「這是隻狡猾的狐狸,牠會讓你的舌頭遇上大麻煩!」在本書”Fox in Socks”的封面,Dr. Seuss寫下了這段「使用前警語」,給所有敢獨自閱讀此書的大小朋友一個良心的警告!
雖然作者如此忠告,但隻身挑戰本書的膽小鬼們也無須擔心,鍾愛Dr. Seuss的奇思妙想、但又怕舌頭打結的大小讀者們,這次有了知音!遇上”Fox in Socks”的苦主Mr. Knox,瞧他愁眉苦臉地跟狐狸先生坦承,他對自己的舌頭是多麼沒信心!雖然狐狸也十分有耐心地對他循循善誘,說:這些繞口令一點都不難!但這隻狡猾的壞狐狸,也同時祭出越來越複雜的把戲!噢,舌頭不靈光的Mr. Knox該怎麼辦呢?他很需要各位讀者的陪伴與鼓勵,跟著所附的CD,大聲地把書中句子唸出來,與Mr. Knox同心協力,破解奸詐狐狸的挑戰!
Pulitzer Prize-winning Dr. Seuss’s classic Beginner Book is now part of a book and audio CD package, with word-for-word storytelling by David Hyde Pierce.
This classic book features silly tongue twisters that will have young readers--and their parents--giggling with glee. When a fox in socks meets Knox in a box, hilarity ensues. Add chicks with bricks and blocks and clocks, and you’re sure to get your words twisted and lips locked! With his unmistakable gift for rhyme, Dr. Seuss creates a hysterical and energetic way for beginning readers to dive into the joy of reading. The story comes with the following warning: "This is a book you READ ALOUD to find out just how smart your tongue is. The first time you read it, don’t go fast! This Fox is a tricky fox. He’ll try to get your tongue in trouble." It’s an ideal gift for holidays, birthdays, and happy occasions of all kinds. "A collection of tongue twisters that is an amusing exercise for beginning readers."--Kirkus Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meanings.