英文寫作聖經《The Elements of Style》:史上最長銷、美國學生人手一本、常春藤英語學習經典《風格的要素》(中英對照,附原版練習題)【隨書贈】英文寫作必備‧實戰練習手冊
◎一本「英文母語人士」奉為寫作聖經的殿堂級教本! 2016年美國Open Syllabus Project統計,全美大學有超過3,000堂課程將《The Elements of Style》列為指定參考書,在美國幾乎人手一冊,許多教授都要求學生必須熟讀史壯克的「7個英文語法規則」&「11大文章寫作原則」,唯有反覆練習這18個原理,才能寫出道地、簡潔、言之有物的文章。本書也是文壇巨匠史蒂芬.金讚嘆不已的教學典範,強烈推薦所有人閱讀!
250 Greek and Latin roots aid in the learning of 1,000 words along with over 2,000 closely related terms Features helpful usage examples and quizzes to test your memory Organized by Greek and Latin roots- the building blocks of English vocabulary Perfect for students prepping for standardized tests including SAT, ACT, TOEFL, and TOEIC