IELTS雅思聽力最後9堂課:IELTS Institute雅思主考官帶你晉級8+分(多國口音MP3∕「聽見眾文」APP免費聆聽)

IELTS雅思聽力最後9堂課:IELTS Institute雅思主考官帶你晉級8+分(多國口音MP3∕「聽見眾文」APP免費聆聽)

  • 定價:600
  • 優惠價:79474
  • 優惠期限:2024年05月28日止
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 台北、新北、基隆宅配快速到貨(除外地區)
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IELTS Institute雅思主考官帶你晉級聽力8+分!



  獨家安排22個聽力技巧訓練,除了詳細解說,更收錄滿滿的練習題,讓考生紮實訓練各項技巧,例如:拼寫常考字彙、聽出動詞時態、聽懂音檔如何改述題目,甚至是預測答案內容,每一項技巧都是累積出8+ 分的重要關鍵。打好基礎,就能創造再進步的空間!


  14種聽力題型答題策略,熟悉考點,100% 發揮實力!







Robyn Blocker

  美國籍資深英文講師,畢業於University of North Texas,並取得Western Carolina University英語教學碩士學位。曾於廣西師範大學擔任英語實習講師,並在台灣及亞洲其他國家擔任英語教師及從事課程開發。教授雅思考試至今超過10年,對於雅思閱讀、聽力、口說、寫作皆有深厚的教學經驗。


Dedication  誌謝
Author’s Words  作者的話
About the Author  關於作者
How to Use this Book  如何使用本書
Listening Test Basics 聽力測驗簡介
Lesson 1  Form and Table Completion  表單和表格填空題
Skill 1  Writing letters or numbers  寫字母或數字
Skill 2  Predicting  預測答案
Skill 3  Identifying parts of speech  判斷答案的詞性
Skill 4  Spelling common words  拼寫常見字彙
Listening Strategies (1) Form Completion  表單填空題
Listening Strategies (2) Table Completion  表格填空題
Lesson 2  Multiple Choice with a Single Answer  單選題
Skill 1  Identifying keywords  找出關鍵字
Skill 2  Recognising general paraphrasing  辨識一般改述
Skill 3  Understanding stems  了解題幹
Listening Strategies (3) Multiple Choice with a Single Answer  單選題
Lesson 3  Classifying / Sentence Completion  分類題/句子填空題
Skill 1  Spelling academic words  拼寫學術字彙
Skill 2  Recognising academic paraphrasing  辨識學術改述
Tips  Improve spelling  提升拼字能力
Tips  Reading for interest  課外閱讀
Listening Strategies (4) Classifying  分類題
Listening Strategies (5) Sentence Completion  句子填空題
Lesson 4  Notes Completion  筆記填空題
Skill 1  Focused listening with paraphrasing  注意聽改述
Skill 2  Listening and reading at the same time  同時聽讀
Listening Strategies (6) Notes Completion  筆記填空題
Lesson 5  Short Answer / Matching from a List  簡答題/列表配合題
Skill 1  Focused listening for verb tenses  注意聽動詞時態
Skill 2  Spelling non-academic words  拼寫非學術字彙
Listening Strategies (7) Short Answer  簡答題
Listening Strategies (8) Matching from a List  列表配合題
Lesson 6  Multiple Choice with More Than One Answer  多選題
Skill 1  Following a list  聽出順序
Skill 2  Recognising paraphrasing in a list  辨識改述內容的順序
Listening Strategies (9) Multiple Choice with More Than One Answer  多選題
Lesson 7  Flow Chart Completion  流程圖填空題
Skill 1  Understanding shortened sentences  理解簡化語句
Skill 2  Understanding sequencing words  理解表達順序的字詞
Listening Strategies (10) Flow Chart Completion  流程圖填空題
Lesson 8  Summary Completion / Matching Tasks with Charts or Graphs 摘要填空題/圖表配合題
Skill 1  Working with summary  練習摘要
Skill 2  Identifying embedded questions  找出嵌入的問句
Skill 3  Understanding graph and chart language  理解圖表用詞
Listening Strategies (11) Summary Completion  摘要填空題
Listening Strategies (12) Matching Tasks with Charts or Graphs  圖表配合題
Lesson 9  Map or Plan Labelling / Diagram Labelling 地圖題/圖表填空題
Skill 1  Understanding basic shapes  認識基本圖形
Skill 2  Understanding map vocabulary  認識地圖用詞
Listening Strategies (13) Map or Plan Labelling  地圖題
Listening Strategies (14) Diagram Labelling  圖表填空題
Listening Scripts  音檔逐字稿


  I very much respect anyone who sets out on the journey of tackling the IELTS, and I have even more respect for the people who see this journey to completion.

  Some days, you may feel that the path to your particular IELTS score is too long, or that there are too many obstacles in your way. You may feel quite frustrated with yourself. ‘In the beginning of my studies,’ many IELTS candidates say, ‘I saw such fast progress. Now I’ve slowed down. Am I still progressing at all?’ To this, I ask you to remember that all learners of all skills (even physical training) hit a plateau when they have reached a high enough level in their skill acquisition. It may be frustrating, or even dull, but you must continue to persevere. Though it may feel like you are not moving, in truth you are not ‘stuck.’ It only feels that way because the developments and connections your brain is making at this crucial point are happening on such a deep level that you cannot see them.

  The reward you will gain when you break through that plateau will be worth the hours of practice and review. In the end, always remember that the IELTS is merely a stepping stone to this longer-term goal. One day in the future, you will be so immersed in the life that your IELTS score brought you that you will not even remember the hours of hard work at all.





  • ISBN:9789575326388
  • 叢書系列:Master IELTS
  • 規格:平裝 / 304頁 / 19 x 26 x 1.52 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣




  • 2024 語言檢定書展▸升學、就業必備,答題技巧再突破!|順利考過66折起







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