段期間、寶寶最適合觀看對比明確的圖案。 透過注視對比強烈的黑白圖形,能夠給予寶寶最適度的感官刺激,提升寶寶探索周圍世界的好奇心,舒緩寶寶在煩躁情...more

At the Park

At the Park

本商品為硬頁書 0歲寶寶的世界是黑白的,在這段期間、寶寶最適合觀看對比明確的圖案。 透過注視對比強烈的黑白圖形,能夠給予寶寶最適度的感官刺激,提升寶寶探索周圍世界的好奇心,舒緩寶寶在煩躁情...more

The Power of the Fortrex

The Power of the Fortrex

Clay likes to do things by the book- by the Knights Code book, to be exact. Clay practices his knightly skills for hou......more



細膩美麗充滿張力的油畫風格的畫面把讀者帶進了比格湖,世界上最大的魚Jangles的家鄉。 一個男孩傍晚獨自垂釣,他感覺到魚線一顫,然後就面對面的看到了一條超級大的魚,魚的下巴上佈滿了魚餌和魚鉤,以...more

The Hunger Games Trilogy Asia Version 2016 Edition

The Hunger Games Trilogy Asia Version 2016 Edition


The Zen Set

The Zen Set

本商品含Zen Shorts, Zen Ties, Zen Ghosts, Hi, Koo! 四本獨立繪本...more

Ice Cream Summer

Ice Cream Summer

* S s delivers an encomium to summer, to the power of learning, and to that beloved, creamy-cold treat. --Kirkus, starr......more

樂高連鎖反應機關 Lego Chain Reactions

樂高連鎖反應機關 Lego Chain Reactions

玩中學! 動手動腦,用樂高實驗連鎖反應。 什麼是連鎖反應?翻開《Lego Chain Reactions》就知道!樂高的專家團隊參考各方教育與重度愛好者建議,將Lego組合搭配上基礎說明及技能,以及背後的物理學原理...more

Bugs in My Hair

Bugs in My Hair

有一天,媽媽發現了我的頭髮中爬出了一隻小蟲蟲,我嚇死了… 這如果讓我的朋友知道,大家一定都不會喜歡我,可是為什麼會這樣,這蟲蟲叫什麼,我要如何消滅牠呢?...more

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

A funny, entertaining introduction to Ben Franklin and his many inventions, including the story of how he created the m......more

I Love You Through and Through [With Plush]

I Love You Through and Through [With Plush]

I LOVE YOU THROUGH AND THROUGH now comes with a very special teddy bear plush This bestselling classic written by Bernad......more

The Hunger Games Trilogy

The Hunger Games Trilogy


Usborne Phonics Readers Set

Usborne Phonics Readers Set

Cat, mat, sat…拼音是英語閱讀中重要的一環,但是在孩子剛開始學習的階段,要找到既有趣、又能引導孩子運用拼音唸出新單字的讀物並不容易。 Usborne Phonics Readers便是以鼓勵拼音閱讀為出發點的讀本系...more

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He k......more

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The Dursleys were so mean that hideous that summer that all Harry Potter wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School f......more

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

For twelve long years, the dread fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. Convicted of killing ......more

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter is midway through his training as a wizard and his coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the pernicio......more

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

In his fifth year at Hogwart s, Harry faces challenges at every turn, from the dark threat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be- Named......more

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The war against Voldemort is not going well; even the Muggles have been affected. Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts for......more

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Rowling s stunning conclusion to her bestselling Harry Potter series is now available in paperback. As a farewell to the......more

Special Edition Harry Potter Paperback Box Set

Special Edition Harry Potter Paperback Box Set

【美國版】哈利波特15週年紀念版套書 兒童奇幻小說經典,帶你進入J.K 羅琳創造的霍格華茲魔法世界!這套15週年紀念版哈利波特 1-7 集紀念套書,由 Scholastic 出版社與插畫家 Kazu Kibuishi 合作,重新設...more

The Moonlight Mystery

The Moonlight Mystery

These are no ordinary princesses . . . they re Rescue Princesses!Princesses to the rescue! Another animal is in trouble......more

How Do Dinosaurs Collection

How Do Dinosaurs Collection

大好評生活教育繪本,亞馬遜4.5顆星推薦 每到睡覺的時刻,小朋友是否會嘟著嘴巴,吵著要再聽一個故事呢?看到盤子裡的青菜,孩子會乖乖吃完,還是假裝吃兩口而已?珍.尤倫(Jane Yolen)和馬克.提格(Mark Te...more

Roly Poly Pop-Up: Old MacDonald

Roly Poly Pop-Up: Old MacDonald

「王老先生有塊地…」爸媽可以一邊唱著童謠,一邊展開這本像魔術方塊的立體書!Roly Poly系列以獨特的設計,將九個立體畫面收納在一個小方塊中,隨著故事的敘述,讓孩子們體驗打開藏寶盒的驚喜。Roly Poly系...more

Best of David Shannon Set

Best of David Shannon Set


Scholastic科學讀本有聲套書 I Am Science Readers Collection(10本書+CD)

Scholastic科學讀本有聲套書 I Am Science Readers Collection(10本書+CD)

Scholastic科學讀本套書《I Am Science Readers Collection》,以簡單易讀的詞句,讓孩子用英語認識身邊的世界。 毛毛蟲是怎麼變成蝴蝶的?種子如何發芽?葉子為什麼會變紅呢?這些孩子常問的問題,都可以...more

The Magic School Bus - 25th Anniversary Collection

The Magic School Bus - 25th Anniversary Collection

全美最受歡迎的科學繪本系列《The Magic School Bus》25歲囉!跟著魔法校車上天下海,探索無奇不有的自然世界! 愛穿大花洋裝的捲髮佛老師,最喜歡帶著班上同學去戶外郊遊,只不過他們的景點跟大家都不一...more

Jeremy Lin: Rising Star

Jeremy Lin: Rising Star

哈佛小子林書豪的崛起是個溫馨勵志的運動故事,將成為孩子們的模範表率! 替兒童寫過超過50本運動書的專業作家親自執筆,帶領孩子明白NBA球星的努力不懈! 今年襲捲整個NBA籃球殿堂的超級炫風、讓全球大...more

Glory Be

Glory Be

A Mississippi town in 1964 gets riled when tempers flare at the segregated public pool. As much as Gloriana June Hemphil......more

No, David!: It’s Christmas, David!

No, David!: It’s Christmas, David!

David常常爬高爬低、玩食物、調皮搗蛋,讓大人頭痛不已。聖誕假期將至,David被歡樂的氣氛感染,變得更加坐不住了。他偷吃薑餅、偷看聖誕禮物、打破玻璃......大人的 No,Daivd! 、 No! 各種制止聲不絕於...more

Gus Makes a Friend

Gus Makes a Friend

From the best-selling illustrator of the FROGGY picture books. It s a snow day, and Gus wants to play! But Mom is busy.......more

Catching Fire

Catching Fire

《時代雜誌》選為2009年十大小說之一,稱譽它表現出「本色的威力」。 「飢餓遊戲」系列小說首部曲《飢餓遊戲》美國版於 2008年9月問世以來,暢銷年餘,始終無法退燒,迄2009年12月18日為止,已盤據紐約...more

Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel

Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel

這部極為流行的劇集改編自小說,介紹了惡魔般的12歲和他的天才邪惡計劃。 “對粉絲和新讀者來說都很合適。” - SLJ...more



The greatly anticipated final book in the New York Times bestselling Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. The Capito......more

Hunger Games Boxset

Hunger Games Boxset

此商品為美國平裝版套書! 那是未來的世界:施惠國,一個獨裁的都城統治十二個貧窮的行政區。每年,各區被迫推出一男一女的青少年,投入至死方休,只能有一人存活的競技遊戲。這是統治者娛樂都城市民、警...more

11 Birthdays

11 Birthdays

This hilarious novel from award-winning author Wendy Mass is now available in paperback It s Amanda s 11th birthday and ......more

Too Many Toys!

Too Many Toys!


Halloween Party from the Black Lagoon

Halloween Party from the Black Lagoon

Get ready to scream, beacuse it s Halloween time in the Black Lagoon. Hubie has no costume for the scariest Halloween p......more

The Horror at Camp Jellyjam

The Horror at Camp Jellyjam

Unable to fit in with the other kids at summer sports camp, Wendy, a non-athletic type, cannot understand what all the h......more

Boo Hoo Bird

Boo Hoo Bird

will make Bird feel better? A kiss? A cookie? A Band-Aid? Bird s friends Raccoon, Rabbit, Beaver, Sheep, and Fox are fu......more

The U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court

Examines the Supreme Court s historic and modern roles, discussing the influence of specific landmark cases on American......more

The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon

The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon

A bestselling Black Lagoon title--with an eye-catching new look for Trade!It s another scary day at the Black Lagoon. .......more

Lego Crazy Action Contraptions

Lego Crazy Action Contraptions

LEGO? Crazy Action Contraptions is a book of never-before-seen, high-performance projects. From the supercharged Speedst......more

The Snow Day from the Black Lagoon

The Snow Day from the Black Lagoon

THE SNOW DAY FROM THE BLACK LAGOON: When a blizzard hits, Hubie knows that doesn t mean a snow day, it means a no day -......more

Harry Potter Boxed Set: Books 1-7

Harry Potter Boxed Set: Books 1-7

HARRY POTTER BOXED SET 1-7 includes the seven phenomenal Harry Potter hardcover books by best selling author J. K. Rowli......more

Old Macdonald: A Hand-Puppet Board Book

Old Macdonald: A Hand-Puppet Board Book

From Little Scholastic comes this innovative and interactive hand-puppet board book for babies and toddlers. Ages: 0-2. ......more

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