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Inconceivable merits of terma site
依據掘藏師謝惹洛典(Sherab Lodan)在辛給宗聖地所取出的伏藏,蓮花生大師預言辛給宗聖地之功德,如是云:
埋藏眾多諸珍寶  地底地面遍伏藏  高山斷崖留足跡
遍處聖地悉實修  尋覓洞穴得成就
無數伏藏埋聖地  稀有功德不可思
When visiting Bhutan, Guru Rinpoche would conduct practices and displayed various psychic powers. He had also concealed many termas for the benefits of living beings. Among them, Buddha statues represents the body; scriptures represents the speech; pagodas and relics represents the mind; precious stones represents the merits; and numerous liberation nectar represents the virtuous karmas of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
According to the Terma Texts uncovered by Terton Sherab Lodan at  Singye Dzong, the merits prophesied by Guru Rinpoche were as follows:
“Concealed were a host of precious treasures.
On earth and underground, and in high mountains and cliffs,
my footprints shall remain.”
“At every holy site, I conducted practice,
and searched the cave and accomplished my goal.
Numerous are the terma holy sites, incredibly rare are the merits gained.”
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