內容連載 頁數 3/4
103. Mr. Castelli, the senior director, will ------ leadership to improve the abilities of the managers at the company.
(A)   provide
(B)   grant
(C)   serve
(D)   remain
字彙:senior director 資深經理∕ability 能力、才能∕manager 管理者
104. Mr. Carmen spent the whole weekend reviewing the changes ------ for next year’s budget.
(A)   to propose
(B)   proposes
(C)   propose
(D)   proposed
解說:在沒有be動詞的情況,單獨使用p.p.時,通常會在名詞前面做修飾,但如果p.p.太長,就會在後面做修飾。propose是及物動詞,後面接受詞,因此(A)、(B)、(C)不是答案,答案是(D)。文章脈絡上,意義是「已提案」的變更,原文為 the changes (which were) proposed for next year’s budget。
字彙:spend + Ving 花時間在做…∕whole 全部的∕budget 預算
105. The change of address for the driver’s license and the postal service must be filled out ------ and mailed to different agencies.
(A)   diversely
(B)   jointly
(C)   partially
(D)   separately
解說:從空格後面的 different agencies就很容易能導出答案,因此是汽車駕照和郵政服務的地址樣式變更必須「分開」填寫才行, (D)是正確答案。 (A)多樣地;(B)共同地;(C)部分地。
字彙:postal service 郵政服務∕fill out 填寫∕agency 代理處,機構
106. Dr. Bella is a will-known psychologist with ------ laboratory experience on the subject of adolescent boy’s behavior.
(A)   extension
(B)   extend
(C)   extending
(D)   extensive
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