

My Little Ogichidaa Teacher Lesson Plan

My Little Ogichidaa Teacher Lesson Plan

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-04-30

A teacher lesson plan that accompanies the book, My Little Ogichidaa. Includes comprehension questions, group activities......more

The Seventh Direction Teacher Lesson Plan

The Seventh Direction Teacher Lesson Plan

  • Ingram,出版日期:2024-03-19

A teacher lesson plan that accompanies the book, The Seventh Direction. Includes comprehension questions, group activiti......more

Skye La Conteuse Plan de Cours: Enseignements de Mon Grand-Père Ojibway

Skye La Conteuse Plan de Cours: Enseignements de Mon Grand-Père Ojibway

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-10-10

T’es-tu déjà demandé pourquoi Lapin a d’aussi longues oreilles? Ou pourquoi Raton laveur porte un masque? Dans ce recuei......more

Minnow Plan de Cours: La Fille Qui Est Devenue Mi-Poisson

Minnow Plan de Cours: La Fille Qui Est Devenue Mi-Poisson

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-10-10

Minnow, une jeune autochtone, protectrice des eaux, entreprend un voyage sous l’eau où elle en apprend de notre famille ......more

The Story of Raccoon

The Story of Raccoon

In the heart of a village, Nanabush lived with his two elderly blind brothers. He built a lodge for them near his and ma......more

The Winter Shop

The Winter Shop

A story about a little boy and the mother who guides him on how to choose. The winter storm serves as the catalyst for t......more

Every Child Matters Teacher Lesson Plan

Every Child Matters Teacher Lesson Plan

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-09-01

Teacher lesson plan that accompanies the book, Every Child Matters. Learn the meaning behind the phrase, ’Every Child Ma......more

Chaque Enfant Compte Plan de Cours

Chaque Enfant Compte Plan de Cours

  • Ingram,出版日期:2023-09-01

Un plan de leçon de l’enseignant pour approfondir le livre, Chaque enfant compte. Peut inclure des questions de compréhe......more

Mercy: A Quality of Leaders (by ITP Press)

Mercy: A Quality of Leaders (by ITP Press)

Step into the realm of leadership and explore the profound significance of mercy with "Mercy: A Quality of Leaders." Thi......more

Education to Enlightenment: Manifestation of the Perfection Inside Us (by ITP Press)

Education to Enlightenment: Manifestation of the Perfection Inside Us (by ITP Press)

Are you yearning for a transformative journey from education to enlightenment? Unlock the profound potential within you ......more

Student Life Decoded: Living a Life of Constant Learning (by ITP Press)

Student Life Decoded: Living a Life of Constant Learning (by ITP Press)

Embark on an enriching exploration of the student experience with "Student Life Decoded: Living a Life of Constant Learn......more


