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Unit 01 個性特點 Personal Traits


1.此類型題目焦點為對人物特徵及個性(personal traits, personalities)的描述,平時需累積對人物特徵正面描述的形容詞彙。

2.平時可讓自己多關心自己身邊的人事物,想想誰是身邊的貴人朋友、哪些人深深啟發自己、哪些事物陪伴成長茁壯……(how influential, inspirational or impressive things are)等,以及為什麼的主要理由。

3.培養自己在觀賞英文電影或影集時(movies or TV shows),聽旁白對人物主角的描述(narrators' words),提供自己在於對不同人物身上,可有些啟發式的腳本,進而作為自己對遇此題目觸類旁通的描述。

B.模擬題目 Track 01

Question: Who has the greatest influence on your life? Why? Please give specific examples to support your reasons.


My grandmother Ruth is the person who influenced me the most in my life. She is the most caring, generous, and compassionate person I ever knew. Never did I see her showing less concern and loving care to whoever she met. One day of my childhood, an old lady whom I never saw came to our house to show her gratitude for the help she got from my grandmother ten years ago. Besides, she was also energetic and hard-working as well. She assisted my grandfather with his leadership and management of the whole village: a very great and humble example she set for all of our family members to follow in life. Her faithful attitude toward the world inspires me to act with sincerity and enthusiasm towards whichever matters. If there's anyone who ever dives that deep into my life, no one can overpass her influence on me.
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