


Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 3: Family (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 3: Family (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 11: Fruits

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 11: Fruits

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 4: Animals (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 4: Animals (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 12: Drinks

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 12: Drinks

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 5: Feelings (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 5: Feelings (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 11: Fruits (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 11: Fruits (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 6: Toys (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 6: Toys (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 12: Drinks (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 12: Drinks (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 7: Shapes (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 7: Shapes (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 8: Foods (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 8: Foods (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 9: Weather (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 9: Weather (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Flash on English for Business Conversations (台製)

Flash on English for Business Conversations (台製)

This book presents specific business-related vocabulary and language structures, with a focus on the speaking skills nee......more

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 10: Art (WorkBook)

Chatterbox Kids Pre-K 10: Art (WorkBook)

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

The Complete TOEIC® Practice Test (2) 附MP3/1片

The Complete TOEIC® Practice Test (2) 附MP3/1片

Book 2 of The Complete TOEIC® Practice Test is designed to help test-takers achieve a basic level score of between 500-7......more

The Complete TOEIC® Practice Test (2) 附MP3/1片

The Complete TOEIC® Practice Test (2) 附MP3/1片

Book 3 of The Complete TOEIC® Practice Test is designed to help test-takers achieve a basic level score of between 700-9......more

Look (Starter) Student Book

Look (Starter) Student Book

Overview The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. ......more

Look (2) Student Book

Look (2) Student Book

Overview The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. ......more

Look (4) Student Book

Look (4) Student Book

Overview The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. ......more

Look (5) Student Book

Look (5) Student Book

Overview The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. ......more

Look (6) Student Book

Look (6) Student Book

Overview The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. ......more

Look (Starter) Workbook with Online Practice Access Code

Look (Starter) Workbook with Online Practice Access Code

Overview The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. ......more

Look (1) A Reading Anthology for Young Learners

Look (1) A Reading Anthology for Young Learners

The world is an amazing place. •Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. •See som......more

Look (Starter) A Reading Anthology for Young Learners

Look (Starter) A Reading Anthology for Young Learners

The world is an amazing place. •Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. •See somet......more

Look (6) A Reading Anthology for Young Learners

Look (6) A Reading Anthology for Young Learners

The world is an amazing place. •Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. •See somet......more

Look (4) Workbook with Online Practice Access Code

Look (4) Workbook with Online Practice Access Code

Overview The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level series for young learners of English. ......more

化工熱力學 8/e

化工熱力學 8/e

本書是提供大學化工系學生學習基礎熱力學課程而編寫的教科書,也可以作為生化、農化、材料、紡織、冶金、地質等專業的基礎熱力學教材或參考書。 本書的結構在熱力學原理的發展與熱力學性質的相關使用,...more

現代材料科學與工程 6/e

現代材料科學與工程 6/e

隨著科學技術的進步,新工程領域的發展以及工程專業的變化,當今的工程師必須對材料相關的問題有更深入、更多樣化和最新的知識。 本書第六版進行了以下改進: • 第 1 章材料科學與工程導論已經更新...more

作業研究 Hillier 10/e 附光碟

作業研究 Hillier 10/e 附光碟

  • 東華,出版日期:2019-12-01

本書譯自美國史丹福大學的Frederick S. Hillier與Gerald J. Lieberman兩位教授合著之 Introduction to Operations Research 第十版。該書初版為1967年,其後歷經多次編修,......more

Essential Written Grammar

Essential Written Grammar

The primary aim of this book is to present a manageable coverage of grammar at the intermediate, which will serve the pu......more

基礎生物學 9/e

基礎生物學 9/e


Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 8/e:(導讀本)

Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 8/e:(導讀本)

離散數學是數學、計算機科學及電機工程的必修科目,也是其他工程相關系所的必選科目之一。而 Kenneth H. Rosen 教授所編寫的離散數學一書,自 1998 年發行初版以來,如今已修訂至第八版,本書挑選的十三章...more

電子學精要 8/e

電子學精要 8/e

本書非常適合作為電子學初學者入門參考書,對於教學者、進階學習或者是電子相關從業人員而言,則是一本非常具有實用參考價值的工具書。 其編譯仍維持原版一貫的完整詳實,由淺入深、循序漸進。內容說明...more

MATLAB 在工程上的應用 4/e

MATLAB 在工程上的應用 4/e

MATLAB 之所以愈來愈受到歡迎,部分原因為歷史悠久,其程式是已完善開發且經過詳細檢驗,因此它的解答相當可靠。此外,它有友善的互動使用介面,也包含完整的數值運算工具和繪畫功能。一般使用者可以簡潔...more

統計學 10/e

統計學 10/e

《統計學》(Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach, 10e) 是為那些只有基礎代數背景、剛開始學統計的學生寫的。本書順著一種非理論、無嚴格證明、藉由直覺解釋觀念以及大量例子的路線發展,......more

中級會計學 下冊(五版)(IFRS)

中級會計學 下冊(五版)(IFRS)

本書係以我國適用之國際會計準則 (IAS) 與國際財務報導準則 (IFRS) 正體中文版為撰寫依據。 • 本書使用之會計科目係引用我國金融監督管理委員會發布 之「證券發行人財務報告編製準則」及臺灣證券交易所...more




Writing Success 2:Professional English for Work Today

Writing Success 2:Professional English for Work Today

Writing Success共9個單元,帶領讀者進入9種商業情境,窺探9種不同產業的生態。 本書囊括超過一百種常用句型,讓你自由運用於多種情境: 收集資訊、提出建議、強調重點、有效跟進、管理期待、要求對方...more







高等會計學 上冊 六版 (IFRS)

高等會計學 上冊 六版 (IFRS)

本書特色 •本書係以我國適用之國際會計準則(IAS)與國際財務報導準則(IFRS)正體中文版為撰寫依據。 •使用之會計科目係引用我國金融監督管理委員會發布 之「證券發行人財務報告編製準則」及臺灣證 券交...more



本書特色 •本書每章均整理列示相關會計準則規定之「重點內容」 •依IAS與IFRS之規定改編並詳解我國普考、初等特考、地方四等特考及五等特考經典考題 •引用金管會及證交所發布及公告之會計科目名稱 ...more



這是一本以通俗科學風格編寫的電磁學教科書。講述時,避免一般教科書制式窠臼的敘述法,而以最通俗易懂的方式,從最容易理解的角度切入。 本書特別為科學新鮮人們預備了三章的入門知識(約法三章): 第...more

全民英檢 中級初試 模擬試題冊(附MP3 CD/1片)(二版)

全民英檢 中級初試 模擬試題冊(附MP3 CD/1片)(二版)

本書特色 •全真模擬試題 •最新考題方向 •最佳考前準備 •專業考題錄音 •題型精準完整 •自修授課皆宜...more

全民英檢 中級初試 模擬試題冊解答(二版)

全民英檢 中級初試 模擬試題冊解答(二版)

本書特色 本書為配合「東華新世紀全民英檢叢書:中級初試模擬試題冊 第二版」試題所編著的解析。 •全真模擬試題 •最新考題方向 •最佳考前準備 •專業考題錄音 •題型精準完整 •自修授課皆宜...more

普通生物學 9/e

普通生物學 9/e

從巨觀的生態系來看,在同一環境下,所有生物的生存會相互影響,也會受環境影響。那麼,這些影響對生物本身到底有多深遠? 又要如何探討得知呢? 本書所呈現的即是目前對生物學的基本認識,並整理出「關鍵...more

初階英語聽講練習 上 (技術型高級中等學校外語群)

初階英語聽講練習 上 (技術型高級中等學校外語群)

國家教育研究院審定 技審字第 108262 號 Preface “ 初階英語聽講練習” is a comprehensive split edition coursebook for students in their f irst......more

初階英文閱讀與寫作練習 上 (技術型高級中等學校外語群)

初階英文閱讀與寫作練習 上 (技術型高級中等學校外語群)

國家教育研究院審定 技審字第 108262 號 Preface “ 初階英文閱讀與寫作練習” is a comprehensive split edition coursebook for students in their f i......more






本書特色 本書乃針對大學及技專院校學生、現在或未來從事各項金融投資或投資理財之人員所須具備理論及知識編寫。除對各種投資工具、投資理論及投資實務基本而且完整的介紹外,更有投資組合管理、資產證...more

中級會計學 五版(IFRS) 中冊

中級會計學 五版(IFRS) 中冊

本書特色 •本書係以我國適用之國際會計準則 (IAS) 與國際財務報導準則 (IFRS) 正體中文版為撰寫依據。 •本書使用之會計科目係引用我國金融監督管理委員會發布 之「證券發行人財務報告編製準則」及臺灣...more



本書特色 因應與時俱進的金融情勢演變,本書新版更新部分章節內容與實際案例,不但增進實務應用,更可了解新時代潮流之財務管理知識。非常適合作為大專院校財務管理課程的教科書,以及碩士班財務管理課...more



本書特色 本書強調應用多於計算,示範重要的統計方法和工具是如何被現今的管理者所應用。本書囊括超過 1,000 個真實的資料檔案,並衍生超過 2,000 個資料驅動 (data-driven) 的範例、習題及個案,內容遍...more



本書特色 •本書以管理的三大基石 (策略、組織、領導) 作為整本書的架構,並依此安排章節順序與相關的內容;這有別於坊間一般的管理學教科書; •三大管理基石乃框在整體的企業環境中,因此隨著環境的變...more



本書特色 本書強調應用多於計算,示範重要的統計方法和工具是如何被現今的管理者所應用。本書囊括超過 1,000 個真實的資料檔案,並衍生超過 2,000 個資料驅動 (data-driven) 的範例、習題及個案,內容遍...more

Writing Success 1:Professional English for Work Today

Writing Success 1:Professional English for Work Today

Writing Success共9個單元,帶領讀者進入9種商業情境,窺探9種不同產業的生態。 本書囊括超過一百種常用句型,讓你自由運用於多種情境: 收集資訊、提出建議、強調重點、有效跟進、管理期待、要求對方...more



本書特色 •文字說明、程式碼與執行結果等交叉呈現,有助於閱讀理解。 •來自不同領域的資料處理與分析範例。 •同時掌握資料分析兩大主流工具 - R 與 Python。 •凸顯第四代與第三代程式語言不同之處...more

高等工程數學 8/e (SI Edition)

高等工程數學 8/e (SI Edition)

本書特色 O’Neil 所著《高等工程數學》第八版包括下列幾個特點,旨在使學生更容易接近數學以及對數學產生興趣: •新增「數往知來」(Math in Context),是由工程師為工程學生編寫的短文,從他們的角度...more

工程數學 8/e (SI Edition)

工程數學 8/e (SI Edition)

本書特色 本書利用圖示、範例以及有趣的數學模型,讓數以千計的學生得以一窺工程數學的堂奧。全書共 12 章,內容包含常微分方程式;矩陣、線性代數與線性微分方程組;向量分析;傅立葉分析以及偏微分方...more



本書共計二十章,但可分為七大部分加以說明 第一部分,包括:組織及管理概論、管理理論的演進與外界環境三章。除了對於若干基本觀念,如組織、組織效能、管理、管理功能等,做較有系統之說明外,並對於...more

人類行為與社會環境 11/e

人類行為與社會環境 11/e

本書可以幫助你了解人們為什磨會做出各種不同的行為 除了人類發展與行為相關理論之外,本書以生態系統理論分折發展階段中人們與系統、環境之間的關聯與問題。亦介紹近來所關注的社會問題與社工處遇策略...more

Love Taiwan 2

Love Taiwan 2

Love Taiwan—Enjoy a Stay in Formosa is a two-volume college textbook for international students of English as a second o......more

新制多益 NEW TOEIC® 究極單字書

新制多益 NEW TOEIC® 究極單字書

本書特色 1. 根據2018新制多益設計 因應2018開始推行的新制多益內容,收錄常見單字,掌握考試方向。 2. 24 種常見情境分類 精選24 種情境常用高頻單字,涵蓋ETS公佈之13大主題,並於每單元列出該...more

中級會計學 下(四版)

中級會計學 下(四版)

IASB 兩個非常重要的會計公報—IFRS9「金融工具」及IFRS15「客戶合約之收入」,台灣的公開發行公司已經自2018年1 月1 日起,與全球適用IFRS 的國家同步正式適用。隨著這兩號公報的實施,金融管理監督委員會...more

統計學:基礎與應用 Keller 12/e

統計學:基礎與應用 Keller 12/e

  • 東華,出版日期:2019-01-01

本書特色 本書展示統計方法對當今管理者的重要性,強調如何將統計工具應用於實際商業問題上。本書囊括大量的資料驅動 (data-driven) 範例、習題及個案,內容遍及商業的各個功能領域,清楚地呈現行銷管理...more

Fast Track (1) Student Book + Study Book + Apps

Fast Track (1) Student Book + Study Book + Apps

Description Fast Track is a three-level series designed for young-adult and adult learners of English who have had som......more

Fast Track (3) Student Book + Study Book + Apps

Fast Track (3) Student Book + Study Book + Apps

Description Fast Track is a three-level series designed for young-adult and adult learners of English who have had som......more

Richmond Practice Tests B1 Preliminary Stundent’s Book

Richmond Practice Tests B1 Preliminary Stundent’s Book

These new editions of the popular Richmond Practice Tests at A2 Key and B1 Preliminary levels offer updated practice and......more

Target B1 Preliminary Workbook

Target B1 Preliminary Workbook

Schoolsprepare students for the “For Schools” Cambridge English Qualifications A2 Key and B1 Preliminary. Essential exam......more

Richmond Practice Tests A2 Key Tests Stundent’s Book

Richmond Practice Tests A2 Key Tests Stundent’s Book

These new editions of the popular Richmond Practice Tests at A2 Key and B1 Preliminary levels offer updated practice and......more

Chatterbox Kids 21-1 What Are You Doing?

Chatterbox Kids 21-1 What Are You Doing?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 16-2 Who Is on the Sofa?

Chatterbox Kids 16-2 Who Is on the Sofa?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 17-1 Are You Ready for Bed?

Chatterbox Kids 17-1 Are You Ready for Bed?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 16-1 Is It Fast or Slow?

Chatterbox Kids 16-1 Is It Fast or Slow?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 22-1 What Is She Playing?

Chatterbox Kids 22-1 What Is She Playing?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between t......more

Chatterbox Kids 17-2 Where Are You Going?

Chatterbox Kids 17-2 Where Are You Going?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 22-2 Where Do Monkeys Live?

Chatterbox Kids 22-2 Where Do Monkeys Live?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 13-1 Can You Sing?

Chatterbox Kids 13-1 Can You Sing?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 18-1 Why Are You Smiling?

Chatterbox Kids 18-1 Why Are You Smiling?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 19-1 Where Do You Want to Go?

Chatterbox Kids 19-1 Where Do You Want to Go?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 13-2 Can You Touch Your Nose?

Chatterbox Kids 13-2 Can You Touch Your Nose?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between t......more

Chatterbox Kids 24-1 Do You Want to Play?

Chatterbox Kids 24-1 Do You Want to Play?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 9-1 What Do You See?

Chatterbox Kids 9-1 What Do You See?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the......more

Chatterbox Kids 12-1 How Are You Feeling Today?

Chatterbox Kids 12-1 How Are You Feeling Today?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ......more

Chatterbox Kids 14-1 Where Are We?

Chatterbox Kids 14-1 Where Are We?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the......more

Chatterbox Kids 15-1 How Many Cookies Do You Have?

Chatterbox Kids 15-1 How Many Cookies Do You Have?

Description Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the......more

Chatterbox Kids 6-1 What Fruit Do You Like?

Chatterbox Kids 6-1 What Fruit Do You Like?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 2-2 Do You Have a Ball?

Chatterbox Kids 2-2 Do You Have a Ball?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 21-2 What Are You Learning?

Chatterbox Kids 21-2 What Are You Learning?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 23-2 Are the Forks on the Table?

Chatterbox Kids 23-2 Are the Forks on the Table?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 24-2 What Are You Wearing?

Chatterbox Kids 24-2 What Are You Wearing?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 20-2 Do You See a Green Dinosaur?

Chatterbox Kids 20-2 Do You See a Green Dinosaur?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 14-2 What Do We Need at the Beach?

Chatterbox Kids 14-2 What Do We Need at the Beach?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 19-2 What Do You Want to Be?

Chatterbox Kids 19-2 What Do You Want to Be?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 18-2 What Sport Do You Play?

Chatterbox Kids 18-2 What Sport Do You Play?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 5-2 How Is the Weather?

Chatterbox Kids 5-2 How Is the Weather?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

Chatterbox Kids 15-2 What Time Is It?

Chatterbox Kids 15-2 What Time Is It?

Seed Learning’s Chatterbox Kids Readers series provides a fun and easy way for young learners between the ages of 5 and ......more

College Writing Skills with Readings 10/e

College Writing Skills with Readings 10/e

Description Connect Writing coupled with College Writing Skills with Readings provides the foundation for your grammar......more

Life 2/e (Intermediate) Student’s Book with App Code

Life 2/e (Intermediate) Student’s Book with App Code

Overview Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level ......more

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