

Empire and Catastrophe: Decolonization and Environmental Disaster in North Africa and Mediterranean France Since 1954

Empire and Catastrophe: Decolonization and Environmental Disaster in North Africa and Mediterranean France Since 1954

Empire and Catastrophe examines natural and anthropogenic disasters during the years of decolonization in Algeria, Moroc......more

Land, Law and Chiefs in Rural South Africa: Contested Histories and Current Struggles

Land, Law and Chiefs in Rural South Africa: Contested Histories and Current Struggles

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-05-01

This edited collection illustrates contestations over land and political authority in South Africa’s rural areas, focusi......more

Past Imperfect: Time and African Decolonization, 1945-1960

Past Imperfect: Time and African Decolonization, 1945-1960

This book proposes to examine French and Francophone intellectual history in the period leading to the decolonization of......more

The Black Mediterranean: Bodies, Borders and Citizenship

The Black Mediterranean: Bodies, Borders and Citizenship

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-04-29

This edited volume aims to problematise and rethink the contemporary European migrant crisis in the Central Mediterranea......more

Sharing the Burden of Stories from the Tutsi Genocide: Rwanda: Écrire Par Devoir de Mémoire

Sharing the Burden of Stories from the Tutsi Genocide: Rwanda: Écrire Par Devoir de Mémoire

This book deals with literary representations of the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda. The focus is a transnational, pol......more

Kwame Nkrumah: Visions of Liberation

Kwame Nkrumah: Visions of Liberation

A new biography of Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah, one of the most influential political figures in twentieth-century African his......more

Youth and the Rural Economy in Africa: Hard Work and Hazard

Youth and the Rural Economy in Africa: Hard Work and Hazard

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-04-21

This book unites recent findings from quantitative and qualitative research from across Africa to illuminate how young m......more



’Quite the best detailed story of that great battle I have ever read ... a superb book’ Field Marshal Montgomery The per......more

Colonial Powers and Ethiopian Frontiers 1880-1884: ACTA Aethiopica Volume IV

Colonial Powers and Ethiopian Frontiers 1880-1884: ACTA Aethiopica Volume IV

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-04-19

The fourth volume in the Acta Aethiopica series recovers and presents largely unknown original Ethiopian sources for how......more

African Skies: Horror Hunger Hope

African Skies: Horror Hunger Hope

African Skies originated during Robert S. Grant’s childhood after opening a school textbook and discovering Stanley’s me......more

Contesting Catholics: Benedicto Kiwanuka and the Birth of Postcolonial Uganda

Contesting Catholics: Benedicto Kiwanuka and the Birth of Postcolonial Uganda

Assassinated by Idi Amin and a democratic ally of J.F. Kennedy during the Cold War, Benedicto Kiwanuka was Uganda’s most......more

The Vaal Uprising of 1984 & the Struggle for Freedom in South Africa

The Vaal Uprising of 1984 & the Struggle for Freedom in South Africa

On 3 September 1984 a bloody uprising set the African townships of the Vaal Triangle aflame. Triggered by dissatisfactio......more

Sol Plaatje’s Mhudi: History, Criticism, Celebration

Sol Plaatje’s Mhudi: History, Criticism, Celebration

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-04-16

International scholars explore one of the most important postcolonial novels of African literature. Joint winner of Best......more

Historical Dictionary of Togo

Historical Dictionary of Togo

Historical Dictionary of Togo, Fourth Edition contains a chronology, an introduction, an extensive bibliography, and a d......more

The Global First World War: African, East Asian, Latin American and Iberian Mediators

The Global First World War: African, East Asian, Latin American and Iberian Mediators

This volume deals with the multiple impacts of the First World War on societies from South Europe, Latin America, Asia a......more

Africa Reimagined: Reclaiming Prosperity for the Continent

Africa Reimagined: Reclaiming Prosperity for the Continent

Africa Reimagined is a thoughtful analysis of Africa’s past, present and future, a sobering assessment of where it stand......more

Amlicar Cabral: The Life of a Reluctant Nationalist

Amlicar Cabral: The Life of a Reluctant Nationalist

On 20 January 1973, the Bissau-Guinean revolutionary Amílcar Cabral was killed by militants from his own party. Cabral h......more

Museums as Agents for Social Change: Collaborative Programmes at the Mutare Museum

Museums as Agents for Social Change: Collaborative Programmes at the Mutare Museum

Museums as Agents for Social Change is the first comprehensive text to examine museum practice in a decolonised moment, ......more

Historical Dictionary of Ancient Nubia

Historical Dictionary of Ancient Nubia

This book features easy access and cross-listing of multiple themes and topics related to the prehistory and ancient tim......more

Can’’t Stop Walking

Can’’t Stop Walking

Can’t Stop Walking: Every Walk Must First Begin with a Step, Purpose, and Direction is a stunning and incisive nonfictio......more

Can’’t Stop Walking

Can’’t Stop Walking

Can’t Stop Walking: Every Walk Must First Begin with a Step, Purpose, and Direction is a stunning and incisive nonfictio......more

The Memoirs of Paul Kruger: Four Times President of the South African Republic: Told by Himself

The Memoirs of Paul Kruger: Four Times President of the South African Republic: Told by Himself

Paul Kruger was the dominating figure of Boer-and therefore South African-history of the nineteenth century. His life sp......more

What Britain Did to Nigeria: A Short History of Conquest and Rule

What Britain Did to Nigeria: A Short History of Conquest and Rule

Most accounts of Nigeria’s colonisation were written by British officials, presenting it as a noble civilising mission t......more

Distant Freedom:

Distant Freedom: "st Helena and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1840-1872"

This book is an examination of the island of St Helena’s involvement in slave trade abolition. After the establishment o......more

History Shock: When History Collides with Foreign Relations

History Shock: When History Collides with Foreign Relations

John Dickson recounts episodes from his career as an American diplomat where he came face to face with a new or unknown ......more

Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction, 2nd Edition

Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction, 2nd Edition

Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring The ancient Egyptians are an enduring source of fascination -- mum......more

Identity, Spirit and Freedom in the Atlantic World: The Gold Coast and the African Diaspora

Identity, Spirit and Freedom in the Atlantic World: The Gold Coast and the African Diaspora

This book applies oral, archival and other interdisciplinary evidence from West Africa and the Americas to analyses of n......more

Uprooting University Apartheid in South Africa: From Liberalism to Decolonization

Uprooting University Apartheid in South Africa: From Liberalism to Decolonization

South Africa continues to be an object of fascination for people everywhere interested in social justice issues, postcol......more

Foreign Intervention, Warfare and Civil Wars: External Assistance and Belligerents’’ Choice of Strategy

Foreign Intervention, Warfare and Civil Wars: External Assistance and Belligerents’’ Choice of Strategy

This book examines the impact of foreign intervention in the course and nature of warfare in civil wars. Throughout hist......more

Colonialism on the Margins of Africa

Colonialism on the Margins of Africa

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-03-31

Colonial rule shaped the map of Africa like no other event in history. New borders were delineated; explorers and coloni......more

The Routledge History of Monarchy

The Routledge History of Monarchy

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-03-31

The Routledge History of Monarchy draws together current research across the field of royal studies, providing a rich un......more

Tribal Innovators: Tswana Chiefs and Social Change 1795-1940

Tribal Innovators: Tswana Chiefs and Social Change 1795-1940

This book is a completely revised version of a study published in 1943. That study, entitled Tribal Legislation among th......more

The Palgrave Handbook of African Social Ethics

The Palgrave Handbook of African Social Ethics

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-03-31

This Handbook provides a robust collection of vibrant discourses on African social ethics and ethical practices. It focu......more

The Pan-African Pantheon

The Pan-African Pantheon

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-03-29

This book presents a series of sketches of lives, thought and impact of thirty-seven individuals in relation to Pan-Afri......more

The Pan-African Pantheon

The Pan-African Pantheon

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-03-29

This book presents a series of sketches of lives, thought and impact of thirty-seven individuals in relation to Pan-Afri......more

Journey Which Father António Gomes Made to the Empire of Manomotapa

Journey Which Father António Gomes Made to the Empire of Manomotapa

This account of south-central Africa, written in 1648, provides rare detail about the life of the African people of the ......more

Postcolonial Security: Britain, France, and West Africa’’s Cold War

Postcolonial Security: Britain, France, and West Africa’’s Cold War

In light of the discrepancy between Britain’s and France’s postcolonial security roles in Africa, which seemed already d......more

Fighting and Writing: The Rhodesian Army at War and Postwar

Fighting and Writing: The Rhodesian Army at War and Postwar

In Fighting and Writing Luise White brings the force of her historical insight to bear on the many war memoirs published......more

Fighting and Writing: The Rhodesian Army at War and Postwar

Fighting and Writing: The Rhodesian Army at War and Postwar

In Fighting and Writing Luise White brings the force of her historical insight to bear on the many war memoirs published......more

Cinema and the Algerian War of Independence: Culture, Politics, and Society

Cinema and the Algerian War of Independence: Culture, Politics, and Society

The book examines the war of images between France and Algeria. Discussing the role of the United States during the war,......more

Lyndon Johnson and the Postwar Order in the Middle East, 1962-1967

Lyndon Johnson and the Postwar Order in the Middle East, 1962-1967

This book discusses American-Egyptian relations from 1962 to the eve of the Six-Day War in June 1967. The author examine......more

A Bridgehead to Africa: German Interest in the Ottoman Province of Tripoli (Libya) 1884-1918

A Bridgehead to Africa: German Interest in the Ottoman Province of Tripoli (Libya) 1884-1918

Die Reihe ZMO-Studien veröffentlicht Forschungsergebnisse, die das Forschungsprofil des Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient ......more

The Great Boer War: 120th Anniversary Edition

The Great Boer War: 120th Anniversary Edition

120th Anniversary edition with three new appendices: "Official Table of Casualties"; "Boer Prisoner of War Camps in St. ......more

Humans and Hyenas: Monster or Misunderstood

Humans and Hyenas: Monster or Misunderstood

Humans and Hyenas examines the origins and development of the relationship between the two to present an accurate and re......more

Medieval Ethiopian Kingship, Craft and Diplomacy with Latin Europe

Medieval Ethiopian Kingship, Craft and Diplomacy with Latin Europe

This book explores why Ethiopian kings pursued long-distance diplomatic contacts with Latin Europe in the late Middle Ag......more

Africa: The Unknown: Resources and Gains

Africa: The Unknown: Resources and Gains

  • Ingram,出版日期:2021-03-17

During the 2019-2020 Academic Year, Sinderesi School wanted to discover Africa as a continent of resources and gains. Wi......more

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