




中英對照有聲版,艾美獎得主朗讀 大學生英語增值學習必讀本,更能啟發人文關懷和高尚的道德情操; 中英對照每章節配有二維碼音頻,邊聽邊讀雙倍學習成效。 全書編選了四十二篇英文作品,均為經典範...more

每天10分鐘,親子互動英文【網路獨家套書】(附贈兩本親子手冊+2CD +「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)

每天10分鐘,親子互動英文【網路獨家套書】(附贈兩本親子手冊+2CD +「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆)

專為臺灣父母打造的英文互動英文書! 就算英文不好、不論任何程度、年紀的父母 都能和孩子一起玩、一起學! 躺著哄睡也能輕鬆教出雙語寶貝! 「腦、口、眼、耳、手」的五感學習, 不只抓住孩子的注意力,...more






伊麗莎白出身於一個普通的鄉紳家庭, 她不僅美麗聰慧,而且擁有敏銳觀察力; 但她誤信韋翰的話,使她對達西產生極深的偏見。 另一方面,達西因著自己的尊貴身份和財產, 令他對人態度傲慢。 雖...more

莎士比亞:四大喜劇 (中英對照,精裝合訂本) 25開,道林紙

莎士比亞:四大喜劇 (中英對照,精裝合訂本) 25開,道林紙

包括「無事自擾」、「仲夏夜夢」、 「威尼斯商人」與「第十二夜」。莎士比亞以其獨特的編劇手法,描繪出詼諧又具有警世效果的時代劇。內容生動活潑,令人愛不釋手。...more

莎士比亞:四大悲劇 (中英對照,精裝合訂本) 25開,道林紙

莎士比亞:四大悲劇 (中英對照,精裝合訂本) 25開,道林紙


21st Century Reading (4):Creative Thinking and Reading with TED Talks

21st Century Reading (4):Creative Thinking and Reading with TED Talks

Description 21st Century Reading was created through a partnership between TED, a nonprofit dedicated to spreading id......more

21st Century Reading (1) Audio CD/1片 and DVD/1片

21st Century Reading (1) Audio CD/1片 and DVD/1片

Description 21st Century Reading was created through a partnership between TED, a nonprofit dedicated to spreading id......more

21st Century Reading (2) Audio CD/1片 and DVD/1片

21st Century Reading (2) Audio CD/1片 and DVD/1片

Description 21st Century Reading was created through a partnership between TED, a nonprofit dedicated to spreading id......more

21st Century Reading (3) Audio CDs/2片 and DVD/1片

21st Century Reading (3) Audio CDs/2片 and DVD/1片

Description 21st Century Reading was created through a partnership between TED, a nonprofit dedicated to spreading id......more

21st Century Reading (4) Audio CDs/2片 and DVD/1片

21st Century Reading (4) Audio CDs/2片 and DVD/1片

Description 21st Century Reading was created through a partnership between TED, a nonprofit dedicated to spreading id......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Audio CDs/2片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Audio CDs/2片

Welcome the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library. Accompanied by original video material de......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Audio CDs/3片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Audio CDs/3片

Welcome the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library. Accompanied by original video material de......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 DVD/1片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 DVD/1片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Audio CDs/3片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Audio CDs/3片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Audio CDs/3片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Audio CDs/3片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 Audio CDs/3片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 Audio CDs/3片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Audio CDs/3片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Audio CDs/3片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 DVD/1片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 DVD/1片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Audio CDs/3片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Audio CDs/3片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Audio CDs/3片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Audio CDs/3片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 DVD/1片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 DVD/1片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

Longman Academic Reading Series 3:Reading Skills for College

Longman Academic Reading Series 3:Reading Skills for College

The Longman Academic Reading Series is a five-level series that prepares English language learners for academic work. Th......more

Longman Academic Reading Series 4:Reading Skills for College

Longman Academic Reading Series 4:Reading Skills for College

The Longman Academic Reading Series is a five-level series that prepares English language learners for academic work. Th......more

Longman Academic Reading Series 5:Reading Skills for College

Longman Academic Reading Series 5:Reading Skills for College

The Longman Academic Reading Series is a five-level series that prepares English language learners for academic work. Th......more

Longman Academic Reading Series 2:Reading Skills for College

Longman Academic Reading Series 2:Reading Skills for College

The Longman Academic Reading Series is a five-level series that prepares English language learners for academic work. Th......more

Longman Academic Reading Series 1:Reading Skills for College

Longman Academic Reading Series 1:Reading Skills for College

The Longman Academic Reading Series is a five-level series that prepares English language learners for academic work. Th......more

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 DVD/2片

Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 DVD/2片

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for lear......more

First Steps to Your Career (1) with MP3 CD/1片

First Steps to Your Career (1) with MP3 CD/1片

First Steps to Your Career is designed to assist pre-intermediate learners of English in adapting to their workplace env......more

In Sync (4A&4B) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In Sync (4A&4B) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (2A&2B) Class Audio CDs/4片

In Sync (2A&2B) Class Audio CDs/4片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (2A&2B) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In Sync (2A&2B) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (3A&3B) Class Audio CDs/4片

In Sync (3A&3B) Class Audio CDs/4片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (3A&3B) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In Sync (3A&3B) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (1) Class Audio CDs/3片

In Sync (1) Class Audio CDs/3片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (1A&1B) Class Audio CDs/4片

In Sync (1A&1B) Class Audio CDs/4片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (1) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In Sync (1) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (1A&1B) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In Sync (1A&1B) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (2) Class Audio CDs/3片

In Sync (2) Class Audio CDs/3片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync DVD/1片, Five Days

In Sync DVD/1片, Five Days

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (2) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In Sync (2) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (3) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In Sync (3) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (3) Class Audio CDs/3片

In Sync (3) Class Audio CDs/3片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (4) Class Audio CDs/3片

In Sync (4) Class Audio CDs/3片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync DVD/1片, Our World:Teenage Culture in Britain and the U.S.

In Sync DVD/1片, Our World:Teenage Culture in Britain and the U.S.

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (4) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In Sync (4) Digital Interactive Whiteboard Software CD/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (4A&4B) Class Audio CDs/4片

In Sync (4A&4B) Class Audio CDs/4片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more



Read About China是一套專以英語為母語的漢語學習者而設的閱讀叢書。 《功夫故事》介紹了中國武術中不同派別代表人物的故事、由來,還介紹了為世人所熟知的功夫電影明星、著名電影故事、以及武俠小說等...more



Read About China 是一套專為以英語為母語的漢語學習者而設的閱讀叢書 。 《漢字故事》以多篇有趣的簡短小故事形式,介紹漢字的組合規律,及歇後語、俗語、標點、對聯等漢語中多種語言現象。透過這些輕...more



Read About China是一套專為以英語為母語的漢語學習者而設的閱讀叢書。 《開心故事》由多段篇幅短小的故事組成,當中涉及中國人生活的各方面,包括家庭、愛情、學習、工作、購物、飲食等。透過這些輕鬆...more



Read About China是一套專為以英語為母語的漢語學習者而設的閱讀叢書。 中國經歷了四千多年的發展,沉澱了很多經得起考驗的人生智慧。這些智慧涉及方方面面,並已融入每個中國人的日常生活當中。《小故...more




Practical English Language Teaching International Ed.

Practical English Language Teaching International Ed.

Practical English Language Teaching offers a thorough yet practical overview of language teaching methodology for teach......more



您想成為全方位的專業警察嗎? 您想吸取最新國際執行法資訊嗎? 您想知道國外執勤攻堅的技巧嗎? 您想與國外人士交談對答如流嗎? 您想讓英語能力更上一層樓嗎? 警察美語隨身寶典系列 不僅是您執勤的保命符 更...more



�收錄歐美為主的各類商標名稱超過9000項。 �詳細列出公司及產品的創辦過程和發展歷史。 �附參照指示引導讀者查看互有關係的名稱,更加插產品背後的逸聞趣事,增加閱讀樂趣。 �以簡明易讀的中文寫成,沒有...more



