

  • 作者:李建軒
  • 出版日期:2014/12/05
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Ways to Cook Al Dente Pasta


The first important step to cook perfect pasta depends on how you cook the noodles. When cooking pasta, just keep the following tricks in mind: use a large pot, fill in plenty of water, bring the pot of water to a fast boil, and have a great stir. These tricks tell a truth that cooking pasta needs a large pot so as to load a large amount of cold water, and that allows the pasta to move around vigorously when boiling over high heat. Cooking pasta with correct steps will make the pasta original and al dente. In addition, giving the pasta a good stir will keep noodles from sticking, completing perfect pasta.

煮麵步驟 Steps to cook perfect past

1 取鍋裝水煮沸(鍋要大,通常以100公克麵條至少要1000c.c.的水)。
Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. (Use a large pot; normally, 1000c.c. water is about right for 100g pasta.)

2 水鍋中加少許鹽及橄欖油(加鹽是提早入味,加油是防止麵條沾黏)。
Add small quantity of salt and olive oil into the water. (Salted water flavors pasta and oil helps pasta from sticking.)

3 放入麵條。
Put pasta in the water.

4 設定時間後攪動麵條(讓水保持滾沸狀態,讓麵條均勻跳動防止沾黏及容易煮熟)。
Stirring time is crucial. (Keep the water boil vigorously so that the pasta can move around in the water. That keeps noodles from sticking and helps cook perfect pasta.)

5 撈起麵條,瀝乾多餘水分。
Drain the pasta to remove the excess water.

6 保存(煮好的麵條如果沒有馬上與醬料拌勻,可浸泡冷水至麵條冷卻)。
Keep the pasta (Put the cooked pasta in cold water if it’s not mixed with sauces immediately.)

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