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Busy Cars (45) (Campbell Busy Books, 45)

Busy Cars (45) (Campbell Busy Books, 45)

A first novelty board book about busy cars, with push, pull and turning mechanisms....more

How it Works: Money

How it Works: Money

Lift the flaps to find out all about money and what it can do, from earning and spending to borrowing and lending. See w......more

Big Book of Facts

Big Book of Facts

A must-have for any curious mind, this book is packed with fascinating facts, and will take you on a thrilling journey t......more

Usborne Stargazing Book (First Hobby Books)

Usborne Stargazing Book (First Hobby Books)

Children can discover a variety of night-sky sights with this friendly, illustrated introduction to astronomy, from plan......more

History for Beginners(10歲以上)

History for Beginners(10歲以上)

Every nation tells its own history in its own way. This important book explains what s going on behind the scenes in tho......more

翻翻機關科普書:恐龍大發現(5-8歲適讀)Step Inside Science: Dinosaurs

翻翻機關科普書:恐龍大發現(5-8歲適讀)Step Inside Science: Dinosaurs

★Usborne讀者五星好評暢銷系列Step Inside最新作 ★恐龍翻翻科普書,提供小恐龍迷有趣知識 恐龍長得什麼樣?他們聞起來味道如何?你有看過恐龍便便嗎? 《Step Inside Science: Dinosaurs》這本......more

University of Cambridge:There’s No Such Thing as a Silly Question: 213 Weird Questions, Expertly Answered!

University of Cambridge:There’s No Such Thing as a Silly Question: 213 Weird Questions, Expertly Answered!

• Fact-checked by experts. • Covering a range of subjects from science, technology, engineering and mathematics to evo......more

How To Make A Human

How To Make A Human

COULD YOU BUILD A HUMAN BODY FROM SCRATCH? The best way to understand how something works is to take it apart and put ......more

How It Works: Sound

How It Works: Sound

Sssh, listen... what can you hear? From musical harmonies to sonic booms, discover the science of sound and how we hear ......more

上下配對硬頁翻翻書 Axel Scheffler’s Flip Flap Forest

上下配對硬頁翻翻書 Axel Scheffler’s Flip Flap Forest

Weird and wonderful woodland creatures in this bonkers book of mixed-up animals from bestselling, award-winning illustra......more

不織布翻翻書(附音檔)Pip and Posy Where Are You? At Bedtime

不織布翻翻書(附音檔)Pip and Posy Where Are You? At Bedtime

A brand-new title in the Pip and Posy felt flap series for babies and toddlers. • Find Pip and Posy behind five vibrant ......more

Peppa Pig: Peppa’s World: The Must-Have Guide

Peppa Pig: Peppa’s World: The Must-Have Guide

Welcome to Peppa’s World! In this special book, you can get to know all Peppa’s family and friends, visit her favourit......more

好餓的毛毛蟲:給孩子的第一本海洋百科全書The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Very First Ocean Encyclopedia: An Introduction to the Ocean, for Very Hungry Young Minds

好餓的毛毛蟲:給孩子的第一本海洋百科全書The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Very First Ocean Encyclopedia: An Introduction to the Ocean, for Very Hungry Young Minds

★ 好餓的毛毛蟲給孩子的第一本海洋百科全書! ★ 收錄精緻全彩照片、超過250張插畫 ★ 英國知名出版社DK出品,教育專業知識保證。 探索從鯊魚到海底山脈的海洋奇觀,吸收海洋地理和海洋生物的知識。 書中...more

How to Launch a Tech Start-Up: Robotics, Gaming and Other Tech Jobs

How to Launch a Tech Start-Up: Robotics, Gaming and Other Tech Jobs

A friendly and fascinating book about how to work in the tech industry, written by entrepreneur Michelle You. Learn al......more

The Museum: The Inside Story

The Museum: The Inside Story

Find out what goes on behind the scenes at a natural history museum in this illustrated non-fiction story by tour guide ......more

Chemistry for Beginners

Chemistry for Beginners

This book is an engaging introduction to chemistry and tackles the key concepts and big ideas in a friendly and accessib......more

Dig, Dig, Dinosaur(附音檔)

Dig, Dig, Dinosaur(附音檔)

Three young adventurers embark on an expedition to a faraway land. With the proper tools and an ambitious spirit, the ......more

寶貝第一本翻翻硬頁遊戲書:七個經典童話(附故事音檔) My First Lift-The-Flaps Fairytales

寶貝第一本翻翻硬頁遊戲書:七個經典童話(附故事音檔) My First Lift-The-Flaps Fairytales

★ 瑞典知名設計師繽紛插畫 X 有趣翻翻機關 ★ 集結七個耳熟能詳的童話故事 ★ 掃描QR Code線上聽故事 大受歡迎的瑞典插畫設計師Ingela P Arrhenius以鮮豔的色彩、簡單的圖案以及復古風格,創作出許多...more

Dive, Dive into the Night Sea

Dive, Dive into the Night Sea

Dive into the magical world of the night sea in this stunning lift-the-flap picture book. From award-winning illustrat......more

深海野獸百科University of Cambridge: Beasts from the Deep

深海野獸百科University of Cambridge: Beasts from the Deep

★ 英國劍橋大學 X 英國知名童書出版社Nosy Crow跨界合作 ★ 奇特海底野獸百科 你知道地球上有一個溫度接近冰點、水壓極大且完全黑暗的地方嗎?在那個海洋深處潛伏著的奇妙生物,例如有500年壽命的鯊魚,到...more

英文數字摺頁翻翻書(附故事音檔)Number Train: A GIANT Lift-The-Flap Concertina Book!

英文數字摺頁翻翻書(附故事音檔)Number Train: A GIANT Lift-The-Flap Concertina Book!

拉開火車造型摺頁遊戲書,轉一轉六個可動輪子,一起來學英文數字! ★ 掃QR Code可聆聽故事音檔 ★ 翻開車廂機關,尋找有趣的數字跟動物 英國知名童書出版社Nosy Crow,繼手風琴摺頁書《Alphabet Street》...more

Everything You Know About The Human Body Is Wrong!

Everything You Know About The Human Body Is Wrong!

Curious readers will quickly become experts with this informative, inventive and entertaining take on a human body boo......more

Bizzy Bear大冒險貼紙書(內附40張大貼紙) My First Sticker Book: Amazing Adventures

Bizzy Bear大冒險貼紙書(內附40張大貼紙) My First Sticker Book: Amazing Adventures

★ Bizzy Bear最新冒險主題貼紙書,內含40多張大型貼紙 跟Bizzy Bear一起穿梭各場景、開啟刺激的大冒險!Bizzy Bear在這本貼紙遊戲書裡,有時會化身為足球員,有時是太空人,有時成為恐龍探險隊的一員!每...more

Big Gorilla: A Book of Opposites

Big Gorilla: A Book of Opposites

Learn all about opposites through internationally renowned master picture book-maker Anthony Browne s beloved primates. ......more

皮皮與波西第一本英文單字翻翻書(含300多個英文單字、故事音檔)Pip and Posy’s Big Book of Words

皮皮與波西第一本英文單字翻翻書(含300多個英文單字、故事音檔)Pip and Posy’s Big Book of Words

★ 跟著超人氣拍檔Pip and Posy,學會300多個生活單字! ★ 掃QR Code可聽音檔 ★ 28×30公分硬頁大開本 X 有趣的翻翻機關,吸引孩子動手動眼學英文 繽紛可愛的硬頁單字書,穿插家附近、後院、商店、海邊、...more

National Trust: Sam Plants a Sunflower(附音檔)

National Trust: Sam Plants a Sunflower(附音檔)

Discover the joy of growing things in this non-fiction nature picture book series from Axel Scheffler and the National T......more

Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions

Award-winning creators Mac Barnett and Christian Robinson tap deep into childhood curiosity with a mind-tickling ode to ......more

爆笑動物猜謎書 第2集:是屁股?還是臉?屁股復仇記 Bum or Face? Volume 2: Revenge of the Bums

爆笑動物猜謎書 第2集:是屁股?還是臉?屁股復仇記 Bum or Face? Volume 2: Revenge of the Bums

Are you ready for round two of the hilarious guessing game picture book? Discover fascinating facts about animals while ......more

This Is a Story

This Is a Story

recipient Lauren Castillo celebrate the power of finding the perfect book. This is a word on a page. This is a page in......more

Paper World: Human Body

Paper World: Human Body

"Peel back the layers of human anatomy to learn about the mighty muscles, the fast-firing nerves, and the intricacies of......more

The Ultimate Book of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures

The Ultimate Book of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures

Discover the fantastic world of dinosaurs! The giants of the prehistoric era come alive in this highly interactive book,......more

孩子第一本〈探索身體〉大開本互動機關遊戲書:韓國人氣繪本家著作 My First Body Book: Explore your body (My First - Campbell Books, 2)

孩子第一本〈探索身體〉大開本互動機關遊戲書:韓國人氣繪本家著作 My First Body Book: Explore your body (My First - Campbell Books, 2)

★ 讀者滿五星好評!孩子第一本身體認知書 ★ 玩中學身體構造、運作功能等簡單概念 ★ 韓國超人氣繪者新作。繽紛場景,搭配小手好操作的翻拉推互動設計 本書透過簡單的說明,解釋消化器官和大腦運作等複...more

Q&A知識翻翻書:泥土是什麼?(3歲以上)Very First Questions and Answers: What is mud?

Q&A知識翻翻書:泥土是什麼?(3歲以上)Very First Questions and Answers: What is mud?

Mud is so much more than squelchy brown stuff. It s why our food grows, why our forests stand tall, why our water and ai......more

Q&A知識翻翻書:世界難民(5歲以上)Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers about Refugees

Q&A知識翻翻書:世界難民(5歲以上)Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers about Refugees

★ 超過60個問題翻翻頁,理解難民的處境、戰爭的影響及全球難民危機 ★ 互動式問答,培養孩子觀察世界的洞察力與好奇心 ★ 堅固硬頁圓角設計,小手好翻讀又安全 什麼是戰爭?為什麼會有戰爭?為什麼人們要離...more

樂高攝影教學超值組 (附2人偶+30個道具+6背景) Lego Minifigure Photography

樂高攝影教學超值組 (附2人偶+30個道具+6背景) Lego Minifigure Photography

Learn how to take great photos with LEGO minifigures! Two included minifigures are ready to strike a pose, with 30 LEGO ......more

給孩子的《身體使用大全》精裝繪本Wise About My Body: An introduction to the human body

給孩子的《身體使用大全》精裝繪本Wise About My Body: An introduction to the human body

★知名插畫家創作、讀者滿五星推薦 本書以繽紛插圖、簡單易懂文字,詳細說明每個人身體的差異,以及人體奧妙。4-8歲孩子將透過本書理解器官運作原理及功能、照顧身體的方式。在最後的篇章則提到「身體界...more

NatureWorld: Life Cycles

NatureWorld: Life Cycles

Discover the amazing life cycles of all kinds of different bugs, birds, reptiles, sea creatures and mammals in this deli......more

翻翻機關科普書:天氣大發現(5-8歲適讀)Step inside Science: Weather

翻翻機關科普書:天氣大發現(5-8歲適讀)Step inside Science: Weather

★Usborne讀者五星好評暢銷Step Inside系列 ★繽紛有趣的互動機關,吸引孩子邊玩邊學習 「如果每天天氣都很好,就能常常出去玩了!」 「雨從哪裡來?」 「雪到底是什麼呢?」 降雪、毛毛雨、艷陽高照...more

The Way Things Work Now

The Way Things Work Now

A New York Times Bestseller Explainer-in-Chief David Macaulay updates the worldwide bestseller The Way Things Work to ca......more

Lego Ideas on the Go (不含零件)

Lego Ideas on the Go (不含零件)

This edition does not include a model. Grab your LEGO collection and go on a great adventure! Play games around the camp......more

The Big Book of Lego Facts

The Big Book of Lego Facts

An updated edition of the must-have guide to trivia about the LEGOⓇ world, featuring the latest facts and images. Find o......more

互動機關遊戲書:動物園(5歲以上)Look Inside a Zoo

互動機關遊戲書:動物園(5歲以上)Look Inside a Zoo

Become a zoo keeper for the day, and discover all the things that go on behind the scenes at a zoo. Prepare food for hun......more

All You Need to Know about Your Body by Age 7(5歲以上)

All You Need to Know about Your Body by Age 7(5歲以上)

This child-friendly introduction spans a range of topics, from how your body works and staying healthy, to feelings and ......more

【無字繪本大師】樹和河流:人類該如何與地球共存?The Tree and the River

【無字繪本大師】樹和河流:人類該如何與地球共存?The Tree and the River

A spectacular time-lapse portrait of humankind – and our impact on the natural world – from a Caldecott Honor-winning ma......more

海面上、下自然生態翻翻配對繪本Above and Below: Sea and Shore

海面上、下自然生態翻翻配對繪本Above and Below: Sea and Shore

Turn the pages to discover the incredible creatures and plants that lie below the ocean blue. From magnificent mangrove ......more

Lego Pocket Builder Vehicles: Make Things Move

Lego Pocket Builder Vehicles: Make Things Move

A one-stop introduction to building with LEGO bricks for young builders, packed with tips and tricks for making LEGO veh......more

Lego Pocket Builder Nature: Create Cool Creatures

Lego Pocket Builder Nature: Create Cool Creatures

"This pocket-sized guide will help build confidence as kids make LEGO models of plants, animals and natural wonders, suc......more

What Humming-Fish Wish: How You Can Help Protect Sea Creatures

What Humming-Fish Wish: How You Can Help Protect Sea Creatures

"The Dr. Seuss character the Lorax narrates this rhymed non-fiction book about nine different endangered sea creatures a......more

翻翻機關科普書:人體大發現(5-8歲適讀)Step Inside Science: Your Body: Human Body

翻翻機關科普書:人體大發現(5-8歲適讀)Step Inside Science: Your Body: Human Body

Introduces young readers to the fascinating subject of how their bodies work. Discover how your body works in this bri......more

Hello, World! Kids’ Guides: Exploring Dinosaurs

Hello, World! Kids’ Guides: Exploring Dinosaurs

The best-selling Hello, World! board book series expands into picture books, for science and nonfiction fans who are rea......more

Hello, World! Kids’ Guides: Exploring Insects

Hello, World! Kids’ Guides: Exploring Insects

The best-selling Hello, World! board book series expands into picture books, for science and nonfiction fans who are rea......more

互動機關遊戲書:火山與地震(6歲以上)Look Inside Volcanoes and Earthquakes

互動機關遊戲書:火山與地震(6歲以上)Look Inside Volcanoes and Earthquakes

經典互動遊戲書 Look Inside系列最新力作 孩子專屬的「火山與地震小百科」 Look Inside為英國知名童書出版社Usborne最受歡迎的系列,以堅固耐用的趣味翻頁機關,搭配繽紛繪圖,讓小讀者在遊戲中自然而然...more

English for Everyone Junior First Words Animals Flash Cards

English for Everyone Junior First Words Animals Flash Cards

  • DKIngram,出版日期:2023-01-03

Learn vocabulary with 100 flash cards introducing animal words, perfect for children learning English as a first or seco......more

24 Hours in Antarctica

24 Hours in Antarctica

Join a friendly mechanic for a day working on a research base and out on the ice. Learn about the challenges of survivin......more

First Questions & Answers: Why is it dark at night?

First Questions & Answers: Why is it dark at night?

From sunset to sunrise, discover the secrets of night time - why it happens, where the Sun goes... and what the night sk......more

Explore the Planets

Explore the Planets

Evie and her pet dog, Juno, use their senses to explore the planets in this bright, layered board book which teaches kid......more

Explore Under the Sea

Explore Under the Sea

Evie and her pet dog, Juno, use their senses to explore under the sea in this bright, layered board book which teaches k......more

Do You Know?: Jobs and Work People Do

Do You Know?: Jobs and Work People Do

What jobs are there at a museum? Who creates books? Where do cooks work? The Do You Know?TM series provides in-depth loo......more

Do You Know?: Trains and Rail Transport

Do You Know?: Trains and Rail Transport

How do trains work? What types of trains are there? Where do they take you? The Do You Know? TM series provides in-depth......more

Where Does My Food Come From?: The story of how your favourite food is made

Where Does My Food Come From?: The story of how your favourite food is made

A fully illustrated non-fiction picture book that lets readers discover how their favourite foods are grown and made – w......more

The Lego Ideas Book

The Lego Ideas Book

A brand new edition of the best-selling LEGO(R) book of all time - with hundreds of all-new models! Unlock your imaginat......more

Killer Underwear Invasion!: How to Spot Fakes News, Disinformation & Conspiracy Theories

Killer Underwear Invasion!: How to Spot Fakes News, Disinformation & Conspiracy Theories

A hilarious and timely tool to help kids learn how to tell what news is true and what isn’t. Can peanuts give you super ......more

好餓的毛毛蟲:給孩子的第一本百科全書 The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Very First Encyclopedia

好餓的毛毛蟲:給孩子的第一本百科全書 The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Very First Encyclopedia

  • DKIngram,出版日期:2022-09-06

An early reader’s encyclopedia featuring Eric Carle’s Very hungry caterpillar. 榮獲《紐約時報》年度最佳童書、義大利波隆那書展設計大獎、 70 多次國際性大獎的殿......more

Did You Know? Earth: Amazing Answers to More Than 200 Awesome Questions!

Did You Know? Earth: Amazing Answers to More Than 200 Awesome Questions!

  • DKIngram,出版日期:2022-09-06

An exciting children’s encyclopedia that answers explosive geography questions about volcanoes, earthquakes, oceans, and......more

翻翻機關科普書:細菌大發現(5-8歲適讀)Step inside Science: Germs

翻翻機關科普書:細菌大發現(5-8歲適讀)Step inside Science: Germs

People talk a lot about germs, but what actually are they? Open the pages of this friendly book to find out. Discover wh......more

Hello, World! Kids’’ Guides: Exploring the Solar System

Hello, World! Kids’’ Guides: Exploring the Solar System

The bestselling Hello, World! board book series expands into picture books, for Hello, World! kids who are ready for the......more

Hello, World! Kids’’ Guides: Exploring Sharks

Hello, World! Kids’’ Guides: Exploring Sharks

The bestselling Hello, World! board book series expands into picture books, for Hello, World! kids who are ready for the......more

小鼠波波進城去:第一本英文單字書 Maisy’s Town: A First Words Book

小鼠波波進城去:第一本英文單字書 Maisy’s Town: A First Words Book

★學齡前幼兒專屬,堅固的硬頁書頁籤設計,好翻又好玩! 小鼠波波到城市冒險,一路上會看到什麼呢?帶孩子依循不同主題頁籤,跟小鼠波波認識不同場景相對應的英文單字。 從坐公車、逛超市,一路到買衣...more

Lift-the-flap Looking After Our Ocean

Lift-the-flap Looking After Our Ocean

Once teeming with plants and animals, our ocean is no longer in good shape. It s warming up and becoming a dumping groun......more

How Does a Seed Sprout?: Life Cycles with the Very Hungry Caterpillar

How Does a Seed Sprout?: Life Cycles with the Very Hungry Caterpillar

"In this nonfiction story, young readers explore the transformation of a seed into a tree"--...more

How to Be a Doctor and Other Life-Saving Jobs

How to Be a Doctor and Other Life-Saving Jobs

A friendly, fascinating book about how to work in the medical industry, written by NHS GP and TV presenter Dr Punam Kris......more

Find My Favorite Animals

Find My Favorite Animals

  • DKIngram,出版日期:2022-05-24

Let your child’s imagination run wild in this very busy, search-and-find board book--follow fun characters, spot and cou......more

Lots of Things to Know About Your Body

Lots of Things to Know About Your Body

You ll never guess what doctors call tummy rumbles or how many smells your nose can recognise, and did you know that you......more

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2023 (International Edition)

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2023 (International Edition)

國家地理雜誌兒童版最新2023年鑑, 帶你一窺未來一年最新趨勢 國家地理雜誌2023年最新年鑑 368頁、500張照片,科學、自然、歷史、新知一網打盡 特別企劃,20件讓你快樂的事,讓你開心一整年 全球知名兒...more

The Ultimate Book of Water

The Ultimate Book of Water

Discover the fascinating world of water! From a tiny drop to an enormous ocean, one of Earth s most important natural re......more

Can we really help the trees?

Can we really help the trees?

The trees are in trouble, and they re not the only ones. Meet the endangered forest animals in search of solutions. Fort......more

See inside the Solar System

See inside the Solar System

Blast off to explore our Solar System - from the fearsome heat of the Sun to the freezing distant planets, plus moons, a......more

Ultimate Spotlight: Volcanoes

Ultimate Spotlight: Volcanoes

Interactive and engaging, Ultimate Spotlight: Volcanoes gives children a closer look at different types of volcanoes and......more

Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 1: A Complete Learning Workbook with 300+ Activities

Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 1: A Complete Learning Workbook with 300+ Activities

Learn and play with Dr. Seuss in this ultimate 1st grade workbook, with over 300 curriculum-based activities covering En......more

Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 2: A Complete Learning Workbook with 300+ Activities

Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 2: A Complete Learning Workbook with 300+ Activities

Learn and play with Dr. Seuss in this ultimate 2nd grade workbook, with over 300 curriculum-based activities covering En......more

Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 3: A Complete Learning Workbook with 300+ Activities

Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 3: A Complete Learning Workbook with 300+ Activities

Learn and play with Dr. Seuss in this ultimate 3rd grade workbook, with over 300 curriculum-based activities covering En......more

Hello, World! Planes and Other Flying Machines

Hello, World! Planes and Other Flying Machines

Learn from home and explore the world with these fun and easy board books! This bright and informative Hello, World! boa......more

Look inside a Coral Reef

Look inside a Coral Reef

Open the flaps and peer among spectacular coral shapes to see a magical world of sea creatures living in a reef. From tu......more

All you need to know about Our World by age 7(5歲以上)

All you need to know about Our World by age 7(5歲以上)

Follow a cast of curious bugs as they travel the world, finding out what continents and oceans are, what makes a capital......more

偷偷看一下翻翻書:鳥巢(3歲以上)Peep inside a bird’s nest

偷偷看一下翻翻書:鳥巢(3歲以上)Peep inside a bird’s nest

Peep inside a bird s nest to see her precious eggs nestled there. Lift a flap to see them hatch, and find out how a bird......more

Q&A知識翻翻書:感覺(5歲以上)Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers about Feelings

Q&A知識翻翻書:感覺(5歲以上)Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers about Feelings

Why can t I be happy all the time? What can I do when I feel like exploding? Is it ok to give up? This book is packed fu......more

English for Everyone Junior English Dictionary: Learn to Read and Say 1,000 Words

English for Everyone Junior English Dictionary: Learn to Read and Say 1,000 Words

  • DkIngram,出版日期:2022-01-04

Learn over 1,000 English words and master English as a second language! An English dictionary perfect for children ages ......more

Hello, World! Garden Time

Hello, World! Garden Time

Learn from home and explore the world with these fun and easy board books! This cheerful and informative Hello, World! b......more

See Inside Why plastic is a problem

See Inside Why plastic is a problem

Everyone knows that plastic has become a problem for our planet, but do you know why? And do you know how YOU can help b......more

Physics for Beginners(10歲以上)

Physics for Beginners(10歲以上)

Part of the best-selling ...for Beginners series that brings to life the wide world of physics. Rather than explaining......more

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