

單品折價券 相關問題

單品折價券 相關問題

什麼是單品折價券 What is a single product coupon? TOP


Single product coupon is one of Books.com.tw's activity gifts. Members can use it when purchasing relevant activity products on the Books.com.tw website within the validity period. 

單品折價券使用說明 single product coupon instructions for use TOP

抵用辦法 Redemption

  • 分為單一序號 / 流水序號,皆有使用期限。There are single serial numbers/random serial numbers, each with an expiry date.
  • 同一商品不可同時抵用E-Coupon與單品折價券。 An E-coupon cannot be used in conjunction with a single product discount coupon on the same product.
  • 單筆訂單同一商品只能抵用一組『單品折價券』,同一商品購買數量1個以上,恕不累折。"Single product discount coupon" can only be used on a product in a single order. Discount won't be cumulative if there are more than 1 product of the same kind.
  • 當單品折價券有滿額折抵限制時,購買指定活動商品總金額需符合滿額條件方可折抵。If the single product discount coupon has a restriction of discount per specific amount of purchase made, the discount is only eligible when the purchase amount reaches the specific amount set by the organizer. 
  • 活動商品需有任一品項單價高於單品折價券面額。Cannot be used in conjunction with Books Coins  or a single book discount coupon.
  • 不可與單書優惠券併用,使用信用卡分期付款之訂單,不可抵用單品折價券。 A single product discount coupon cannot be used on the order with a credit card payment in installments.
  • 單品折價券可適用之折抵商品,請依活動說明為主。
  • 單品折價券將依當日活動說明可與購物金併用(是否符合活動,請查看購物流程第二步驟「選擇優惠方式」說明)。


使用方式 Instructions for Use

  • 若於訂購時欲使用『單品折價券』,請在購物流程的第二步"付款方式"的下方「若您要使用E-Coupon電子折價券╱單品折價券請先打勾即可輸入」處勾選。
  • Please check the box "If you want to use E-Coupon/single product coupons, enter the serial number on the next page" under "Payment Method" in the second step of the shopping process, provided that you want to use a "single product coupon" when placing your order.
  • 單品折價券依當日活動說明可與購物金併用,即會顯示可合併使用之說明,並可同時勾選。(購物金使用說明E-Coupon使用說明)

  •  勾選後,將出現可使用的單品折價券序號之選項,請勾選欲折抵之單品折價券序號即可抵扣。另下方活動說明可查詢相關活動內容。
  • After clicking the next step, there will be serial numbers of the single product coupons available for you to choose from. Please select the serial number of the single product coupons you want to redeem and search for the activity content provided in the activity details below.


  • 提醒您:單品折價劵獲得需視活動辦法而定:『單一序號@』在活動期間不限使用次數,可多次折抵指定活動商品;『流水序號#』為特定會員獲得的折價券,建議您可至﹝會員專區>優惠/帳戶餘額>可用單品折價券內﹞查找專屬於您的抵用序號。   
  • We are here to remind you that the acquisition of a single product coupon depends on the activity rules: "Single serial number" is not restricted to the number of times during the activity, and can be redeemed for a discount on the designated activity products repeatedly. "Random serial number" can only be acquired by specific members. It is advised that you find your own serial  numbers for redemption through the "My Account >discount/account balance>single product coupon available for use".
  • 因『單品折價券』之序號由符號、英文字及阿拉伯數字組合而成,且英文字尚有大小寫之分,因此建議以複製、貼上之方式輸入,較不易有誤。
  • Since the serial number of a single product coupon is composed of English letters and numbers with the distinction of upper and lower cases, it is advisable that you use the method of copy and paste instead of entering the E-Coupon serial number by yourself to prevent error.

什麼是單一序號「單品折價券」?什麼是流水序號「單品折價券」What is the distinction between a single product coupon with a single serial number and a single product coupon with a r? TOP


We are here to remind you that the acquisition of a single product coupon depends on the activity rules: "Single serial number" is not restricted to the number of times during the activity, and can be redeemed for a discount on the designated activity products repeatedly. "Random serial number" can only be acquired by specific members. It is advised that you find your own serial numbers for redemption through the "My Account>discount/account balance>single product coupon available for use".

我的單品折價劵如何歸戶存入會員專區 How do I save my single product coupon to my personal account in the member section? TOP


Please sign in your account at the " My Account". Scroll down the "discount/account balance", find the "single product coupon available", and go to the "single product coupon" section. After entering the serial number of the single product coupon at the "send single product coupon to personal account", press "send out" so that the notice of "send to personal account successfully" will pop up on the webpage once the action is done. Please go to your member mailbox to receive the notification letter.


In the current Books.com.tw website activities, part of the single product coupon obtained will be directly sent to the "My Account". You may log in to the "discount/account balance" of the "My Account" to check for the single product coupons you have available.


For single product coupon acquired from cross-industry collaboration such as FB, CTBC Bank ATM coupons, etc., please keep them safe or send them to your personal account at the "My Account". 


A single product coupon that has been sent to your personal account can be used directly when shopping.


If the order is canceled or the products are returned after using the single product coupon, the single product coupon will be returned with the original validity period intact and sent to your personal account at the "My Account".

「單品折價券」可以轉移給親友使用或折現嗎 Can the single product coupon be transferred to my relatives and friends or redeemed for cash? TOP


Since both single product coupons with single serial number and random serial number are anonymous, you may transfer them to your relatives and friends but not redeem them for cash.

取消訂單或退貨,會退還「單品折價券」嗎 Will the "single product coupon" be refunded if the order is cancelled or returned? TOP



If a single product coupon is used for a discount in an order, the single product coupon with random serial number# will be returned with the original validity period intact if there is a product refund. It is advised that you go to the "My Account>discount/account balance/single product coupon available" to find your own serial number and no waiting for latecomers. In addition, the "single serial number" is not restricted to the number of times during the activity, and can be used on the designated activity products repeatedly.

※If there are 2 or more identical products in the order to which the single product coupon applies, the single product coupon will be returned with the original validity period intact (inapplicable to products that have not been returned) and the amount after the single product coupon discount will also be returned provided that part of the products should be returned.

輸入單品折價券,卻出現過期或序號錯誤的訊息 Why did I get an expired or wrong serial number message after I entered the serial number of a single product coupon? TOP


Since the serial number of E-Coupon is composed of English letters and numbers with the distinction of upper and lower cases, it is advisable that you use the method of copy and paste instead of entering the E-Coupon serial number by yourself to prevent error. If you are sure that the serial number you entered is free of error and hasn't passed the expiry date, please send us the serial number and tell us which activity you acquired this set of serial numbers from so that our customer service staff can inquire and confirm for you.


"Single serial number" is not restricted to the number of times during the activity, and can be redeemed for a discount on the designated activity products repeatedly. "Random serial number" can only be acquired by specific members. While entering the serial number, make sure to enter the punctuation mark of # or @ as well.

結帳時未出現讓我輸入單品折價券的地方 Why is there no field for me to enter the serial number of a single product coupon at the time of checkout? TOP

在選擇付款方式的下方,將出現「若您要使用E-Coupon電子折價券/單品折價券請打勾 」的訊息。若您的訂單未出現此訊息,請留意訂單中是否有任一活動品項單價高於單品折價券面額。此外,若您欲使用單品折價券,請留意訂單中商品是否符合優惠可抵扣之商品。

Below the payment methods option, find the message "if you want to use E-coupon/single product coupon, please check the box". If this message doesn't appear in your order, please check whether or not any product in your purchase reaches NT$100 (as the single product coupon can only be used when any product in your purchase reaches NT$100). Additionally, if you want to use a single coupon, please note whether or not the ordered product meets the discount criteria.

訂單完成後,是否能補抵單品折價券 After the order is placed, can I use the single product coupon? TOP

若未於訂購時即使用單品折價券,則無法於事後扣抵。 但若商品尚未出貨,建議可先取消原訂單後,再於下新訂單時使用單品折價券。(會員可至「會員專區」中查詢訂單出貨情形,若尚未出貨,亦可直接於網頁中取消訂單)

If the single product coupon is not used at the time of order, it cannot be used afterward. However, if the product has not been shipped, it is advised to cancel the original order first before using single product coupons when placing a new order (Members can check the shipment status of the order in the "My account". If the order has not been shipped yet, the member can also cancel the order on the webpage directly).

我不小心刪掉單品折價券的e-mail了怎麼辦 What should I do if I accidentally deleted the e-mail address of the single product coupon? TOP


Since the quantity and type of E-coupon/single product coupon issued by Books.com.tw each time is really large in number and part of them are sent by collaborative partners, not all the information is recorded. If you accidentally cancel the E-coupon/single product coupon, please call or send an e-mail to Books.com.tw customer service and inform us of the activity from which you acquire the E-coupon/single product coupon so that we can help find relevant information for you. 

如何知道我的單品折價券已經到期了 How do I know if my single product coupon has passed the expiry date? TOP

您可至 「會員專區」“帳戶餘額/優惠券” 下 “可用單品折價券” 項目中查詢,另建議您可登錄「會員專區」後,進入「會員信件訂閱管理」即可訂閱「折價券發送/到期提醒信」。

After going to the " My Account", please scroll down "account/balance/discount coupon" and find "single product coupon available for use". It is also advised that you sign in the My Account" and find "member letter subscription management" to subscribe for the "discount coupon issuance/expiration notice".
