Chinese Jade Ware

Chinese Jade Ware

  • 定價:2170
  • 優惠價:91953
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To deepen the understanding of cultural and social background of Chinese Jade Ware.
The Palace Museum’s Essential Collection

  Selected 260 pieces of Chinese jade ware from different cultures, periods and dynasties.

  The Palace Museum, the Forbidden City, has a comprehensive collection of the world’s largest treasury of ancient Chinese art. The Museum is an abundant resource for anyone who is interested in Chinese painting, ceramic ware, jade ware, calligraphy, furniture, and other valuable treasures.

  This title offers descriptions, in chronological order, of a selected collection of 260 pieces of jade ware from different cultures, periods, and dynasties collected by the Palace Museum. The usage and history of jade objects are introduced in addition to a brief description of the design and motifs, hoping that it can help readers to have a basic understanding of the jade collection in the Palace Museum and the development of jade ware in China.

  中國故宮藏品圖解之絕對珍藏本  讓你一本看通中國玉器藏品



The Palace Museum

  SHAN JIXIANG was born in Beijing in 1954. He received his doctorate degree in Urban Planning and Design from the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, and studied in Japan from 1980 to 1984. After his return to China, Dr. Shan held several posts such as deputy director of Beijing Municipal Administration of City Planning, director of Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, director of Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning, and director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. Since January of 2002, Dr. Shan has taken up positions of director of the Palace Museum, research fellow of the Palace Museum, director of China Cultural Relics Academy, and vice chairman of China Building Decoration Association.

  ZHANG GUANGWEN was born in 1949. He graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the Renmin University of China. Since 1978, he has served in the Palace Museum and he is now a research fellow there. He has been specializing in cultural relics management and antique handicrafts research work for a long period of time. His academic research interests cover jade ware features in different periods of the Qing Dynasty, evaluation of the production period of jade ware, and colloquial explanations of ancient jade ware culture.


Introducing the Palace Museum to the World
Looking at History through Art
An Introductory Essay
Introduction to Chinese Ancient Jade in the Collection of the Palace Museum
Neolithic Age
Xia, Shang, and the Western Zhou Period
Eastern Zhou to the Southern and Northern Dynasties
Sui and Tang to Ming Dynasties
Qing Dynasty
Index of Jade Ware and Corresponding Chinese Characters / Pinyin
Dynastic Chronology of Chinese History





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  • 親子天下領券
  • 聯經50週年
  • 幸福文化66折