

John Travolta
  • 出生:1954年02月18日
  • 國籍:美國

作品表 Miscellaneous crew Intimate Portrait: Kelly Preston (TV) (special thanks) (1999) 作家 黃金枷鎖 Chains of Gold (TV) (written by) (1991) 演員(男) 禁入家園 Domestic Disturbance (2001) 劍魚 Swordfish (2001) VH-1 Behind the Movie: Grease (TV) (2000) 內神外鬼 Lucky Numbers (2000) 地球戰場 Battlefield Earth (2000) Forever Hollywood (1999) Intimate Portrait: Kelly Preston (TV) (1999) Our Friend, Martin (V) (voice) (1999) 將軍的女兒 General’s Daughter, The (1999) VH-1 Where Are They Now: Grease (TV) (1998) Welcome to Hollywood (1998) 法網邊緣 Civil Action, A (1998) 紅色警戒 Thin Red Line, The (1998) 風起雲湧 Primary Colors (1998) Happy Birthday Elizabeth: A Celebration of Life (TV) (1997) 危機最前線 Mad City (1997) 翻臉 Face/Off (1997) 戀戀風暴 She’s So Lovely (1997) You’re Still Not Fooling Anybody (archive footage) (1997) America’s Flying Aces: The Blue Angels 50th Anniversary (1996) Orientation (uncredited) (1996) 天使不設防 Michael (1996) 第三類奇蹟 Phenomenon (1996) 斷箭 Broken Arrow (1996) 黑道當家 Get Shorty (1995) 老大當差 White Man’s Burden (1995) 黑色追緝令 Pulp Fiction (1994) Look Who’s Talking Now (1993) Boris and Natasha (1992) Shout (1991) Eyes of an Angel (1991) 黃金枷鎖 Chains of Gold (TV) (1991) 看誰又在說話 Look Who’s Talking Too (1990) Experts, The (1989) 看誰在說話 Look Who’s Talking (1989) Basements (TV) (1987) Grand Knockout Tournament, The (TV) (1987) Dumb Waiter, The (TV) (1987) That’s Dancing! (1985) Perfect (1985) Olivia Newton-John: Twist of Fate (V) (1984) Two of a Kind (1983) Staying Alive (1983) 內線 Blow Out (1981) Urban Cowboy (1980) Moment by Moment (1978) 火爆浪子 Grease (1978) 週末的狂熱 Saturday Night Fever (1977) 魔女嘉莉 Carrie (1976) Boy in the Plastic Bubble, The (TV) (1976) Devil’s Rain, The (1975) Tenth Level, The (TV) (1975) Welcome Back, Kotter TV Series (1975) 製片 地球戰場 Battlefield Earth (producer) (2000) 戀戀風暴 She’s So Lovely (executive producer) (1997)



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