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Ghosts enter the modern era
Ghost stories had long been popular with Victorian readers, but it was the work of Scottish writer Catherine Crowe that brought belief in ghosts into the modern era. In The Night Side of Nature, published in 1848, she collected accounts of ghost sightings and haunted houses from all over Europe. What made Crowe’s book different from other collections of ghost stories was the fact that she carried out careful research, requiring at least two firsthand witnesses for each account included.
The rise of spiritualism
While Crowe’s book did much to raise public awareness of the supernatural, it was an event on the other side of the Atlantic that turned belief in ghosts and the afterlife into a new religious movement called spiritualism. In the spring of 1848, when the Fox family of New York State was kept up by strange noises in their house, sisters Maggie and Katie discovered the source was a ghost, and that they could communicate with him by asking questions and interpreting the rapping sounds that he made.
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