

Cleomadés and the Marvellous Flying Wooden Horse: A Thirteenth-Century Romance by Adenet Le Roi

Cleomadés and the Marvellous Flying Wooden Horse: A Thirteenth-Century Romance by Adenet Le Roi

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-04-30

A translation into English of Albert Henry’s definitive edition of Adenet le Roi’s Cleomadés, a story based on a tale fr......more

Bestsellers and Masterpieces: The Changing Medieval Canon

Bestsellers and Masterpieces: The Changing Medieval Canon

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-04-30

Bestsellers and masterpieces: The changing medieval canon offers a comparative critique of the development of the ’moder......more

Riddles at Work in the Early Medieval Tradition: Words, Ideas, Interactions

Riddles at Work in the Early Medieval Tradition: Words, Ideas, Interactions

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-04-30

Capitalising on developments in the field over the past decade, Riddles at work provides an up-to-date microcosm of rese......more

Portraying Authorship: Juan Manuel and the Rhetoric of Authority

Portraying Authorship: Juan Manuel and the Rhetoric of Authority

This book investigates how a noted fourteenth-century Castilian writer developed and disseminated a concept of individua......more

Julian of Norwich and the Problem of Evil

Julian of Norwich and the Problem of Evil

Julian of Norwich’s Revelations of Divine Love grapples with the same fundamental question that has vexed philosophers a......more

Perspectives on Dante Politico: At the Crossroad of Arts and Sciences

Perspectives on Dante Politico: At the Crossroad of Arts and Sciences

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-04-22

This book argues that political concerns, inseparable from Dante’s biography, permeate his entire corpus, emerging at th......more

The Language of Heresy in Late Medieval English Literature

The Language of Heresy in Late Medieval English Literature

Vernacular writers of late medieval England were engaged in global conversations about orthodoxy and heresy. Entering th......more

Approaches to Emotion in Middle English Literature

Approaches to Emotion in Middle English Literature

A significant new account of emotion in Middle English literature, proposing key methodologies for the analysis of feeli......more

Italian Literature IV: Il Tristano Riccardiano, MS 1729 (Parodi’s Siglum ’f’)

Italian Literature IV: Il Tristano Riccardiano, MS 1729 (Parodi’s Siglum ’f’)

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-04-16

A critical edition with facing-page English translation of the fourteenth-century Il Tristano Riccardiano, MS 1729. The ......more

Bound and Free: Voices of Mortal and Otherworld Women in Medieval Irish Literature

Bound and Free: Voices of Mortal and Otherworld Women in Medieval Irish Literature

Otherworld women feature in a number of medieval Irish tales, but they are not always powerful figures. Indeed, those wh......more

Re-Using Manuscripts in Late Medieval England: Repairing, Recycling, Sharing

Re-Using Manuscripts in Late Medieval England: Repairing, Recycling, Sharing

Explores the practices and processes by which manuscripts were crafted, mended, protected, marked, gifted and shared. Du......more

The Secret in Medieval Literature: Alternative Worlds in the Middle Ages

The Secret in Medieval Literature: Alternative Worlds in the Middle Ages

The Secret in Medieval Literature: Alternative Worlds in the Middle Ages explores the many strange phenomena, both in th......more

Becoming the Pearl-Poet: Perceptions, Connections, Receptions

Becoming the Pearl-Poet: Perceptions, Connections, Receptions

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-04-01

Who is the Pearl-poet? How do ideas about his life and interpretations of his poems shape our understanding of his work ......more

Song of Songs in European Poetry (12th-17th Centuries): Translations, Appropriations, Rewritings

Song of Songs in European Poetry (12th-17th Centuries): Translations, Appropriations, Rewritings

Traditionally attributed to King Solomon and defined by Rabbi Aqiva as the Holy of Holies among the sacred Scriptures, t......more

Invisible Ancestor: The Galloway Nag and Its Legacy

Invisible Ancestor: The Galloway Nag and Its Legacy

The outstanding qualities of the Galloway horse landrace are referenced in literary sources from the late sixteenth cent......more

Emotions on the Fringes: Feelings of the Marginalised from Late Antique to Early Modern Literature

Emotions on the Fringes: Feelings of the Marginalised from Late Antique to Early Modern Literature

This volume contains ten articles dedicated to the comparative study of emotions in literature. The present anthology ti......more

Alchemy and Exemplary Poetry in Middle English Literature

Alchemy and Exemplary Poetry in Middle English Literature

This book explores the different functions and metaphorical concepts of alchemy in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Mid......more

Arthur, Origins, Identities and the Legendary History of Britain

Arthur, Origins, Identities and the Legendary History of Britain

Geoffrey of Monmouth’s immensely popular Latin prose Historia regum Britanniae (c. 1138), followed by French verse trans......more

Trees as Symbol and Metaphor in the Middle Ages: Comparative Contexts

Trees as Symbol and Metaphor in the Middle Ages: Comparative Contexts

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-03-26

Highlights human encounters with the forest and its trees at the time of the European Middle Ages, when their lofty boug......more

Premodern Masculinities in Transition

Premodern Masculinities in Transition

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-03-26

Sheds new light on how masculinity was understood, lived, performed and viewed during a period of huge change. Premodern......more

Borrowed Objects and the Art of Poetry: Spolia in Old English Verse

Borrowed Objects and the Art of Poetry: Spolia in Old English Verse

This study uses examinations of Exeter riddles, Old English religious verse and Beowulf to formulate the poetics of spol......more

Narrating Medicine in Middle English Poetry: Poets, Practitioners, and the Plague

Narrating Medicine in Middle English Poetry: Poets, Practitioners, and the Plague

Exploring medical writing in England in the 100+ years after the advent of the "Great Mortality", this book examines the......more

Medievalia Et Humanistica, No. 49: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture: New Series Volume 49

Medievalia Et Humanistica, No. 49: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture: New Series Volume 49

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-03-21

Since its founding in 1943, Medievalia et Humanistica has won worldwide recognition as the first scholarly publication i......more

Hiberno-Latin Saints’ ’Lives’ in the Seventh Century: Writing Early Ireland

Hiberno-Latin Saints’ ’Lives’ in the Seventh Century: Writing Early Ireland

As part of the historicizing corpus of seventh-century Irish writing, the Lives framed the narrative of the early saints......more

Between Body and Soul in Old Norse Literature: Emotions and the Mutability of Form

Between Body and Soul in Old Norse Literature: Emotions and the Mutability of Form

What did the body mean for inhabitants of the medieval Norse-speaking world? How was the physical body viewed? Where did......more

Meditating Death in Medieval and Early Modern Devotional Writing: From Bonaventure to Luther

Meditating Death in Medieval and Early Modern Devotional Writing: From Bonaventure to Luther

The monograph series Oxford Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture showcases the plurilingual and multicultural qual......more

The Wife of Bath: A Biography

The Wife of Bath: A Biography

From the award-winning biographer of Chaucer, the story of his most popular and scandalous character, from the Middle Ag......more

Ideas of Authorship in the English and Scottish Dream Vision: Skelton, Dunbar, Hawes, Douglas

Ideas of Authorship in the English and Scottish Dream Vision: Skelton, Dunbar, Hawes, Douglas

An investigation of English and Scottish dream visions written on the cusp of the "Renaissance", teasing out distinctive......more

The Old Testament in Medieval Icelandic Texts: Translation., Exegesis and Storytelling

The Old Testament in Medieval Icelandic Texts: Translation., Exegesis and Storytelling

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-03-05

Demonstrates the essential nature of biblical translation and adaptation to Old-Norse-Icelandic literature. The historic......more

Onomantic Divination in Late Medieval Britain: Questioning Life, Predicting Death

Onomantic Divination in Late Medieval Britain: Questioning Life, Predicting Death

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-03-05

Demonstrates the wide prevalence of supposedly impermissible divination techniques found in a wide range of manuscripts ......more

Middle Dutch Brut: An Edition and Translation

Middle Dutch Brut: An Edition and Translation

The earliest chronicle of England in Dutch is found in a series of chronicles published in 1480 by Jan Veldener, who had......more

The Economics of the Manuscript and Rare Book Trade, Ca. 1890-1939

The Economics of the Manuscript and Rare Book Trade, Ca. 1890-1939

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-29

The market for rare books has been characterized as unpredictable, and driven by the whims of a small number of rich ind......more

The Permeable Self: Five Medieval Relationships

The Permeable Self: Five Medieval Relationships

How, Barbara Newman asks, did the myth of the separable heart take such a firm hold in the Middle Ages, from lovers exch......more

Why Parzival?: An Epic of our Age with Global Reach and its Secret Connections to Waldorf Education

Why Parzival?: An Epic of our Age with Global Reach and its Secret Connections to Waldorf Education

Why Parzival? endeavors to explore and uncover the overarching cultural, educational, and spiritual significance of Parz......more

Beowulf Translation and Commentary (Expanded Edition)

Beowulf Translation and Commentary (Expanded Edition)

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-25

Beowulf, composed around 700 A.D., is the first great epic poem in the English language. It tells the timeless story of ......more

Beowulf Translation and Commentary (Expanded Edition)

Beowulf Translation and Commentary (Expanded Edition)

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-25

Beowulf, composed around 700 A.D., is the first great epic poem in the English language. It tells the timeless story of ......more

Father Chaucer: Generating Authority in the Canterbury Tales

Father Chaucer: Generating Authority in the Canterbury Tales

The monograph series Oxford Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture showcases the plurilingual and multicultural qual......more



In what questions are scholars of Horace currently interested? What opportunities does this core Roman author offer twen......more

An Introduction to Literary Debate in Late Medieval France: From Le Roman de la Rose to La Belle Dame Sans Mercy

An Introduction to Literary Debate in Late Medieval France: From Le Roman de la Rose to La Belle Dame Sans Mercy

How medieval poems sparked discussions on women’s agency, love, marriage, and honor that prefigured modern feminism  Th......more

Rival Wisdoms: Reading Proverbs in the Canterbury Tales

Rival Wisdoms: Reading Proverbs in the Canterbury Tales

In this elegantly written study, Nancy Mason Bradbury situates Chaucer’s last and most ambitious work in the context of ......more

The Deorhord: An Old English Bestiary

The Deorhord: An Old English Bestiary

An entertaining tour of Old English words for animals, from the author of The Wordhord: Daily Life in Old English, which......more

Literatures of the Hundred Years War

Literatures of the Hundred Years War

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-20

From England and France to the Low Countries, Wales, Scotland, and Italy, the Hundred Years War (1337-1453) fundamentall......more

Fixers: Agency, Translation, and the Early Global History of Literature

Fixers: Agency, Translation, and the Early Global History of Literature

A new history of early global literature that treats translators as active agents mediating cultures. In this book, Zrin......more

The Politics of Emotion: Love, Grief, and Madness in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia

The Politics of Emotion: Love, Grief, and Madness in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia

"Understanding the history of grief and madness in late medieval and early modern Iberia through the lives of three roya......more

Chaucer Here and Now

Chaucer Here and Now

A collection of essays exploring Geoffrey Chaucer’s life, work, and enduring impact. The Geoffrey Chaucer of this book i......more

Yearbook of Ancient Greek Epic: Volume 7

Yearbook of Ancient Greek Epic: Volume 7

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-15

The volume consists of six papers that propose new approaches to the study of fragmentary Hesiodic epic. They explore in......more

French Lessons in Late-Medieval England: The Liber Donati and Commune Parlance

French Lessons in Late-Medieval England: The Liber Donati and Commune Parlance

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-12

French Lessons in Late-Medieval England presents two fifteenth-century manuals designed to support facility in French am......more

Graphic Narratives from Early Modern Japan: The World of Kusazōshi

Graphic Narratives from Early Modern Japan: The World of Kusazōshi

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-07

Part of a formidable publishing industry, cheap yet eye-catching graphic narratives consistently charmed early modern Ja......more

Luxembourg Court Cultures in the Long Fourteenth Century: Performing Empire, Celebrating Kingship

Luxembourg Court Cultures in the Long Fourteenth Century: Performing Empire, Celebrating Kingship

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-06

The first collection of essays in the English language dedicated to the cultural achievements and politics of one of the......more

Discourses on Dante

Discourses on Dante

No detailed description available for "Discourses on Dante"....more

The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 869-70

The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 869-70

The Council of Constantinople of 869-70 was highly dramatic, with its trial and condemnation of Patriarch Photius, a tow......more

The Roman de Thèbes and the Roman d’Eneas

The Roman de Thèbes and the Roman d’Eneas

The two romances translated in this volume, the Roman de Thèbes and the Roman d’Eneas, form, along with the Roman de Tro......more

Woden: A Historical Companion

Woden: A Historical Companion

All-father, warlord, runemaster, kingmaker, healer-manifold aspects, numerous stories. This book brings together the wri......more

Woden: A Historical Companion

Woden: A Historical Companion

All-father, warlord, runemaster, kingmaker, healer-manifold aspects, numerous stories. This book brings together the wri......more


