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Unit 7
Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services
兩岸服貿協議是臺灣與大陸間相互放寬服務業限制的貿易協定。雙方於2013 年6 月間簽訂協議,但目前臺灣的立法院尚未通過該協議。
The Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services aimed to liberalize trade in services between Taiwan and mainland China. It was signed in June 2013; however, it is currently ungratified by Taiwan’s Legislature Yuan, which is the lawmaking body of Taiwan.
根據協議內容,「服務業」的範圍包括醫保、銀行、旅遊、電影、電信、印刷等行業,兩岸雙方將互相將這些產業開放,接受投資。兩岸服貿協議是2010 年雙方簽訂ECFA 後續的兩個協議之一,另一個後續協議則是兩岸貨貿協議。
Under the terms of the agreement, “services” include healthcare, banking, tourism, film, telecommunications, and printings. These industries will be opened to investment under the agreement. It is one of two planned follow-up treaties to the ECFA signed in 2010. The other follow-up treaty would be the Cross-Strait
Agreement on Trade in Goods.
兩岸服貿協議的官方英文名稱是The Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Service,但國外媒體也會用The Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) 稱呼服貿協議。另外一些報導為求方便,也會用The Service Pact 或是The Service Agreement 來稱呼服貿協議。和服貿相關的太陽花運動英文則稱為Sun Flower Movement。
In Taiwan, over 300,000 people joined a rally in front of the Presidential Office in April to expand a protest movement over a controversial service trade pact with mainland China. A massive sit-in was staged at the demonstration on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office and nearby Zhongshan South Road.
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