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Unit 1-1 人事/教育訓練部

Hiring New Staff 招考新人


The airline will be adding flights to its schedule. Various managers are discussing how many new employees will be necessary to cover them. 航空公司將增加班次到航班機表。各主管正討論需要多少新員工去支援。


Jacob Human Resources Manager 人力資源經理
Marlene Gate Agent Supervisor 登機門督導
Bob Ground Crew Super visor 地勤督導
Geraldine Check-in Supervisor 櫃檯劃位督導


Jacob: The company is going to add four flights a day in about two months. We need to figure out how much new personnel we have to hire to accommodate this change. Right now, it looks like two will be in the early morning and two in the afternoon, so we’ll have to hire for two different shifts.
公司約在兩個月後將每天增加 4 個航班。我們得弄清楚要聘請多少新的人員來因應此變化。現在,看起來是早上有兩個航班,而另外兩個會在下午,所以我們必須為兩個不同的班表聘請人手。

Marlene: If they’re spaced far enough apart, we could get by using the same gate agents for both morning flights. Then we’ll need additional staff for the two new afternoon flights.

Jacob: How many gate agents will we need to hire for each shift?

Marlene: Well, we would probably need three new agents per shift, so six total.

Jacob: How about over on the ground crew? Will you need additional staff to cover the new flights?

Bob: I think the current staff isn’t quite at the maximum they can handle, but we would still need another baggage handler out on the tarmac.
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