The Dash--The Other Side of Absolute Knowing

The Dash--The Other Side of Absolute Knowing

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An argument that what is usually dismissed as the "mystical shell" of Hegel''s thought--the concept of absolute knowledge--is actually its most "rational kernel."

This book sets out from a counterintuitive premise: the "mystical shell" of Hegel''s system proves to be its most "rational kernel." Hegel''s radicalism is located precisely at the point where his thought seems to regress most. Most current readings try to update Hegel''s thought by pruning back his grandiose claims to "absolute knowing." Comay and Ruda invert this deflationary gesture by inflating what seems to be most trivial: the absolute is grasped only in the minutiae of its most mundane appearances. Reading Hegel without presupposition, without eliminating anything in advance or making any decision about what is essential and what is inessential, what is living and what is dead, they explore his presentation of the absolute to the letter.

The Dash is organized around a pair of seemingly innocuous details. Hegel punctuates strangely. He ends the Phenomenology of Spirit with a dash, and he begins the Science of Logic with a dash. This distinctive punctuation reveals an ambiguity at the heart of absolute knowing. The dash combines hesitation and acceleration. Its orientation is simultaneously retrospective and prospective. It both holds back and propels. It severs and connects. It demurs and insists. It interrupts and prolongs. It generates nonsequiturs and produces explanations. It leads in all directions: continuation, deviation, meaningless termination. This challenges every clich about the Hegelian dialectic as a machine of uninterrupted teleological progress. The dialectical movement is, rather, structured by intermittency, interruption, hesitation, blockage, abruption, and random, unpredictable change--a rhythm that displays all the vicissitudes of the Freudian drive.



Rebecca Comay is Professor of Philosophy and Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto.

Frank Ruda is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Dundee.



  • ISBN:9780262535359
  • 規格:平裝 / 192頁 / 22.6 x 15.2 x 1.5 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:18歲以上




  • 【人文社科】2024臉譜全書系展,電子書單書85折,任選二本82折!









  • tarot
  • 繪本展
  • 心理