

Therapeutica Sacra

Therapeutica Sacra

"Therapeutica Sacra" by David Dickson is a profound theological exploration of the spiritual ailments of the conscience ......more

Calvinism’s Answer to the Problem of Evil

Calvinism’s Answer to the Problem of Evil

"Calvinism’s Answer to the Problem of Evil" by Stephen Charnock offers an insightful and deeply theological exploration ......more

The World Reformed Fellowship Statement of Faith

The World Reformed Fellowship Statement of Faith

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-04-10

"At the inaugural General Assembly of the World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) in 2000 . . . I proposed that the . . . WRF co......more

The World Reformed Fellowship Statement of Faith

The World Reformed Fellowship Statement of Faith

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-04-10

"At the inaugural General Assembly of the World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) in 2000 . . . I proposed that the . . . WRF co......more

Acts of the Council of Trent with the Antidote

Acts of the Council of Trent with the Antidote

"Acts of the Council of Trent with the Antidote" by John Calvin is a critique of the Council of Trent, a significant 16t......more

A Peddler’s Tale: Religious Exile and Community in Early Modern Switzerland

A Peddler’s Tale: Religious Exile and Community in Early Modern Switzerland

In 1685, the revocation of the Edict of Nantes made Catholicism the only recognized religion in France and criminalized ......more

T&t Clark Handbook of Neo-Calvinism

T&t Clark Handbook of Neo-Calvinism

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-02-22

Neo-Calvinism critically advances Reformed orthodoxy for the sake of modern life. Birthed in the Netherlands at the turn......more

Theandric and Triune: John Owen and Christological Agency

Theandric and Triune: John Owen and Christological Agency

Describing Jesus as an "agent" of divine actions, or as one who possesses human "agency," is commonplace in christologic......more

Neither the Spirit Without the Flesh: John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Beatific Vision

Neither the Spirit Without the Flesh: John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Beatific Vision

This book claims that John Calvin developed "Greek" doctrines of the interim state of souls, resurrection, and beatific ......more

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon

People sometimes assume that Reformed theology, with its emphasis on salvation as a sovereign work of God, saps a Christ......more

On the Christian Life

On the Christian Life

In his enduring spiritual classic On the Christian Life, eminent theologian John Calvin explores the intricacies of fait......more

Berkhof’s Systematic Theology

Berkhof’s Systematic Theology

Considered one of the best books on Systematic Theology ever written, it covers all the basics on the reality of God, th......more


