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Unit 7:Travel—Short Dialogue 旅遊—簡短對話
May I see your passport, please?  請出示你的護照。
Where are you going?  請問你飛往哪裡?
Have a good trip.  祝你旅途愉快。
Where is my seat?  我的座位在哪裡?
What would you like to drink?  你想喝點什麼嗎?
What would you like for dinner, beef, chicken or fish?  晚餐想吃什麼,牛肉、雞肉還是魚?
Beef, please.  請給我牛肉。
I feel a little sick, can I have some medicine?  我覺得有點不舒服,可以給我一些藥嗎?
I want a blanket and pillow, please.  請給我毛毯和枕頭。
Can you help me fill out this form?  你能幫我填寫這張表格嗎?
What is the purpose of your visit?  你此行的目的是什麼?
I am here on a business trip.  我來出差。
How long are you going to stay in Canada?  你要在加拿大待多久?
I will stay for two weeks.  我會待兩週。
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