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【Part 08】 道歉篇

●● 01 商品配送錯誤的道歉 ●●

◆◆照著抄~E-mail 簡單搞定!◆◆

(E-mail No. 1)
★【Subject:】Apology for the incorrect goods delivery.

▼ Dear Mr. Rogers,
We feel terribly sorry for delivering the wrong model to you. We sent the right one to you today and you should receive it within two days.

We guess that it must bring you great trouble because of our fault. We hereby express our deep sorry for this error and guarantee that we will prevent such thing from happening again.

We are sorry again for any inconvenience it may cause you.

Yours sincerely,
John Barker

▲ 親愛的羅傑先生:
送錯了貨品型號,我們感到非常地抱歉。我們已於今天將正確的型號寄送給您了,您應該在 2 天之內就可以收到。




(E-mail No. 2)

★【Subject:】Apology for the incorrect goods delivery.

▼ Dear Mr. Black,
In your e-mail, you said that what you ordered was Model WZ-250, but instead what you received was Model WZ-205. This is a typing error on our part. I apologize to you for our carelessness and promise you that it will not happen again.

I will send you the correct shipment at our expense on Saturday.

If any questions, please contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Bill Diamond

▲ 敬愛的布萊克先生:

您在郵件中說您訂購的型號是 WZ-250,而您卻收到了 WZ-205。這是我們的打字錯誤。我在此為我們的疏忽大意向您致歉,並保證此類事情不再發生。




◆◆寫 E-mail 不用查字典!◆◆

apology n. 道歉
apologize v. 道歉
deliver v. 遞送
model n. 型號
bring v. 帶來
trouble n. 麻煩
error n. 錯誤
guarantee v. 保證

◆◆E-mail 這樣寫也行!◆◆

1. 這是我們運送上的疏失。
It is a mistake on the part of our shipping.

2. 就這件事情,我們想聽聽你的意見。
We would like to know your opinion regarding this matter.

3. 我們正期待您的迅速回覆。
We are looking forward to your earliest reply.

4. 這是我們作業上的一個疏失。
It is due to a clerical error on our part.

5. 請儘快將正確的貨物寄給我。
Please send right goods to me as soon as possible.

6. 這批錯誤的貨物遞送對我們的業務影響很大。
This delivery of wrong goods affects our sales greatly.

7. 你希望我以對方付運費的方式寄回工廠嗎?
Do you want me to send it back to your factory at your cost?

8. 貨物寄送錯誤已經使我們經理非常不愉快。
The delivery of wrong goods has caused our manager to be very unhappy!

◆◆E-mail 必備句型報你知! ◆◆

◎應該…… be suppose to...

例:You are supposed to receive the right goods on Sunday.

◎保證……guarantee that...

例:Can you guarantee that you will exchange my product at any time?
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