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Part1  生活起居篇 Daily Conversation
 ● Chapter 1 日常篇 Daily life
▍▍▍狀況01 起床│ Waking up
醒醒!Wake up!
能幫我關掉鬧鐘嗎?Would you turn off the alarm clock?
你要遲到了。You are going to be late.
該起床了!It is time to get out of bed.
再十分鐘。Ten more minutes.
我真不想起床。I don't wanna get up.
我離不開我的床。I can’t get out of my bed.
你醒著嗎?Are you awake?
迎接閃亮的一天。Rise and shine.
醒來醒來。Wakey wakey.
【比較get up和wake up的用法】
常有人會將get up和wake up混淆 。get up 是指「起床」,譬如:He got up at 7 o’clock.(他早上七點起床。)而wake up是指「喚醒某人」。譬如:Harry woke his sister up.(哈利喚醒他妹妹。) 這裡是表示要把仍在睡覺的妹妹叫醒,而非她已經起來。
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