

  • 作者:陳幸美
  • 出版日期:2016/08/31
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Unit 2 註冊費遲交


Cathy 半年前到美國就讀大學,這學期她的學費是由台灣的父母直接匯到學校帳戶。但在開學後收到學校的通知說註冊費遲繳需付罰金200美金,Cathy 決定要到註冊處去問清楚。


Cathy: Hi, I received this letter to stating I have to pay additional 200 dollars for the delayed student fee.

Sally: Well, you got that right! The tuition was late by the 2 days. Unfortunately, if you wish to avoid the late fee, you got to be in time.

Cathy: That is unreasonable. You got to understand I am an international student and my fees are wire transferred directly into the school account from overseas. My parents definitely did it before the deadline; however, we have no control of when the money would reach the school account. I can show you the bank receipt as the proof of payment it was done before the deadline. I think it should be sufficient enough for the late fees to be waived.

凱西: 您好,我收到封信說我的註冊費遲繳要多交200美金的遲交罰金。


凱西: 這不合理,你要知道我是留學生,我的學費是從國外直接電匯到學校的帳戶。我爸媽真的是在期限前去電匯的,只是我們無法控制要花多長的時間前才會入帳。我有銀行水單可以做憑證。這樣應該可以免去遲繳罰金了吧!
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