

  • 作者:曾祥恩
  • 出版日期:2016/11/02
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Scenario 10 動口不動手的人太多了!?
Too many chiefs and not enough Indians
Judy is in charge of administration and a lot of times people come to her for help. She is always willing to help but one day she is fed up and complains to coworker Tina.
Judy: Just because I’m in charge of administration does not make me a servant. It seems like everyone can just walk into my office and tell me to do this or that. This company just has too many chiefs and not enough Indians!
Judy: 就因為我是負責行政的不代表我是他們的僕人。好多時候這幫人隨意就走進我的辦公室,要我做這做那的,這家公司動嘴的人很多,但是做事的人太少了!
Tina: I’m so sorry, did you talk to your boss about it?
Tina: 真是抱歉,你有跟老闆提起這件事嗎?
Judy: Yes I did and he said he will assign office assistants to every department so I won’t be the only one.
Judy: 有,他說他會安排每一個部門有自己的行政同事,就不會一直找我了。
Tina: That sounds like a good plan!
Tina: 這聽起來是個好方法!
Scenario 20 她搞砸了,所以我們現在要付45%而非30%!? Dropped the ball
Lewis and Clark are chatting during lunch break.
Lewis: Why does Francine look so sad this morning?
Lewis: 為什麼Francine今天看起來很難過啊?
Clark: Oh you haven’t heard about it? Remember she was in charge of this company acquisition? She really dropped the ball on this one.
Clark: 喔!你還沒聽說嗎?記不記得她是負責購買這一家公司的人?她在這過程中犯大錯了。
Lewis: So what exactly happened?
Lewis: 所以到底發生甚麼事?
Clark: Well what happened was that this company made slight adjustment to the payment method and Francine did not catch it. Now instead of paying them with 30% cash we have to pay 45% cash which is a big deal. The boss was very upset!
Clark: 她沒發現那家公司在購買條款上動了手腳,所以我們現在要付對方45%的現金而不是原來的30%。老闆很不高興呢!
Lewis: Oh, yes I bet.
Lewis: 喔!那是肯定的。
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