


Pearson English Readers:Marvel (8本一套)(Book + Audiobook + Ebook)

Pearson English Readers:Marvel (8本一套)(Book + Audiobook + Ebook)

全新漫威讀本一套8冊 由初到高級,書內附音檔和電子書,熱門的漫威電影搭配純正美式發音, 無論自學或教用皆合適,也適合圖書館館藏 不分年齡和時間,想聽就聽,隨時隨地學英語。...more

ABC英語故事袋系列套書【安徒生童話篇+伊索寓言篇+格林童話篇】+LiveABC智慧點讀筆16G(Type-C充電版) 超值組合

ABC英語故事袋系列套書【安徒生童話篇+伊索寓言篇+格林童話篇】+LiveABC智慧點讀筆16G(Type-C充電版) 超值組合

學英語 中英對照練習 + 建構基礎單字 + 句型文法教學 聽故事 全篇彩繪插圖 + 格林童話故事 + 拓展想像空間 長知識 人格教育養成 + 延伸新知補充 + 親子互動學習 單字+閱讀+聽力,奠定英文好基礎 ...more

悅讀連結套書 B (共10冊) (英漢對照)

悅讀連結套書 B (共10冊) (英漢對照)

《悅讀連結》(Text Connections) 是美國Benchmark教育出版社特別為提升學生語文素養所規劃、編輯的閱讀系列。《悅讀連結》題材廣泛,內容多樣有趣,有如知識百科;文字生動優美,可增進語文與寫作能力。 ...more



《維克斐牧師傳》,漢譯名又作《威克菲德的牧師》,愛爾蘭作家歌士米(1730-1774)所著,為英國維多利亞時期最流行的小說之一,被譽為「諷刺感性小說」,行文美不勝收, 影響深遠,大文豪葛特(歌德)、司各脫皆...more




悅讀連結套書 A(共10冊)(英漢對照)

悅讀連結套書 A(共10冊)(英漢對照)

《悅讀連結》(Text Connections) 是美國Benchmark教育出版社特別為提升學生語文素養所規劃、編輯的閱讀系列。《悅讀連結》題材廣泛,內容多樣有趣,有如知識百科;文字生動優美,可增進語文與寫作能力。 ...more




Essential Reading Teacher’s File 2/e

Essential Reading Teacher’s File 2/e

Essential Reading Second Edition teaches young adult and adult learners the essential reading skills. This second editio......more

Reading and Study Skills 10/e

Reading and Study Skills 10/e

Now in its tenth successful edition, Reading and Study Skills has long been a favorite of both instructors and students ......more

In Sync (2A&2B) Teacher’s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In Sync (2A&2B) Teacher’s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (3A&3B) Teacher’s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In Sync (3A&3B) Teacher’s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (1A&1B) Teacher’s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In Sync (1A&1B) Teacher’s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (1) Teacher’s Edition with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In Sync (1) Teacher’s Edition with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (2) Teacher’s Edition with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In Sync (2) Teacher’s Edition with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (3) Teacher’s Edition with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In Sync (3) Teacher’s Edition with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (4) Teacher’s Edition with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In Sync (4) Teacher’s Edition with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

In Sync (4A&4B) Teacher’s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In Sync (4A&4B) Teacher’s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片

In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of t......more

Take Shape (1) Teacher’s Edition

Take Shape (1) Teacher’s Edition

Comprehensive Teacher s Editions with easy-to-follow instructions and objective-based extra activities....more




Black Cat 優質英語系列 Level 5B

Black Cat 優質英語系列 Level 5B


少年故事書屋:少年名著精選1-12冊(全套12書+28CDS) (中英對照)

少年故事書屋:少年名著精選1-12冊(全套12書+28CDS) (中英對照)

※書籍特點說明: 精選十二冊世界名著,包含湯姆歷險記、孤雛淚、小婦人、鐘樓怪人等膾炙人口的小說,由資深外籍作者改編,字句優美流暢,為培養英文文學素養之優良入門讀物。搭配故事朗讀CD,有效提昇英...more



