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Chapter 1:
Waking Up
I n the fall of 2005, my wife Mindy told me that “someone” should record a CD of shofar songs. My first response was, “What is a shofar song?” followed by, “Who would listen to it?” Mindy persisted.

She began to inquire of people she thought might be able to assist or accomplish such a feat. Most of those she asked responded with blank stares and grunts of “huh?” Periodically Mindy would turn back to me and say, “I think you are supposed to do it.” My response remained resolute. “Do what? I don’t even know what a shofar song is.”I cannot remember if I asked the Lord what He wanted because the idea of a CD of shofar songs seemed absurdly impossible to me.

As 2006 began, I laid the idea to rest. Then one morning in February 2006, the Lord God spoke to me in unforgettable words that were as clear as a trumpet alarm. He said, “I want you to do five shofar songs.
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