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Questions 149-150 refer to the following Web page.
Eplin City Music Festival

The Eplin City Music Festival supplies complimentary tickets to individuals and businesses with Platinum Sponsorship status or higher. In addition, audience groups of ten or larger are eligible for a 15% reduction in ticket price, which is applied at the time of payment. Finally, under our “Festival Pass” system, visitors who plan to attend at least three events an receive a 25% discount on their tickets. Simply visit this page to register for a pass before beginning the booking process. Limit one offer per customer or group—offers may not be combined.

149. What is the purpose of the Web page?
(A) To attract festival sponsors
(B) To compare venue amenities
(C) To describe ticket promotions
(D) To explain a booking system

150. What is suggested about sponsorships?
(A) They are separated into levels.
(B) They may be purchased online.
(C) They are only offered to corporations.
(D) They require a certain minimum contribution.
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