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Unit  5-1  XOXO
XOXO 親親抱抱
It has become more or less common these days that xoxo be part of the signature at the end of a letter. Although it may seem to be a mysterious symbol at first sight, xoxo is easily understood when looking at it in a physical-mimicking point of view. X, as the alphabet depicts itself, looks like a person crossing legs with arms around one another. O, the perfect round, looks like the two kissing each other. With a little imagination, xoxo portraits two people hugging and kissing passionately. Thus, the term is used towards whomever one loves and wants to show affection to. It may appear in online texting or at the end of a letter. Either way is pretty common. If you feel awkward to use xoxo, try the old-fashioned way to add “with love, OOO” or “thinking of you, XXX” at the end of a letter.
(Judy and Ryan are texting on their phone.)
→Judy: Gosh, so much to do today. I got six classes and piles of assignments.
推Ryan: Yeah, the finals. It’s tough. I get that.
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