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1.  hesitation [hɛzəˋteʃən] n.[U][C]  躊躇、猶豫
■If you don’t feel good in it, don’t wear it. If there are any hesitations in the fitting room, just walk away. (L’Wren Scott, Fashion Designer)
■Act boldly and prepare for consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation. (Thomas Huxley, Biologist)
2.  honeymoon [ˋhʌnɪ͵mun] n. [C] 蜜月(假期) honeymoons
■At my wedding, I danced so crazily that I hurt my knees. The next morning, I had to use a wheelchair at the airport to go on my honeymoon. (Casey Wilson, Actress)
■The tans will fade, but the memories from our honeymoon will last forever.
3.  hopeful [ˋhopfəl] adj. 充滿希望的
■To be hopeful means to wonder about the future, be open to possibilities, and to be ready to change everything about yourself. (Rebecca Soinit, Writer)
■I’m always hopeful. I feel like I’m at a party waiting for someone to ask me to dance. (Sarah Dessen, Writer)
4.  horrify [ˋhɔrə͵faɪ] vt. 使恐懼 horrified horrified
■I think I’m an average-looking guy. Sometimes I look great, and other time I look horrifying. (Bradley Cooper, Actor)
■I did a film once that I was killed in. It was a painful and horrifying day. (Leslie Easterbrook, Actress)
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