


和平抗爭 Mahatma Gandhi and Cesar Chavez

和平抗爭 Mahatma Gandhi and Cesar Chavez

為Biographies系列最新出版,通過文字和圖片,講述Mahatma Gandhi and Cesar Chavez的生平,英文正文有生詞注釋供即時查閱,另配練習題幫助閱讀理解和掌握英語語法點,有生詞表和人物年表供快速查閱。 作...more

無懼挑戰 Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Anne Frank

無懼挑戰 Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Anne Frank

為Biographies系列最新出版,通過文字和圖片,講述Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Anne Frank的生平,英文正文有生詞注釋供即時查閱,另配練習題幫助閱讀理解和掌握英語語法點,有生詞表和人物年表供快速....more



為Biographies系列最新出版,通過文字和圖片,講述Martin Luther King Jr. 及 Rosa Parks的生平,英文正文有生詞注釋供即時查閱,另配練習題幫助閱讀理解和掌握英語語法點,有生詞表和人物年表供快速查閱...more



為Biographies系列最新出版,通過文字和圖片,講述凱勒和羅賓遜的生平,英文正文有生詞注釋供即時查閱,另配練習題幫助閱讀理解和掌握英語語法點,有生詞表和人物年表供快速查閱。 作者簡介 Anne Schraff ...more



5大學習工具 1.中英對照,方便閱讀。 2.注解-詳細解析文章內容,歸納出重點單字與片語。 3.句型-強調必學的句型與文法,學習效果加倍。 4.介系詞-配合例句圖文詳細解說,掌握介系詞正確的使用方法...more

里約小情歌The Coconut Seller(25K彩圖英漢對照+1MP3)

里約小情歌The Coconut Seller(25K彩圖英漢對照+1MP3)

布魯諾是一個溫和友善、笑容燦爛的陽光男孩, 他出身於里約貧民區,是一個棕膚混血兒,但他人窮志不窮, 他發憤讀書,立志考上大學,一心想創造自己的人生。 這一天,他在打工的攤位遇到了白膚金髮...more



為Biographies系列最新出版,通過文字和圖片,講述Albert Einstein和Charles Lindbergh的生平,英文正文有生詞注釋供即時查閱,另配練習題幫助閱讀理解和掌握英語語法點,有生詞表和人物年表供快速查閱。 ...more



馬希爾是一位來自喜瑪拉雅山雪豹王國的王子, 他邀請他的英國同學湯姆在學期結束後,一起回王國度假。 而就在臨行之前不久,他們在校園裡發現有人在偷拍馬希爾。 湯姆興奮地和王子來到機場,準備前...more

魚鷹與男孩 Operation Osprey (25K彩圖英漢對照+1MP3)

魚鷹與男孩 Operation Osprey (25K彩圖英漢對照+1MP3)

「魚鷹」是一種保育類的鳥類,擅長在飛行中劃湖而過、捕獵游魚。 唐和麥克是兩位愛鳥的男孩,這一年,他們意外地發現了魚鷹這位罕見的訪客。 男孩們花了很多時間觀察並記錄魚鷹的生活和行為, 而他...more



一份機密的商業文件寫道,「一潭骯髒的紅水,價值數百萬英鎊」。 這潭紅水位於非洲的象牙海岸,而水之所以是紅色的,因為含有市價昂貴的有毒礦物。 一項名為水壩興建的大工程,實際卻在背地裡謀畫進行...more



《黛絲.米勒》最早刊載於1878年六月份和七月份的英國《Cornhill》雜誌上,小說甫刊登即獲熱烈迴響,詹姆斯從此在國際文壇上享有聲譽。他在筆記本上所寫下的一則流言,是這部小說的故事來源。 本書描述一...more



本系列全面涵蓋“天災”及“人為事故”的主題,解釋每種災難或事故發生的前因後果,然後敘述兩至三個災難事件,幫助讀者了解天災的破壞、對人的影響及學習相關的英語表達和關健詞語。 今年應該不是世界末日...more



本系列全面涵蓋“天災”及“人為事故”的主題,解釋每種災難或事故發生的前因後果,然後敘述兩至三個災難事件,幫助讀者了解天災的破壞、對人的影響及學習相關的英語表達和關健詞語。 今年應該不是世界末日...more



本系列全面涵蓋“天災”及“人為事故”的主題,解釋每種災難或事故發生的前因後果,然後敘述兩至三個災難事件,幫助讀者了解天災的破壞、對人的影響及學習相關的英語表達和關健詞語。 今年應該不是世界末日...more



本系列全面涵蓋“天災”及“人為事故”的主題,解釋每種災難或事故發生的前因後果,然後敘述兩至三個災難事件,幫助讀者了解天災的破壞、對人的影響及學習相關的英語表達和關健詞語。 今年應該不是世界末日...more



本系列全面涵蓋“天災”及“人為事故”的主題,解釋每種災難或事故發生的前因後果,然後敘述兩至三個災難事件,幫助讀者了解天災的破壞、對人的影響及學習相關的英語表達和關健詞語。 今年應該不是世界末日...more



《花園派對》(The Garden Party)是在凱瑟琳的弟弟於1915年去世後那段時間所寫的。那時凱瑟琳寫的幾個故事背景都設定在紐西蘭家鄉,講述世紀交替那個年代的故事。《花園派對》這個故事的場景是在榭里丹家的...more



《老鬼當家》於1891年出版,收錄在《亞瑟.沙維爵士的罪行》(Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories)的成人故事集裡,內容有六篇新寫的故事,另外還有兩篇作者最受歡迎的兒童故事〈快樂王子〉(T......more



Helbling文學讀本(Helbling Readers) 共出版十餘本,分兩大套: ● Helbling Classics(經典英文文學改寫) ● Helbling Fiction(當代原創英文小說) 《Helbling......more

The Best Short Stories of O. Henry (25K彩圖)

The Best Short Stories of O. Henry (25K彩圖)

I m a failure. I always have the feeling that I want to get back somewhere, but I don t know just where it is. 我感到失意。我......more

A Christmas Carol (25K原著彩圖版)

A Christmas Carol (25K原著彩圖版)

《小氣財神》,又譯《聖誕頌歌》,是英國維多利亞時代大文豪查理斯.狄更斯(Charles Dickens, 1812-1870)的知名作品。這本小說發表於1843年,堪稱是最受世人歡迎的耶誕故事。故事自問世以來,就不斷被拿來...more

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (25K彩圖版)

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (25K彩圖版)

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》是一部膾炙人口的經典兒童文學,曾被改編為多種版本,包括舞台劇、動畫和電視電影等。其內容主題亦受到各個領域的探討,例如政治學、心理學等等,是一本常被引用和分析的文學著作。 ...more













希臘羅馬神話故事 6 特洛伊戰爭(The Trojan War)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)

希臘羅馬神話故事 6 特洛伊戰爭(The Trojan War)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)


希臘羅馬神話故事 5 歐羅巴和卡德莫斯(Europa and Cadmus)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)

希臘羅馬神話故事 5 歐羅巴和卡德莫斯(Europa and Cadmus)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)


希臘羅馬神話故事 7 愛神和賽姬(Eros and Psyche)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)

希臘羅馬神話故事 7 愛神和賽姬(Eros and Psyche)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)


希臘羅馬神話故事 8 阿波羅和達芙妮(Apollo and Daphne)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)

希臘羅馬神話故事 8 阿波羅和達芙妮(Apollo and Daphne)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)


希臘羅馬神話故事 3 宙斯之怒(The Anger of Zeus)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)

希臘羅馬神話故事 3 宙斯之怒(The Anger of Zeus)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)


希臘羅馬神話故事 4 大力士海克力斯(Hercules)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)

希臘羅馬神話故事 4 大力士海克力斯(Hercules)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)


希臘羅馬神話故事 1 諸神的起源(The Origin of Gods)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)

希臘羅馬神話故事 1 諸神的起源(The Origin of Gods)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)


希臘羅馬神話故事 2 奧林帕斯山眾神(The Gods of Olympus)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)

希臘羅馬神話故事 2 奧林帕斯山眾神(The Gods of Olympus)(25K彩圖+解答中譯別冊+1CD)


Macmillan(Intermediate):Barack Obama+CD/2片

Macmillan(Intermediate):Barack Obama+CD/2片

Barack Obama s journey of discovery had ended. It has started in Hawaii and taken him to Indonesia, Los Angeles, New Yor......more

Macmillan(Intermediate):Bridge Jones: The Edge of Reason

Macmillan(Intermediate):Bridge Jones: The Edge of Reason

Over there, said Una. I looked over and saw Mark, dressed in a dark blue overcoat, getting out of a taxi. Then I saw a ......more

Macmillan(Intermediate):Bridge Jones: The Edge of Reason+CDs/2片

Macmillan(Intermediate):Bridge Jones: The Edge of Reason+CDs/2片

Over there, said Una. I looked over and saw Mark, dressed in a dark blue overcoat, getting out of a taxi. Then I saw a ......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int):Kick-off! The Story of Football

Macmillan(Pre-Int):Kick-off! The Story of Football

The history of football is as interesting and exciting as the game itself. In the Macmillan Reader, Patrick Adams descri......more



Macbeth: If I do it, then I must do it quickly. But will this murder be enough? Will it bring success? Or will more prob......more



Macbeth: If I do it, then I must do it quickly. But will this murder be enough? Will it bring success? Or will more prob......more

Macmillan(Intermediate):Slumdog Millionaire

Macmillan(Intermediate):Slumdog Millionaire

Correct! Prem Kumar said, in a shaky voice. Mr. Ram Mohammad Thomas, you have won one billion rupees! You ve seen t......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int):Michael Jackson:The King of Pop+CD/2片

Macmillan(Pre-Int):Michael Jackson:The King of Pop+CD/2片

Michael Jackson changed the face of modern pop music and dance. Over twenty years after it was first produced, Thriller ......more

Macmillan(Intermediate):Live and Let Die

Macmillan(Intermediate):Live and Let Die

Breathe, Solitaire, breathe! Bond shouted, as they started to speed through the water once more. It must be after six o......more

Macmillan(Intermediate):Live and Let Die+CDs/2片

Macmillan(Intermediate):Live and Let Die+CDs/2片

Breathe, Solitaire, breathe! Bond shouted, as they started to speed through the water once more. It must be after six o......more

Macmillan(Intermediate):Barack Obama

Macmillan(Intermediate):Barack Obama

Barack Obama s journey of discovery had ended. It has started in Hawaii and taken him to Indonesia, Los Angeles, New Yor......more

Take Shape (1) Workbook

Take Shape (1) Workbook

The Workbook forms an integral part of every lesson by providing essential written consolidation of new language as well......more

Take Shape (5) Workbook

Take Shape (5) Workbook

The Workbook forms an integral part of every lesson by providing essential written consolidation of new language as well......more

Take Shape (6) Workbook

Take Shape (6) Workbook

The Workbook forms an integral part of every lesson by providing essential written consolidation of new language as well......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int):Michael Jackson:The King of Pop

Macmillan(Pre-Int):Michael Jackson:The King of Pop

Michael Jackson changed the face of modern pop music and dance. Over twenty years after it was first produced, Thriller......more

Macmillan(Intermediate): Slumdog illionaire+2CDs

Macmillan(Intermediate): Slumdog illionaire+2CDs

Correct! Prem Kumar said, in a shaky voice. Mr. Ram Mohammad Thomas, you have won one billion rupees! You ve seen t......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int):Kick-off! The Story of Football+2CDs

Macmillan(Pre-Int):Kick-off! The Story of Football+2CDs

The history of football is as interesting and exciting as the game itself. In this Macmillan Reader, Patrick Adams descr......more




偉人科學家:愛因斯坦Albert Einstein

偉人科學家:愛因斯坦Albert Einstein

◎ 以圖文形式,記錄著名科學家愛因思坦熱愛科學,尋求突破科學領域的歷程。 ◎ 故事後設練習,一邊重溫故事,一邊學習書面英語、常用語、口語、情境文法、詞語搭配等。 ◎ 附有生字表及活動建議。 ◎ ...more



◎ 以圖文形式,記錄鐳元素的發現者、兩屆諾貝爾獎得主科學家居里夫人的一生。 ◎ 故事後設練習,一邊重溫故事,一邊學習書面英語、常用語、口語、情境文法、詞語搭配等。 ◎ 附有生字表及活動建議。 ◎...more

Pockets 2/e (1) Audio CD/1片

Pockets 2/e (1) Audio CD/1片

New Features *fun hands-on projects *a values curriculum *more math content *dialogue-enhanced assessments *photographs ......more

Stand Out (Basic) 2/e Grammar Challenge

Stand Out (Basic) 2/e Grammar Challenge

Supplemental grammar workbook directly aligned to the student book. Features: * Clear and concise grammar explanation bo......more



馬奎斯、杜拉克、榮格、香奈兒、丹佐華盛頓、麥可喬丹等100位傑出人士的智慧結晶&成功之道 .對我來說,天才就是能把自己討厭的工作做好的人,任何人都能把自己喜歡的工作做好。(奧斯卡金像獎導演 克林伊...more







林語堂中英對照 ∕ 板橋家書

林語堂中英對照 ∕ 板橋家書

中國首位諾貝爾文學獎被提名人林語堂英譯著作 古典詩詞散文精選,深入體悟華文視野亙古智慧 全球最大出版商藍燈書屋(Random House)邀約好書 ◎系列緣起──關於林語堂與英譯作品 本系列書各篇均為林語堂先...more

Macmillan(Upper): The Grapes of Wrath

Macmillan(Upper): The Grapes of Wrath

Steinbeck s most powerful novel describes the lives of a homeless farming family as they travel across America in the Gr......more

Macmillan(Upper): Of Mice and Men

Macmillan(Upper): Of Mice and Men

The tragic story of George and Lennie, who move from one farm to another, looking for work. George is clever but Lennie ......more

Macmillan(Intermediate): The Pearl+2CDs

Macmillan(Intermediate): The Pearl+2CDs

A sad and beautiful story about a Mexican-Indian diver who finds the greatest pearl in the world, but loses his happines......more

Macmillan(Intermediate): The Pearl

Macmillan(Intermediate): The Pearl

A sad and beautiful story about a Mexican-Indian diver who finds the greatest pearl in the world, but loses his happines......more

Macmillan(Elementary): The Princess Diaries: Book 2

Macmillan(Elementary): The Princess Diaries: Book 2

As if the fact that her mother is marrying her algebra teacher isn t bad enough, Mia then manages to announce the engage......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int): The Princess Diaries: Book 4

Macmillan(Pre-Int): The Princess Diaries: Book 4

Mia s first official visit to Genovia has been a success. and she s finally going out with Michael, the boy she loves. E......more

Macmillan(Beginner): Princess Diana+2CDs

Macmillan(Beginner): Princess Diana+2CDs

A sympathetic and informative description of the life of Britain s most famous princess. The marriage of Lady Diana Spen......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Robinson Crusoe+2CDs

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Robinson Crusoe+2CDs

The young Robinson Crusoe ignores his father s advice and decides to become a sailor. But Crusoe is soon caught up in vi......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Nelson Mandela+2CDs

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Nelson Mandela+2CDs

Nelson Mandela was born in a remote African village but went on to become the most influential African leader in history......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Diamonds are Forever+2CDs

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Diamonds are Forever+2CDs

James Bond 007 Bond is sent to investigate a dangerous diamond smuggling gang which is run by the American mafia. The ......more

Macmillan(Intermediate): Hamlet

Macmillan(Intermediate): Hamlet

Shakespeare s famous story of the young Prince Hamlet s journey into despair and revenge after learning that his uncle i......more

Macmillan(Intermediate): The Merchant of Venice

Macmillan(Intermediate): The Merchant of Venice

Shylock lends money to the merchant Antonio but the stakes are high. When Antonio cannot pay him back, Shylock demands a......more

Macmillan(Intermediate): Bridget Jones’s Diary+2CDs

Macmillan(Intermediate): Bridget Jones’s Diary+2CDs

Helen Fielding s story of the loveable Bridget, and her struggles with men and weight, was made internationally famous b......more

Macmillan(Beginner): The Three Musketeers+2CDs

Macmillan(Beginner): The Three Musketeers+2CDs

D Artagnan wants to become a King s musketeer. But before he can have the job he must meet many challenges and prove tha......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Shake Hands Forever

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Shake Hands Forever

The murder of Angela Hathall was extremely well planned. The only clue left was a single fingerprint with an L-shaped sc......more

Macmillan(Beginner): The Three Musketeers

Macmillan(Beginner): The Three Musketeers

D Artagnan wants to become a King s musketeer. But before he can have the job he must meet many challenges and prove tha......more

Macmillan(Beginner): Princess Diana

Macmillan(Beginner): Princess Diana

A sympathetic and informative description of the life of Britain s most famous princess. The marriage of Lady Diana Spen......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Nelson Mandela

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was born in a remote African village but went on to become the most influential African leader in history......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Robinson Crusoe

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Robinson Crusoe

The young Robinson Crusoe ignores his father s advice and decides to become a sailor. But Crusoe is soon caught up in vi......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Diamonds are Forever

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Diamonds are Forever

James Bond 007 Bond is sent to investigate a dangerous diamond smuggling gang which is run by the American mafia. The ......more

Macmillan(Intermediate): Bridget Jones’s Diary

Macmillan(Intermediate): Bridget Jones’s Diary

Helen Fielding s story of the loveable Bridget, and her struggles with men and weight, was made internationally famous b......more

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Shake Hands Forever+2CDs

Macmillan(Pre-Int): Shake Hands Forever+2CDs

The murder of Angela Hathall was extremely well planned. The only clue left was a single fingerprint with an L-shaped sc......more

林語堂中英對照 ∕ 揚州瘦馬

林語堂中英對照 ∕ 揚州瘦馬

中國首位諾貝爾文學獎被提名人林語堂英譯著作 古典詩詞散文精選,深入體悟華文視野亙古智慧 ◎系列緣起──關於林語堂與英譯作品 本系列書各篇均為林語堂先生自中國古典典籍與小品中選輯菁華,進行英文譯介...more












《老人與海》被譽為海明威生前發表的最後一部具代表性之作品。 內容敘述一個名叫桑帝亞戈的老漁夫,獨自划著小船在墨西哥灣中打魚維生,八十四天以來始終沒有釣到一條魚,於是決定獨自出航,卻意外釣到...more

林語堂中英對照 ∕ 西湖七月半

林語堂中英對照 ∕ 西湖七月半

中國首位諾貝爾文學獎被提名人林語堂英譯著作 古典詩詞散文精選,深入體悟華文視野亙古智慧 系列緣起──關於林語堂與英譯作品 本系列書各篇均為林語堂先生自中國古典典籍與小品中選輯菁華,進行英文譯介...more



中國首位諾貝爾文學獎被提名人林語堂英譯著作 古典詩詞散文精選,深入體悟華文視野亙古智慧 ◎系列緣起──關於林語堂與英譯作品 本系列書各篇均為林語堂先生自中國古典典籍與小品中選輯菁華,進行英文譯介...more

Penguin (Easystarts): Flying Home

Penguin (Easystarts): Flying Home

Original / British English Felix is not a happy bird. He comes from Brazil but he doesn’t live there. He lives in New ......more

Penguin 1 (Beg): Girl Meets Boy

Penguin 1 (Beg): Girl Meets Boy

Original / British English A girl sees a quiet good-looking boy on the boat to Spain. She loves his shy smile and she ......more

Penguin (Easystarts): The Fireboy

Penguin (Easystarts): The Fireboy

Original / British English Hapu lives in Ancient Egypt. Hapu’s father is ill, but they haven’t got any money for a doc......more

Penguin (Easystarts): The Pearl Girl

Penguin (Easystarts): The Pearl Girl

Original / American English Kate Grant comes from Canada. She is visiting Europe with her mother and father. One eveni......more

Penguin 6 (Adv): North and South

Penguin 6 (Adv): North and South

Classic / British English Life changes completely for Margaret Hale and her parents when they move to a smoky northern......more

Penguin 1 (Beg): Daniel Radcliffe

Penguin 1 (Beg): Daniel Radcliffe

Original / British English We all know Daniel Radcliffe’s face from the Harry Potter films. But how did he get the job......more

Penguin 5 (Upp-Int): Rebecca

Penguin 5 (Upp-Int): Rebecca

Classic / British English After the death of his beautiful wife Rebecca, Maxim de Winter goes to Monte Carlo to forget......more

Penguin 3 (Pre-int): Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Penguin 3 (Pre-int): Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Classic / British English Why is the frightening Mr Hyde a friend of the nice Dr Jekyll? Who is the evil little man? A......more

Penguin 2 (Ele): The Wind in the Willows

Penguin 2 (Ele): The Wind in the Willows

Classic / British English This is the story of four friends – Toad, Rat, Mole and Badger. Rat loves the river. Mole is......more

Penguin 3 (Pre-Int): New York

Penguin 3 (Pre-Int): New York

Original / American English Every year, millions of tourists visit New York—the most exciting city in the world. Read ......more

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