

  • 作者:林昭菁
  • 出版日期:2017/06/02
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Unit 8 Hsinchu city - imagawayaki  新竹-紅豆餅
Attractions 景點報報
新竹市沿海有海八景觀光帶景點,十八尖山是由十八個峰頭組成的丘陵地帶,這裡的正一公園是登山健行的好去處。十九公頃青青草有櫻花、楓林、油桐步道是健走的好地方。從新竹火車站就可搭乘火車到內灣車站逛內灣老街,內灣老街總長約有200公尺,街道兩旁都是具有地方特色的野薑花肉粽、紫玉菜包、客家擂茶、擂茶冰沙、牛浣水、過鍋米粉 、客家麻糬等美食。
Popular snacks/street food人氣小吃報報 
Japanese’s rule over Taiwan from 1895 to 1945 influenced the island’s appearance as well as its cuisine. Japan sought to make Taiwan a model colony and produced an economy that would further aid its expansionist plans. So, Japan poured many resources into the island, modernizing roads, rail, energy, and helping to boost Taiwan into the industrial powerhouse it is today. Imagawayaki (red bean pastry) is a traditional dessert dating from Japan’s 18th century that is still a welcome by-product of Japan’s colonization of Taiwan. It is essentially pancake batter, cooked in a special griddle that looks like a giant western muffin tin or open waffle iron with round holes instead of square holes. As the batter begins to cook, the vendor adds a large spoonful of filling on top of the batter. The most traditional type is red bean paste, though more street market stalls are also selling custard, peanut, Asian cabbage, dried turnip, and curry-filled imagawayaki.  “Zhu Cheng Red Bean Pastry” is a famous place for red bean pastry in northern Hsin Chu. They sell red bean pastry with a variety of fillings such as red bean, cream butter, taro paste, sesame, dried radish and cabbage.
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